Saturday, December 26, 2009

Will Tv Prices Drop For Superbowl?

compared mortality with that of seasonal

Some people criticize the way in which it was responding to a pandemic caused by H1N1 influenza virus. The argument that you hear / read most often is that the new virus of seasonal influenza kills far less people. In this respect, are compared numbers, percentages and statistics that seem to prove so obvious that the H1N1 influenza is a disease that does not have to worry at all.

On this basis is then constructed opinions that have a strong taste of conspiracy and corruption in the world, so long battle horse of vaccinia. Only cares about that now people of a certain professional level seem to have taken a liking to this kind of argument. The aim is apparently to wake up in the public interest not only to their ideas, but also a sense of victimhood. People you must see in the role of David against Goliath and the stone in the sling is the total rejection of the recommendations that come from "Goliath." The refusal of vaccination to the denial of the existence of the pandemic that is even led to the denial of the existence of the pandemic in its entirety. In fact, some conspiracy theorists are already working to drastically reduce the role that the virus was in the great pandemic of 1918/19. In practice are called into question the pandemic plans that have been developed in recent years and is ferried to the suspicion that this assumption is that they are a colossal fraud, developed along with Big Pharma.

We hours a zoom on one of the basic arguments of conspiracy theorists, the difference in mortality between pandemic flu and seasonal.

On 22 December 2009 the WHO web site was published briefing that explains the difference in the mortality data of the two types of flu that we currently have available and because it can be misleading to compare them as equals.

mortality figures are estimates due to seasonal influenza, while the number of deaths directly related to the pandemic virus are the cases confirmed by laboratories. Obviously, to compare estimates with confirmed dead can never give a valid result.

Estimates of the dead that the influence because during an outbreak are processed statistically and in practice it is the so-called excess mortality from all causes occurring during an influenza epidemic. That is, in a given month of the year die on average a certain number of people, when influenza virus is not circulating in a certain country. This number is statistically "expected". If during that month, there is an influenza epidemic, the mortality rate that exceeds this threshold is referred to as "excess mortality". This phenomenon is observed for many decades allows estimate how many people died from influenza.

But because you can not determine the number of deaths influence just from death certificates?

The WHO says:
"During seasonal influenza epidemics of ca. 90% of elderly deaths regards weakened suffering from one or more chronic diseases. Although the flu can worsen these diseases and contribute to the death, in most cases will not do any virological test and is used to attribute the disease prior to death. To capture these deaths caused by influenza, which otherwise would never be to our knowledge, in the 19th century methods have been introduced to estimate the 'excess mortality. These estimates have helped to counter the hypothesis that influenza is a mild disease that causes only a few dead. "

The number of deaths from pandemic influenza that are reported are only deaths confirmed by laboratory tests, so these are estimates. For various reasons these numbers can not give the full picture of mortality during the pandemic is undoubtedly higher.

often laboratory tests are not done, especially in developing countries, also because they are complex and expensive.

Add to this the fact that when the test confirms the presence of H1N1 virus in patients with pre-existing diseases, many doctors write the death certificate and not the chronic disease pandemic virus as a primary cause. These cases are missing in official statistics.

recent studies have showed that some tests for the H1N1 virus are not completely reliable and false-negative results are a frequent problem. The accuracy of the test also depends on the manner in which samples are taken.

Many third world countries are deprived of reliable systems for recording personal data, therefore, in most of the dead, missing death certificates.

Another reason why comparisons of deaths from pandemic with those for seasonal influenza are not able to accurately measure the impact of the pandemic is the H1N1 virus that covers a much younger age. The majority of those who fall ill, are hospitalized, require treatment in intensive care and that young people are moiono.

WHO continues to classify the impact of this pandemic as a moderate. Only one or two years after the peak of the pandemic will be possible to ascertain how many have fallen ill and died of and methods used are similar to those used to calculate excess mortality during epidemics of seasonal influenza.

