Sunday, March 13, 2011

Accelerated Course Nyc

The hexavalent vaccine and cases of death in children from 2 to 24 months of age

These days, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin has published a research, TOKEN-Studie they were examined 254 cases of Usuda (unexplained sudden unexpected deaths = deaths from sudden, unexpected and unexplained) occurring in Germany from July 2005 to 2008. The main purpose of this study was to discover if there is a causal relationship between hexavalent vaccines and sudden deaths in children between 2 and 24 months of age.

have been scientifically analyzed data collected from questionnaires completed by parents and physicians, documentation of vaccination and the results of autopsies. Was statistically evaluated a possible temporal link between vaccination and the cases by the method of Usuda-Self-controlled case-series (SCCS). To further strengthen the results obtained, an analysis was made with a design "case-control". In an independent study which covered the aspect of forensic medicine has been tried a possible pathogenesis, a process that is pathogenic in common between cases of sudden death occurred after vaccination.

All the results of various investigations indicate that the risk for a sudden and unexpected death was not increased in the week after vaccination with the hexavalent.

analysis with the SCCS method has found a risk on ( RR) of 0.59 ( confidence interval 95% 0.26 to 1.33) and design "case-control an adjusted odds ratio (OR ) of 0.53, 95% (confidence interval 0.20 to 1.37 ), then nessun'aumento risk.

carried out forensic examinations showed no pathogenic process in common.

In a separate analysis, that was decided only after it was shown that almost all cases of sudden death occurred after vaccination recognized risk factors for sudden death syndrome: sleep in the prone position, maternal smoking or overheating (heating, clothing, blankets).

Unfortunately, only approx. 40% of the parents had consented to participate in research. Parents whose children died shortly after vaccination showed a greater willingness to participate than those whose children had been vaccinated at a distance in time or at all. This fact leads to a distortion of the results and makes interpretation more difficult. For methodological reasons it is assumed that the results obtained by this research may overestimate the risk.

The full study can be downloaded here and was also made available a file with further details regarding this research. In

summary in German explains why this study has been done, called "TOKEN"
The October 23, 2000 were approved two vaccines hexavalent Infanrix Hexa ® e Hexavac ® . Negli anni successivi sono stati segnalati alcuni casi di morte improvvisa dopo la vaccinazione esavalente che ha costituito un segnale d'allarme per una possibile correlazione tra i vaccini esavalenti ed il rischio di morte improvvisa inaspettata. Ad un primo esame scientifico non era risultato nessun aumentato del rischio per quanto riguarda il primo anno di vita. I casi dei bambini nel secondo anno di vita erano troppo pochi per poter fare un'analisi probabilistica.

Lo scopo dello studio "TOKEN" era appunto scoprire se il vaccino esavalente aumenta il rischio di morte improvvisa, esaminando un numero più alto di casi. Va sottolineato that this study refers only to the vaccine Infanrix Hexa ® because in 2005 Hexavac ® was withdrawn from the market because the suspected EMEA and a reduction dell'immunogenità component of anti-hepatitis B, the long-term protection may in turn be decreased.

The study was conducted and fnanziato by Federal Ministry of Health ( BMG ) and the Paul - Ehrlich - Institut (PEI ) in funding were involved the oreover , the two pharmaceutical companies Sanofi Pasteur MSD and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals . E ' been fixed in the contract che gli sponsor delle case farmaceutiche non avevano alcuna influenza sulla progettazione e l'attuazione dello studio nè potevano avere  accesso ai dati. L a pianificazione e l' esecuzione di questo studio è stata accompagnata dal consiglio scientifico di esperti interdisciplinari internazionali.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Una Scatenata Moglie Insaziabile


Legal City of Rome

XVII Presidency

In collaboration with

Academy ' Drama

P ICCOLO C ONSERVATORIO D iscipline d ello s pettacolo R oma

D irector Maestro I M van gold

New course in acting, speech and theater in Rome.

