Thursday, July 31, 2008

3-d Tonka Truck Birthday Cakes

Epilogue ...

“Realizzare questo blog non sarà impresa facile; devi essere pronta ad affrontare un PC e, soprattutto, i commenti che la gente lascerà sui tuoi post, che potranno anche essere difficili da accettare. Se però te la senti di procedere, ti darò il mio appoggio incondizionato”. Così mi sono detta quando, per la prima volta, ho avuto l’idea di non fare un esame d’Informatica tradizionale ma di provare quest’altra strada. E la mia decisione è stata: voglio provarci comunque. Overall, I'm glad I made this blog, even though I had my moments of uncertainty. It's not that, ultimately, I had a few messages to be sent to any player ... I had only felt the emotions if they had read my post. Emotions of any kind, whether positive or negative ... well, any emotion would have been fine, just try something reading my post. And that's what I still think. Although it was a unique feeling, that is enough to make me happy, and I hope you do not ever forget. Here, I want anyone who has followed this blog knows this. I believe that blogs are a strange product, a kind of product d’intrattenimento, perché li si può leggere superficialmente senza dargli alcuna particolare importanza, oppure possono toccarti, possono suscitarti delle emozioni, possono cambiare il tuo modo di pensare ed arricchire la tua vita… dipende tutto da chi li fruisce. Questa è ovviamente una mia opinione personale. Immagino che, per un sacco di gente, il mio blog non sia altro che un mucchio di cavolate come tanti… per me, invece, è la mia realtà degli ultimi mesi. La persona che ha scritto questi post esiste davvero, ed è qui… non scordatelo mai. Sono stata felice dei commenti positivi e delle rimostranze, e chiedo scusa se qualche volta posso aver scritto delle cose che possono essere risultate offensive per qualcuno. Now I think it's time for me to turn the page, not only in terms of blogs, but more generally in reference to my life, certain things that I started doing it too difficult to bear. When you are tired of something, we must depart from it: Call it escape, if you like. In my opinion, also requires a certain courage. And then, what matters is the knowledge that you will return to tackle the problem, with the intention of fixing it. Deal somewhere else, from another point of view, though. Before you stop writing here, so, I just wanted to make a huge "good luck" to everyone ... I know that there are difficult moments in life, but you potete diventare più forti e superarli. Qualunque vostro desiderio si avvererà se siete convinti di poterlo realizzare. Vorrei trasformarmi in vento, in vento simile ad un sospiro. Un vento che aiuta a combattere le avversità, che asciuga le lacrime, lenisce la stanchezza… ecco, vorrei diventare quel tipo di vento. Vorrei giungere da tutti voi in volo, liberarvi dalla tristezza e donarvi la felicità. Leggete questo blog quando siete tristi, ed io sarò al vostro fianco. Leggete questo blog quando siete felici, ed io sarò al vostro fianco. Ma poiché sono solo una ragazza, ci sono momenti in cui mi sento stanca… momenti in cui soffro, e sopporto in silenzio… questa è una realtà che non posso cambiare. Eppure Every morning I wake up and think it's wonderful to have before a new day that awaits me, a brand new day and error, to be filled with everything that I and I alone am able to create.

Thank you all ... I love you.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Miss Silk Crossdresser

So Far Away ...

Okay, I finally decided not delete it. I am referring to this blog, of course. Yesterday I was a little 'uncertain, but this time I'm sure. I leave it to anyone if c'incapperà will want to read and comment, the end of something and, perhaps, the beginning of something else. Damn, though, it seems to me yesterday that I wrote the first post ... but looks a bit 'as I went forward, beyond the examination of Informatics, primary purpose for which this blog was born. But now I feel that coming to an end at some point in my life is going to end the month, and so also is about to close this blog. In short, a "conclusion" across the board ... The end of a chapter in my life, but every end is in fact a new beginning ... so you keep rooting for me, please!

" Who Knows What Could Happen, do your best, just keep on laughing, it's all on you, there's always a brand new day ... Live Every Day Like it's your last day .. ."

Natural Cures For Anxiety And Kevin Trudeau

Random thoughts ...