The following chart makes us reflect on what is considered inappropriate influence by the current pandemic and outlines the considerations of WHO nothing about the fact that the H1N1 virus takes its toll among young people above all.


The comparison with pediatric deaths associated with influenza during outbreaks in previous years shows that the pandemic can not be underestimated because it kills far more young people with a loss of years of life than for seasonal influenza.

So before you criticize the measures taken to reduce the impact of the pandemic, we must wait to be gone and you will have the same mortality data that we have the seasonal flu outbreaks.

Apart from this, because nobody can know in advance how they will behave a pandemic virus, it is important to prevent with all means at our disposal. It would be a grave mistake to fold their arms and observe the development of things without any preparation. Those responsible for public health can not take this risk because if things go wrong this error would cost dearly to the people. The people who criticize the preventive measures put in place have not shoulder this responsibility. For them it is so easy to express their opinion.

The number of confirmed deaths from the virus H1N1 that is known today is not high but I think it's a sign of a serious lack of empathy accept without batting an eye because these people have suffered and died and si tratta di morti che si potevano prevenire con la vaccinazione. Secondo i vari critici si dovrebbe guardare morire delle persone per una malattia perché ci sono altre malattie che provocano un più alto numero di morti? Che strano modo di ragionare!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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History of the second year of the last flu pandemic (1969/70)

Continuo con la cronologia secondo il Weekly Epidemiological Record dell'OMS. Nel post precedente in cui raccontavo il primo anno della pandemia che era cominciata nel 1968, l'ultimo bollettino era del 9 maggio 1969. Durante parte della primavera, l'estate e l'inizio dell'autunno in Europa, negli USA ed in Canada non si registravano ulteriori epidemie d'influenza.

All'inizio di ottobre il virus begins to take hold in Europe again, starting with Spain. At the end of October there is a high incidence of flu in all age groups. In some places (schools, offices, military units) 10% of people get sick, almost simultaneously. In Barcelona the level of attack is 20% and 30% in the suburbs. The virus responsible is the H3N2 (Hong Kong).

The virus does carry da un viaggiatore dalla Spagna in Danimarca. Anche nel Regno Unito, a Cambridge sembra esserci un focolaio.

In Spagna l'epidemia si allarga a Barcelona ed in tutta la sua provincia. Più del 30% della popolazione si ammala e tutte le fasce di età sono colpite. Nella maggior parte dei casi la malattia è benigna ma in alcuni si sviluppa una broncopolmonite, soprattutto in persone ricoverate con malattie regresse.

Anche in alcune città della Francia il virus comincia a causare estese epidemie.

In France, the epidemic spreads to other areas.

Even in Italy there is an epidemic covering all the country. The disease is described as benign.

In Austria, the virus looks in Carinthia, which borders Italy and Yugoslavia. The epidemic spread rapidly throughout la provincia. Si ammalano prevalentemente gli adulti. La malattia è benigna o moderata.
Anche in Belgio ci sono alcuni focolai.
In Danimarca il numero dei casi aumenta in tutto il paese. A Copenhagen si va da 669 casi di sindrome influenzale segnalati nell'ultima settimana di novembre a 1386 nella settimana successiva.

In Spagna l'epidemia sembra in discesa. A Novembre la mortalità generale è stata del  40% più alta rispetto al novembre 1968 e le fascie d'età maggiormente colpite sono le persone di più di 50 years and those between 21 and 30 years.
In France, the epidemic is expanding rapidly. On 110 blood tests show 35% infection with the H3N2 virus (Hong Kong) and 3% of the parainfluenza virus type 1.

Austria: A Vienna and Vorarlberg as the epidemic grows in the province of Carinthia is ending.

In Bulgaria there is an epidemic of influenza caused by influenza type B. Samples collected from the virus seems that there are only few cases of influenza A.

In Finland the increased cases of flu. The disease is benign.
In Greece there are more and more cases. Athens 20% of the population gets sick and all ages are involved. The disease is generally benign with an acute phase of 3-4 days and often patients complain of a sore throat unusual insistence and persistence.