Acting course in basic training for all time pre evening - evening

Ideal for training, recreation, drama academy exam preparation and use of voice and disciplines of the theater. For everyone.

center in Rome a few steps from the metro area B Tiburtina

PURPOSE: Possible

Wise Entertainment in theater in Rome.
Certificate of Attendance - Textbooks complete.

university educational credits and working

Places on this workshop that the Little Conservatory Ivan Mori plays are few



Relaxation and neutralize body and voice.

emotional stages of technical development, technical study of the emotional gesture.
Analysis and construction of the text.

vocal education.

revenue mnemonic techniques and assimilation.

The division of the limbs and their natural movement.

Studio stage.

job heading up the basic body in the theater


Corretta pronunzia in aggiornamento

Educazione vocale.

Uso del diaframma.

Durata e frequenza del CORSO:

Inizio del corso martedì 22 marzo 2011

INCONTRI ogni martedì e venerdì dalle 20,00 alle 21,30

Costo completo compreso

materiale didattico, tessera della scuola per sconti a teatro ed ingressi gratuiti ed iscrizione.

Retta bimestrale del corso tutto incluso



ivan.mori @

Phone: 06 89014610

Monday, March 7, 2011

Braces With Missing Teeth

The Formula of CHOL: it is mathematically BITCH! [Sponsored by a vermouth from 2 €]

This post contains references to exotic and remote from real events, as well as eyebrows complicated and very, very authoritarian.

" Chola " is, among Americans, any woman flashy Latin (usually equipped with a heavy makeup, eyebrows tattooed and arguably GHETTO-style that no one has the courage to point out for fear of being stabbed with tweezers for ingrown hairs-). The chola exist when you take a J. Lo (which alone is not an example of glamor), put it in a prison for bitche s (cited Telephone ) and wait two years .
C = [J. Lo + P4B] 2

Many, many, many years ago, I met a disco chola. It was ... Britney Me Against The Music.

chola So I discovered that not only Latin, but in my magical world trash with Sardinian roots, and much anti-glamorous Milanese , can also be a snake : lowest reptile is a meandering and ambiguous, is a pile of meat scioccherello .

Because of their sinuous nature / phallic to anyone who may encounter a chola, but not all, of finding a particularly GAGGIA (which is a term mainly cheese and much loved by braised, because it means rough, tiny, squalid, pathetic, rude, burinella ). For this I discovered FORMULA OF CHOL.


CHOL Latin + = heavy makeup + quarrelsome;
GAGGIA = ignorant gossip + + + marked emphasis Sardinian children.

[(CHOL + GAGGIA) brief chat x] = shamelessness ³ .

That's logic ! The chola, in fact, by nature, has something to ask when it does, because his soul gaggia requires it to gossip shamelessly. It is a primordial instinct, unaware that the art of gossip is not be sgam and in ' be discreet . And so a chola gaggia meets me for 2 seconds and the first thing he does is ask (not to me but to my spokesperson) ...

...Così ...così come? Anti-cholesco? Da sempre, mia cara.
Mi conosci da tre secondi, che cazzo te ne frega di sapere da quanto tempo sono gay ? Potrei esserlo da ieri, da tre mesi o da 22 anni... MA non deve interessarti! E se ti interessasse così tanto, saresti libera di chiederlo... A ME . Il fatto che tu lo vada to ask the SPOKESMAN shows that you see being gay as something negative, something which should lead to be ashamed about, something to make chole FEAR . cholesco Another comment might be, always referred to the overt homosexuality of VICTIM ,
CERTAIN THAT does not do anything to hide.

What should I hide? What should I be ashamed? Should I dress up as a TE to go unnoticed? adopt attitudes that I belong to seem normal to your eyes?

If "normal" meant to be Britney Me Against The Music / a CHOL / a GAGGIA -but-not meant much prefer my diversity.

But because these are things that I have said in 14 years, I find it very sad to have to reiterate to 23 years.

ps Actually this outburst against the chola stems from the fact that this Chol CRITICIZED skillfully prepared the drink with vermouth € we buy two more, Carole!
HERE facebook page that we have dedicated to him: Comrade CAROLI .

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wiring Type R At 2 Ohms Diagram

SUPERGAY! The inconsistent or repressed gay behind every mysterious homophobic

You have blond hair with brown tips roots brown and amber hues, but it soon say "I have blond hair!" or, in French can scream " j'ai des cheveux blonds !" (me l'ha insegnato ieri il podcast di francese per principianti "French with Alexa").