July 29 ... now this month is over ... The last three days of work and then leave for the entire month of August. Leave which, unlike the vast majority of my peers do not spend on the sea, mountains, around the world, or at least, at home, on the books to prepare for another examination, but in another place far less cute ... But I do not want to write about sad things, I try not to demoralize even before you begin - although it is difficult - this is the sun that shines strong today and it almost seems to invite me to come out, almost to tell me that, after all, you can exit ... Therefore, now that July is almost over, I will try to do some 'of the situation then, in reality, I do not know where to start. I am a bit 'strange to think that in August and September will be delivered in what I call elsewhere a separate space and time, away from all those that are my present safety, away - and as I write this makes me a little' laugh because I myself, I would not really ever thought you could get to write such a thing - from your computer. No Twitter, blogs, forums and anything else for a while '... just take my courage in both hands and go. Go back. Without any certainty that it can support me. Without even having 100% certainty that in October I will start my daily routine for University work. Yet I know I must go. Whichever way it goes. Close your eyes and go. But of course, I could not do that without leaving at least a piece of me, a track, a greeting on this blog. These days I often wondered what to make of this blog, exactly. In some post I wrote things that feel so personal that make me want to make tabula rasa, to delete the blog, delete it. Yet, on the one hand, I feel well I'm sorry, I would hate to delete everything I've built in recent months with a click of the mouse, this blog that I ended up feeling a bit 'as a part of me ... a little ', perhaps, like the son I will never have. I know that when I get home, in October, I will be different. You will need it to be. Maybe I reread some posts and not even acknowledge us. Or maybe yes. And that will hurt even more. This blog is a piece of me, a piece of my life. Not necessarily the best, but certainly another card of the puzzle. I may go back to write when I'm new to these parts. But in reality, as I write this, I already feel that I will not. I feel strong in the desire to start a new beginning, to break the patterns of yesterday, not to say "I can not" when I can, "I do not want" when I want, "are locked when they are totally free. Not in the past. I do not think that this blog is still meaningless, far from it. I think that might be considered rather as a "stepping stone", a first step. Maybe in October it will open a new one. Or maybe I'll open a forum. Maybe I will give birth to something new and re-use some of the posts on this blog to establish a "bridge", a solution of continuity. Maybe I'll do something different again, I do not want to know. I want to take the time to think about it. Now, however, I want to focus on what awaits me in the short term, the the future will reveal day after day, trying to do it without the rush of anxiety that usually burns me inside. Okay, maybe I was not a big "blogghettara" (I think I just invented a new word ...), but it took me all the best of me. After all, I'm still a little girl who only goes from university and work, who likes to see the Formula 1 races, which loves tATu, which has a cushion of Snoopy, who parked a little 'twisted his Multipla (which among other things, no one has yet managed to figure out what it's face if a multiple traveling mostly alone ...), which is karate, who likes to do cosplay, singing "Who knows " squaciagola in the shower ... Nothing special, no?! A normal person. But perhaps the special is its all here: to be a normal person and live every day anyway ...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Connect Camera To Telescope F-adapter

Augurissimi Duccio!

Ah ...!! Today is the birthday of the most special person in my life ... my best friend's heart Duccio! ^ _ ^
People come and go from our lives all the time. Sometimes they stop for a minute, others for an hour, a month, a year ... sometimes even the time greeting ... Others remain ... and from that moment, we are no longer the same. If I am what I am today is thanks to you ... Duccio happy birthday ... Today is your day: do not let anything or anyone ruin it...
Ehi, bella, qui sotto un regalino virtuale... In attesa che torni dal mani, per poterti dare quello vero... TI VOGLIO UN BENE DELL'ANIMAAAA!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

How To Make A Shower Bench

Review of Genetics 2 ... Botanically

Come dissi una volta a Simo: "Nella vita è tutta sempre una questione di culo: o ce l'hai, o te lo fanno!"... presumibilmente la versione advance di quello che mia nonna definiva come: "La sta indò la batte"...
E l'esame di Genetica 2 è andato... studio, culo (in entrambi i sensi...), giornate di sole serrata in casa... ma alla fine posso tirare un sospiro di sollievo! Come dire... mi sento più leggera! (aha!!)
E allora, dato che ci sono, a couple of tips for those who will support him in September, which never hurts ... To be taken lightly, of course, is just my version of events considering what I studied and what were the results ...
The book from which it is more convenient to study "Human genetics and medical - Blacks, Genuardi . There are almost all topics that are primarily required examination, and are treated in a concise and focused. The chapters are to do well: the last part of the 6 and then 7, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 30. Unfortunately not enough. In the sense that there are topics ranging from notes made by force because the book is lacking: the immunogenetics and bioinformatics. Above all, focus on molecular pathology and genetics of cancer, subjects on which there are a range of questions, some of which are also quite specific!
Above all, it is an examination crosses (version 30 questions x 30 minutes), practice on the cross at the end of each chapter of the book, and try to ask you questions as the test ...
What else? Good luck to all those who have to do it! ^ _ ^
I hope to have been of little help ... Full

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Printable Monopoly Rules Disney Edition

Lately, I keep the fat map on the windowsill of the kitchen is acting strange. Not watering almost never on the assumption that the succulent plants, living in the desert, they must be quite hydrophobic, yet continues to grow and has made even the flowers. A plant full of thorns, how can he do the flowers? By the way, I heard that some plants include the human tongue. Perhaps without realizing it, I said things that made it happy? It's a little 'fear, but I keep it as is, for the moment ... Even my grandmother, who know about plants, said it was strange ... Boh ... Full