Holland: There are at present only a few localized outbreaks. So far the level is about half the previous year.
Norway: here the virus begins to cause epidemics.

In Sweden the increase in cases decided so. In the week ending December 19 with 16,000 cases are reported against 754 in the month of November.

In England and Wales the number of deaths from influenza and pneumonia has doubled in the week that ends on December 26 from 297 to 702 (number provisional). In the corresponding week of last year there were 30 recorded deaths. The number of hospitalizations increased from 1480 to 2030 (1270 in the corresponding week last year).

in Brussels on 15% of popolazione si ammala e tutte le fasce di età sono colpite.

In Finlandia l'epidemia sta diminuendo.

In Francia dove l'epidemia è stata molto estesa i casi diminuiscono ma l'epidemia non è ancora  finita.

Anche in Italia il virus continua a circolare ma l'epidemia è ora meno intensa.
In Portogallo c'è invece un forte increase.
In Spain the epidemic is over. In some provinces, became ill on 15 - 30% of the population.

In Sweden, the epidemic has spread throughout the country

In England and Wales, deaths from influenza and pneumonia are increasing sharply. From 702 in the week ending with December 26, 1969 to 3170 for the week che finisce con il 2 febbraio 1970. Nella settimana corrispondente del 1969 erano 21.


In Austria il virus si diffonde in alcune province mentre l'epidemia è finita in altre.
In Bulgaria è il virus influenzale B che ha preso piede, mentre il virus A è molto meno presente.

In Cecoslovacchia la malattia si presenta usually benign, but cases of complications and death are more frequent in the previous year.

Denmark: The number of patients with positive serological evidence for influenza A is still very high, but clinical cases are decreasing.
Germany: The number of cases of flu is still high in some areas, in others, the epidemic is declining. In some cases the clinical picture shows a slow recovery.

In Inghilterra e nel Galles l'epidemia sta decrescendo.
In Scozia ci sono ancora epidemie estese con alti numeri di richiesta di indennità per malattia. Da 33.873 nella settimana prima di natale a 49.176 nella prima settimana di gennaio. I casi di morte per influenza nelle rispettive settimane aumenta da 14 a 113.
Negli USA invece l'epidemia non supera la soglia che normalmente è attesa per questo periodo dell'anno.

On 24 January 1969, the epidemic is declining or even ended up in Austria, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
In Canada, except in some areas, there have been no major epidemics.

In Czechoslovakia, the incidence of flu is decreasing. During the peak weeks of the overall impact was more di 4.700 casi per 100.000 contro un po più di 1.000 per 100.000 nel primo anno della pandemia. Anche se la malattia era generalmente benigna, il numero di casi che presentavano un quadro clinico protratto e quelli con complicanze e morti (soprattutto polmoniti o broncopolmoniti) sono aumentati durante gli ultimi quindici giorni.
Danimarca: l'epidemia continua a diminuire. La malattia è generalmente benigna, comunque c'è stato un aumento di casi con complicanze (soprattutto polmoniti) ed anche la tendenza per un decorso prolungato e con esito fatale è stato riportato, soprattutto nella fascia di età più avanti con gli anni. Questa tendenza è stata riportata un pò da tutti i paesi durante questa ondata della pandemic.

In Germany, the epidemic is declining. Hungary continues slowly on his way to Holland while there is a high incidence of flu.

In Canada there is an epidemic in Newfoundland, with many cases of pneumonia.

In Czechoslovakia in all regions are now reported cases of flu.
In Hungary the increase in cases of flu in the central and western areas while in the north-east there are only sporadic cases.

In Glasgow in Scotland claims for compensation for illness, and deaths from respiratory diseases and influence are declining.
In the U.S. cases of death polmonite e influenza nelle 122 città campioni sono stati più alti del livello atteso per la stagione ma ora il numero di questi casi sta diminuendo. In altre zone invece c'è un leggero aumento di questo trend. Questo significa probabilmente che ci sono alcuni focolai locali in luoghi che non erano stati colpiti dalla vasta epidemia dell'anno precedente.