Allo stesso modo puoi chiamarti eterosessuale e invece in particolari circostanze può piacerti la CHOLA (=il serpentello )... O quale omosessuale può escludere totalmente che un po' gli piaccia anche il RICCIO (=la  quaglierella )?

Povero è il cholo i cui piaceri dipendono dal volere di qualcun altro.

Per questo dobbiamo ignorare le critiche altrui (simbolo del loro "volere") and think only of securing a Pleasure no act rambling! For we must always consider the consequences of their actions and take responsibility (as do a Cristiano Ronaldo going to gay bars, gets the enamel and keeps the trophy girlfriend ).

Mh, I smell a sfranty!

So, if we like squaqquera always been, does not mean that one day You may also like the mandolin . For example I did not like the stuffed olives up to 18 years and now I eat tons! Never say never, anything that is not harmful PROVANDUM EST (sexual fluids, no wacky drugs from irreparable consequences).

And following the example of that Ronaldo Mascula but attitudes metrosexuals, unveil SECRET (announced by an image of Mae West capitalist demons).
"Lady Gaga's look and learn"

history, newspapers, Panorama, stories Grandmothers, movies and tales of the Brothers Grimm teach us that characters most critical, severe and silly towards other sexual orientations are the same then that , having boasted of having " cashtigato "last poor (which, if it were requested, would say: BEST SISTER!) going to let it go to a cross and then do a blowjob drunk in the bathroom of a beach which happens first. And the next day ME TO MAKE ME GAY SHCHIFFU !

... I suck you who say these things but then it seems the MASON OF THE VILLAGE PEOPLE, do you wear to gay indie boy to go to the disco, dancing It's Raining Men and know all the lyrics to Lady Gaga .... SUPERGAY.


Live and let live, whether you are a displaced chola, cholo a bdsm a diarrheal Emma Brown, a spark Paperina or Sister hallucinated. Or a stuffed CANDLE in the ass.

...que cuando siento el ritmo, mi cuerpo quiere ma-a-as!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Shred Coconut Dry Out

As talk of poems, pieces of furniture and cattle OR Travel smegma women trash 9. The chair will

È un blog di trashate, l'unico approvato dalla dott.ssa  Alma Tirone , dal leggendario sguardo sofferente di  Barbara d'Urso , dall'attrice e cantante  Maria Grazia Buccella , dal fenomeno  Laura Scimone , da  Valentina Pitto  (e dai suoi TACCHI ALTI), dalla docente parapsicologa  Lady Barbara , dalla  Sedia Sara  (amica di quel troione della Pimpa), da  Webreginetta  e dalla sbarba più ambita della 3^ E,  Marta Brugola !
A quella vacca di  Gemmadelsud  invece non piace.

Some might ask " these fractures but who are mutilated? " for this trip together in the world of the female characters trash. Here it NINTH part * of our trip.

9. The chair will.

Ho trovato una poesia bellissima e voglio condividerla ORA con i miei peruviani preferiti. La poesia è di Jacques Prévert

I misteri di Saint-Philippe du Roule (immagino che sia una chiesa di Parigi)
Inseguita da un'affittasedie
una gamba di sedia se ne fuggì
per andare a vivere la sua vita.
Un fedele distratto va a sedersi
sulla sedia ora a tre gambe
Lo rialzano alla fine della Messa
col tronco fratturato
And it slip away thousands of coins falling on the floor
a real scandal!

short, a real scandal is tantamount to an old man who fell to the ground with your ass! Sbam!
body of one thousand coins, which tumble.

theatrical introduction This brings us back to the main purpose of travel among women trash Protecting the pot roast. In fact, my personal interpretation is the chair without a chair leg is Sara, a friend of Pimpa, after being mutilated. Know them!

The highlight, in addition to the appearance of the chair that speaks as arrogant and intrusive Calimero, even at 3:53 with AH, THE CHEESE (a sentence that you can recycle even men with exaggerated problems of hygiene).

* (you wonder where are the women dedicated to the trash Braised number 7. And 8, namely Elsa Murru e Daniela Goggi. The first no longer makes sense to be mentioned because they are gone all his videos on youtube so famous does not make sense let you know, the second is so that trash does not make me want to talk!)