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Duke University Team Shoe

Never lose that feeling

" Never lose that feeling." The Swerverdriver sing. I do not know what their feeling. Perhaps love. It does not matter. Does not even matter that this post does not find myself when reread nessua of emotions that now afflict me why, just to cambiare, non sono in grado di trascriverle. Non sto scrivendo per sentirmi meglio. Spesso l'ho fatto, ma non è questo il caso. Never lose that feeling perchè non voglio che la mia rabbia ora mi lasci. La sento che scivola via mentre scrivo, e mi odio per la mia incapacità di trattenerla. L'ho sentito per l'ennesima volta: scandalo nella clinica privata talideitali causa medici che prendevano mazzette e bustarelle per eseguire interventi non esattamente convenzionali. Insomma, la solita vecchia storia di cui da un po' di tempo non fanno che parlare in TV e sui giornali. E mi fa incazzare. Ogni volta, mi fa inevitabilmente incazzare. Forse perchè, sì, un po' mi fa paura. Sento di questi medici che hanno compiuto azioni così petty, and I can not help but think that once they too found themselves exactly where I am now, the early students of medicine, perhaps all excited and strongly believe to be able to change something and to become good professionals. And then, what happened? How they found themselves doing what they have done? Where did all their good will, all of their ideals? It scares me, yes, I am afraid because the time that I, too, in time, could turn into one of them, despite my inner drive current. I would do anything to crystallize these my current feelings in order to maintain a day if I ever graduate, but I'm afraid they are to disband how this anger. Doctors who behave in absurd ways they make me really think that the world goes to hell. Possible that one must give importance only to the money, hide the truth to himself or commit atrocities in order to feel a good professional? There are emotions that touch us and people are not even aware of it. But I now feel this anger, and I want to keep. Why yes. Because I want to keep me able to react, to find courage. I go by the paralysis of life, from stagnant days. I do not want to be waiting to be corrupted by something purely material. Yet sometimes they are intimidated by my passivity in the face of so many things. So I would like to learn how to shake. The anger I should not lose it. I feel a little 'coward because I would act now, but have to return tomorrow, should I scream, do anything, nor do the first step. Tomorrow, I say. Tomorrow I will eat the lasagna and I do not mind I saw. Tomorrow I'll stop with all the cigarette butts tomorrow, tomorrow. I have broken. And above all, of course I know that tomorrow morning when I wake up, all that adrenaline that I feel him now he is going to shut themselves up somewhere, with my ability to be able to do something. I promettto that m'impegnerò to preserve and not to forget, but I have no guarantees, and are not very confident. I miss the liver, brain and balls, cock! Who knows if one day I will get I enable / disable my emotions by pressing a button. But then, I am no longer me. So I really hope that this anger, now, can really help me stay myself. Full

Monday, July 21, 2008

Replacing Electrical Outlets Stripped Threads

On my wall ...

In one of the first post of this blog I showed the collage of posters of tATu I kept hanging on a wall of my room. Well, now I made a restyling: Thanks to Photoshop I made some new collages with photos of tATu taken the evening of their lives, and I've replaced the old framed poster ... Below the result ... What do you think?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hot Brazilian Free Sample

The real trend ...

"Never try to exit from the discomfort: serve to transport us to our true trend "

How can I say ... I saw the light. The words written above are from a magazine ... that says exactly what I have always thought and I have always been deeply convinced ... the thought that, forget it in September, I was basically convinced groped and led to the test for admission to the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery. ... In other words is a phrase that gives me hope and a reason. .. Sometimes I get angry with myself for my inability to disengage from certain problems, and this makes me evil ... But reading these words makes me think that perhaps rightly so, perhaps, though it seems paradoxical, precisely my inability to "heal myself" I will, hopefully, one day, can help heal many other girls like me ... Maybe that's what I'm doing now, even in the midst of the usual mess, and thanks to them, walking non-stop to reach the real me ... Full

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wh Dohve Pain In My Legs At Night

Graduation Day ...

Pending tonight ... And no one will never understand how difficult it is for me ... Still wear my best smile ... and all my will ... and I'll do it again, I'll do it for you. Because I know how important this is for you, though I tear. Even if you've forgotten, for me, the word "friendship" still means something. Perhaps for the last time. Then I let you go really. If it hurts me, I can sopprtarlo, but I do not want to hurt you. Why I do not know if you would be able to bear it. Friend, indeed, more like a brother to me ... but I just wrong again. Of course, I come tonight. Or is my mask. So much has already been a long time no see. What can I say? I wish you to be happy in life you've chosen. Full