Germania: il Centro Nazionale Influenza ha svolto una ricerca serologica per verificare la diffusione del virus nella popolazione. Starting from week 51 every week were examined 100 samples of blood were sent for a search on blood groups. Between week 51 of 1969 and the third week of 1970 there was a 31% increase in the proportion of samples with antibody levels to influenza A virus in 1 / 64 or more and an equivalent increase was registered with an antibody level of 1 / 32 or more. See table. The center informs that in the period between 23 December 1969 and January 7, 1970 at least 70% of patients had flu influenza virus A. The center points out that the disease is generally benign but that there were severe cases with bronchitis and pneumonia and even fatal.

in Holland in some parts of the country, the epidemic is declining, while in others the incidence is still high. The 15 largest municipalities in the month of December were 19 reported cases of death on the 30th of December last year, although in 1969 the number of cases of flu was higher. In the same 15 towns, 185 deaths were reported 1 to 23 January 1970, during the peak of the wave.

In the U.S. we see a new rise in deaths from pneumonia and flu, although there has been only sporadic outbreaks.

In Ungheria, dopo un inizio lento, l'epidemia comincia a correre. Il numero d'indennità per malattia è aumentato di 4-5 volte rispetto al livello del settembre 1969. Sono stati isolati anche alcuni ceppi del virus dell'influenza B, ma l'epidemia è principalmente causata dall'influenza A.

In Olanda l'epidemia sta diminuendo.

Nel Regno Unito la circolazione del virus è sensibilmente diminuito.


  Weekly Epidemiological Record, 20 febbriao 1970

E così anche in Cecoslovacchia....

... ed in Bulgaria (dove, come già detto, l'epidemia era stata causata dal influenza B), ed in Canada

Nel Regno Unito l'epidemia dell'influenza A viene sostituita da un focolaio dovuto all'influenza B.
Negli USA, dove il picco sembra finito, si continua a registrare una più alta incidenza di morti per polmonite e influenza of that expected for this time of year.

In Canada there are now only a few outbreaks.
In Czechoslovakia, the incidence of flu remains high in all regions. In the last week of February, 2,000 cases were reported with 27 deaths and complications. In the same week the number of reported cases was 53,237 (compared to 269,759 during the first week of January when there was the peak of the wave).

In the U.S., influenza and pneumonia mortality decreases significantly, with only a region that continues to be above the level expected for this week of the year.

Weekly Epidemiological Report, March 13, 1970

In Germany, for the excess mortality was higher for influenza epidemic of 1957-58, of 1960 and 1968 who had a similar number of cases of influenza syndrome reported. In December and January, the excess mortality compared to the year 5680 was no epidemic - more than 33% of the excess mortality was recorded in the first year of the pandemic in the months of January and February 1968.

In Hungary, the epidemic is declining. More than two million influenza-like illness were reported (approximately 20% of the population).
In the Netherlands the number of cases of flu has reached the level expected for the season. The number of deaths reported from 15 districts with more than 100,000 inhabitants aveva raggiunto 308 dall'inizio di dicembre 1969 al 22 febbraio 1970, contro 220 dal dicembre 1968 al febbraio 1969, anche se il numero dei casi era simile nelle due epidemie.

In Polonia, nonostante che ci sia stata un'estesa epidemia nel primo anno della pandemia con più di 3.5 milioni di casi di sindrome influenzale registrati, anche nel secondo anno si è verificata una grande epidemia con 3.744.135 casi. La malattia era generalmente benigna, ma complicazioni ed alcuni casi fatali sono stati segnalati.

In Inghilterra e nel Galles il numero dei morti attribuiti direttamente influenza caused by influenza and pneumonia decreased to 11 from 36 the previous week (and 100 in the corresponding week last year).

Weekly Epidemiological Report, March 26, 1970

In the Netherlands the rate of cases mortality seems to be higher in the first year of the pandemic.

In Czechoslovakia the epidemic is almost over.

Weekly Epidemiological Report, April 10, 1970

The summary of the second year of the last pandemic located in the Weekly Epidemiological Record of September 25, 1970 . I have also prepared this a pdf file . At Spreadsheet I added a second table. It 's very clear that the winter of 1969/70 the impact of the pandemic was greater. In many European countries, the incidence was high and there were more cases of complications and death. I would also stress that the number of deaths reported during the outbreak of the WER is only that of deaths directly attributed to influenza, but it is very important to know that these numbers significantly underestimate the true number of deaths due to this virus. I will explain it better in my next post.

In summary states that the WER from October 1969 to March 1970 in almost all European countries there were large epidemics caused by influenza A/H3N2 (Hong Kong). In general this was the first massive attack of this virus in the previous winter had caused a number of low / moderate cases. The Netherlands and Poland who had lived very strong epidemic had shown a high incidence for the second consecutive year. In the U.S., the incidence was moderate, after the severe epidemic of the previous year.

In this second year the influenza virus A/H3N2 (Hong Kong) was generally similar to the original strain. However, a slightly different antigenic variant, called A2/England878/69 had appeared in the United Kingdom (34 strains tested on 850), France (2 strains out of 25 surveyed) and Portugal (2 strains out of 33 examined). This new variant was isolated just before the report in New Zealand, but did not seem to have been identified in other countries.

The clinical picture was generally benign or moderate. Some countries reported that the disease had evolved over a long period of prolonged weakness after the acute phase of healing. In many countries there were more complications in the form of pneumonia, the usual. Denmark reported an increased incidence of pneumonia when the epidemic was in decline. The influence caused a relatively high number of deaths, often due to pneumonia. In Holland, for example, mortality was significantly higher than the previous year, although the number of cases was slightly lower. Especially the elderly - and in smaller numbers - in young children developed pneumonia. However, even among young adults have reported cases of pneumonia and even in this population group were fatal. The results of autopsies done in Czecoslovacchia showed that pulmonary complications were often directly linked to the virus, rather than due to secondary bacterial infections.

Some of the lessons that teaches us the last pandemic is

  • that it is still important to get vaccinated against the H1N1 virus (2009) because there will probably be another epidemic (or early winter of 2010 or 2010/11) and this could affect many more people and even kill the first wave. Why risk it? Although today no one can know with certainty whether the next wave of the virus will change antigenically or not, there is the possibility that the vaccine provides us with sufficient protection. At least the last pandemic, the virus circulating in the second year was antigenically similar to strains of the first year.
  • In Europe, the pandemic of 1968 began during the winter and continued for several months, in many countries until the spring. The current pandemic has surprised a few months before winter, so there is the possibility of another outbreak (possibly together with the seasonal flu virus?) During the months when the flu usually comes to visit us .

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Make Ballet Cake

History of the flu pandemic of 1968/69

The last pandemic caused by influenza A virus began in 1968. Reading the Weekly Epidemiological Records of the WHO then you can follow step by step the course of the pandemic. A few months after the end of the first and second season is the guide of influence in the world. I set the record for Canada, the U.S. and Europe in a table to compare the onset, the time of the peak and the end of the epidemic in different countries and also, where it was shown, the impact of the pandemic. This table is at the end of this post.

all begins in mid-July, 1968 in Hong Kong. There is an epidemic of flu that affects people of all ages. The virus is isolated and it turns out that this is a new strain of influenza A.

Source: Weekly Epidemiological Records, August 16, 1968

As the new virus is isolated by Dr WK Chan of the WHO National Influenza Centre in Hong Kong, sends it to the WHO World Influenza Centre in London, where he soon confirmation that it is a virus antigenically distinct from strains influenzali che avevano circolato in precedenza. Il WHO International Influenza Centre for the Americas, Atlanta USA, arriva allostesso risultato. Immediatamente si avverte il network mondiale del WHO (80 Centri Nazionali per l'Influenza distribuiti in 55 paesi). Contemporaneamente dei ceppi del nuovo virus vengono distribuiti ai produttori di vaccini e agli interessati centri nazionali per l'influenza. Questi centri nazionali possono così controllare l'immunità della popolazione verso il nuovo virus e testare l'efficacia dei vaccini influenzali esistenti. Molti di loro riportano che la maggior parte delle persone che avevano avuto l'influenza causata dal virus stagionale o che erano state vaccinate contro l'influenza stagionale hanno poca immunità contro il nuovo virus. Perciò si prevede grandi epidemie durante l'anno influenzale a venire.


I primi lotti di vaccino sono pronti a novembre ma per avere una quantità adeguata si deve aspettare ancora qualche mese. Con le prime dosi prodotte devono essere vaccinate le persone a maggiore rischio: gli anziani, le donne incinte e pazienti con malattie croniche cardio-vascolari polmonari o metaboliche.

Source: Weekly Epidemiological Records, January 3, 1969

The virus begins to move to other countries:

Preliminary data of the antigenic characteristics are confirmed by more rigorous examination

L'influenza arriva alle Philippine. I casi sono generalmente di natura benigna e complicazioni solo molto rare.
Anche in Cina i casi sono benigni e finora non sono stati riportati casi di morte.

Fonte: Weekly Epidemiological Records, 13 settembre 1968

Nelle ultime due settimane di agosto 11 su 40 membri dell'equipaggio di una nave che torna da Saigon ed è diretta a Vancouver si ammalano di sindrome influenzale. L'esame degli anticorpi conferma che la malattia è stata causata dal virus della nuova influenza. Anche a Londra you register the first case, a girl of 1 year and a half after her mother has the same symptoms.

Source: Weekly EPIDEMIOLOGICAL Records, September 27, 1968

The virus is carried by a ship sailing from Singapore on board with 16 patients in Madras in India. The epidemic is expanding rapidly. Other countries are reached by the virus.

Source: Weekly Epidemiological Records, October 4, 1968

In the U.S. there are alcuni focolai. La malattia è clinicamente benigna. Sempre più paesi vengono visitati dal virus.



Nel Regno Unito alla fine di settembre c'è un focolaio di influenza in una scuola. Anche qui la malattia si presenta benigna e gli adulti, tranne una persona, non si ammalano.

Siamo al 15 novembre. In Svezia una persona proveniente dall'India importa il virus ma trasmette la malattia solo ad un membro della famiglia. Non si registrano altri casi.

Negli USA il virus comincia a provocare le prime epidemie. A Needles in California si ammalano da 300 a 500 persone su un totale di 5000 residenti. I sintomi sono mal di gola, febbre, profondo malessere, mialgia adenopatia cervicale. La malattia dura tra una e due settimane. In Colorado i casi di sindrome influenzale aumentano da 62 a 670 and 656 respectively in the next two weeks.

in Puerto Rico are reported 51,658 cases in the period from September 7 to November 16, but the epidemic is less intense epidemic caused by influenza season in January 1968.

In Holland, the five family members become ill and it seems the infection has spread.

In Iceland there are some sporadic cases.
In Holland, meanwhile, the epidemic spreads across the country. There are some cases of death, but in most cases the disease appears benign.
In Germany there is an outbreak with 17 cases in a military station. Probably imported from a soldier who had returned from the USA. The disease is benign and has not spread in the population.

In the U.S., the epidemic is declining. Although it is difficult to determine the number of deaths directly associated with the virus, some cases of death caused directly by the virus in apparently healthy young people have been reported. The cause of death: pneumonia caused by viral or bacterial superinfection.

The virus arrives in Finland, Switzerland ...

Source: Weekly Epidemiological Reports, January 24, 1969

... and in Poland and Germany. In Sweden, the epidemic spreads from 900 to 1600 in the first week in the second to third week in 2480. Here too, the disease occurs in most patients with benign.

In Finland the epidemic spreads. The adults get sick more often than children. The disease is generally benign.

In Holland, the influence is benign or moderate. There are fewer complications of the previous flu season (the season).

Source: WER , February 7, 1969

In the U.S. the number of cases continues to decline. In the UK the disease is widespread but the number of deaths does not suggest that the disease has often a severe clinical picture. For example last week of January were 53 reported cases of death and the preceding week. The maximum was reached in the week ending January 17 with 61 deaths. In January the previous mortality ranged from 993 in the first week of January to 215 last.
In Sweden, the epidemic is still increasing. We are at 11,500 cases, double the previous week. The disease continues to be benign.

In Finland, the epidemic wave is about to fall. The disease remains benign.
In France, the epidemic is beginning. The clinical picture shows benign or moderate.
In Germany, the virus has spread across the country but the incidence is normal or low. The disease is benign.


Anche in Czecoslovaccia è arrivata la pandemia e anche qui la malattia si presenta generalmente benigna.

In Polonia il 25% dei casi di malattia sono giovani adulti. La malattia è generalmente benigna.

Also in Bulgaria and France, the disease is described as benign.
In Italy there are only sporadic cases.

Source: WER , March 14, 1969

In Spain only the pandemic arrives in mid-March.
In France there are only a few deaths in the elderly.
In Hungary, the disease is benign.

In the United Kingdom were recorded 448 deaths in the first otto settimane della pandemia, in confronto a 3761 morti nel periodo corrispondente dell'anno precedente alla pandemia.


L'epidemia è finita in Finlandia ed anche in Svezia ci sono molto meno casi.
Invece in Jugoslavia i casi aumentano.

In Germania il picco è stato superato. I casi di morte sono stati rare. In addition to the new influenza virus circulate other viruses.

the end of March in the UK there are still many outbreak. In the week ending March 14 with the reported deaths are 110. In the week before were 100 and 76 in the week before.
Source: WER , April 3, 1969

In Spain the number of cases decreases in Barcelona but still increasing in other areas. The disease is clinically benign.
In the UK, the dead are still slightly increased over the previous week, sono 118.

Ora, in Europa, la pandemia è finita.

Fonte: Weekly Epidemiological Report, 2 maggio 1969

Il 10 aprile 1970 nel Weekly Epidemiological Records è stato pubblicato il riassunto del primo anno di pandemia. Ho preparato una tabella e da questa un Pdf document data regarding Canada, the USA and Europe.

In summary states that the WER in the U.S. there has been a major epidemic with a significant increase in mortality from pneumonia-influenza. If we compare the excess mortality with the corresponding period of the pandemic of 1957/58, the severity was identical. This experience was unique and did not occur in other countries with temperate climate in America. For example, in Canada the incidence of flu was only slightly higher than the reference years and there are virtually nessun'eccesso mortality.

In Europe, the number of cases of flu began to increase at the beginning of 1969, that the latest U.S. and high incidence of cases continued to be observed until April. Almost all European countries reported outbreaks but the extent varied. The largest outbreaks have occurred in Poland and Holland. There have also been outbreaks in Bulgaria, Czecoslovaccia, in parts of BRD, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Sweden and some parts of the USSR. In these countries the disease was benign and was not observed a significant excess mortality. In the other countries of the infection was apparently more widespread, but sometimes the number of requests for sickness was only slightly higher than the usual. Even in these countries did not registered a significant excess mortality. For example, the United Kingdom, where the epidemiological surveillance was good, it is shown that the infection was common and widespread but clinically severe. Other European countries also reported that the epidemic was primarily caused local outbreaks and spread of the disease is relatively slow and not explosive like you usually see with the flu.

Now I start to do the same job for the second year of a pandemic, which was in many countries significantly heavier than the first year.