Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Remove Static From Furniture

Lele Mora Alfonso Luigi Marra OR The spirit of an actress Series B takes possession of a well-known talent agent to promote the usual abstruse books

Abstract : to give the title to my Braised I like to follow a pattern, which perhaps some readers will have already read. For example, looking at the old titles:
In this case, however, I was undecided whether to name it after "a well-known tax evader promotes an advertisement for a book that has run already spoken "or" a former hairdresser who is beautiful is not defined a critical book by Alfonso Luigi Marra "or" Alfonso Luigi Marra 2: Revenge of the Labyrinth . "Well the title may be only one and that is, E.

For those who missed the first part of this wacky advertising review, my opinions have already been expressed on actress B presents a series of letters in other words, what I misunderstood sms perplime spot in the maze of women with Alfonso Luigi Marra Manuela Arcuri to invite you to read.

But it could end like this? That is a bad advertisement for a book that are not reviews but " èBBellissimo " Arcuri said by, and that is only aedicule of Piazza Duomo in Milan? Of course not! In fact, since not all yet been entranced by the previous advertising for books of Alfonso, here comes a fourth, with ... Aldo Busi? Philippe Daverio? Merini Alda's spirit? Nooo! Ah, ok ... with Federico Moccia? Francesca Cipriani? Victoria Silvstedt? not yet, but we are getting closer, in fact, the new ad was another man whom we all admire the sobriety, the talents and cultural tastes in Italian literature , LELE MORA!

In this spot there are several things that do not go, although unlike the previous is deliberately trash and ridiculous.

1) LELE MORA? Oh well, worse than Manuela Arcuri could not be, but he is certainly not the person from whom I would be interested let me recommend a book to read, especially as saying "Il labirinto femminile è il libro più straordinario che ho mai letto" è un po' come dire, fra le righe, che tempo per leggere un bel libro non ne deve avere avuto mai tanto . E attenzione, io il libro non l'ho letto, ma a priori e in maniera assolutamente ottusa non penso che possa essere migliore delle opere di certi BISONTI della letteratura . Certo che se il libro è scritto allo stesso modo della lettera di protesta di Alfonso Luigi Marra o dei testi dei suoi spot pubblicitari, lo troverei pesante. E infatti passiamo ad un altro problema...

2) the script. I take the trouble to write it down so I even be able to understand it better.
Mirror, mirror of their desires! Tell me what concerns these people that Marra is always the worst of them all! Am not a critic, but women's Labyrinth is the most extraordinary book I ever read and then I volunteered for a Euro I to break the deafening silence of those who should speak, but I fear will cause the expected changes. Read it! It's really beautiful.
NOW I am so much in this text ride the wave of controversy with the previous spot of the bankruptcy Arcuri and little promotion of the book. I never buy a book ( TWO , because we are stuck in the middle of the other spots as well!) Because it has provoked controversy, but judging from the sales of The Da Vinci Code but perhaps many would do the opposite ( -but then, the book does not even have aroused controversy for content, only for his horrible commercials! ). The opening sentence he sees a fairy-like citation followed by a flood of victims who evidently Alfonso Luigi Marra always pulls a bit 'in dance. The highlight their own writing per fare la pubblicità al costo di un singolo euro è una tattica squallida per dire "l'ho fatto per una giusta causa, non per i soldi" (-e ci mancherebbe altro, di quelli ne hai già abbastanza-) e far parlare di euro proprio lui, noto evasore fiscale, è una manovra giusta per farlo sembrare onesto e pieno di umiltà nell'apprezzare il libro. Impegnato nel sociale e nel mondo delle "giuste cause" come Enrica Bonaccorti che difendeva i cani nel 2002.

3) IL SILENZIO ASSORDANTE. Il testo, sulla falsa riga degli altri, è sempre intriso di costruzioni pesanti, decadent and outdated. After "the strategist (g) sentimental ism, which greatly influenced the progress of civilization" changes to " the deafening silence of those who should speak, but fear will cause the expected changes . Now, the expected changes that I expect is the end of a political class now worn out, a reduction of the Vatican, and the disappearance of Barbara d'Urso, Juliana Moreira Lorena Bianchetti and from television screens for at least the next 15 years . From the way he talks Lele Mora, however, that the book seems to cause the expected change in any reader, but none of those who read it to mean. And that is why he comes, the chosen to break the silence ("deafening" He who is silent but has read all those that rely solely on advertising space and it arcuriana bleating continuously).

4) the lullaby MACABRE / REQUIEM. now go everywhere, all over Italy, feel the music to the macabre Dario Argento dirge that accompanies us in this fourth spot. I begin to think that music is the work of extraordinary genius of Alfonso misunderstood, because otherwise it would be pointless to use it in four different publications. Or maybe you! I understand everything! The music, which in itself inspires a feeling of negativity problem, it creates a thin thread that ties the various advertising, linking the themes of this musical malaise books (pissicosi, the strateggismo, depression). The macabre lullaby is therefore to prepare for a tome full of mystery, suspense, mystery .

5) the other book. After the usual countdown emotional beat that makes the hearts of those who will watch the video on Youtube, we see a very magical effect (very!) developed that produces ... Not a book ma DUE! Una "saggia tattica" per pubblicizzare, in maniera subliminale, anche La storia di Giovanni e Margherita, sempre cavalcando l'onda della "polemica" -fa ridere definirla tale-. Trovo che sia inutile mettercelo in mezzo, anche perché Lele Mora non lo considera neanche di striscio! Probabilmente è stato aggiunto in fase di montaggio "mettiamoci pure quell'altro libro che gli diamo un po' di visibilità" .

6) LA MAGGIA. Lele Mora, comparendo magicamente di lato con sullo sfondo uno specchio and creating an atmosphere of Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there is the link to an enchanted world , that contained in the Labyrinth (which remember, is a law firm with Luisa and Paul ). I confess that he reminds me a little ' secret son of Moira Orfei (for the color of the shirt and the expressiveness of the eyebrows) and Alfred Hitchcock (with quell'indole Prezzemolina that appeared to be between a murder and another) . The ad lacks the sudden cut-zoom incompetent Arcuri of the previous spot, so it's already a step forward, but even if at We view, in text are light years away from a commercial done as it should.

7) THE REAL STRATEGGISMO. The real-strateggismo unsentimental but economic is wanted at all costs not ride a wave of controversy about the book or its contents (to cover up the terrible), but rather on the viral web video of the previous : a blessing for sales last Alfonso Luigi Marra's book, which has become a fetish trash to have even-to-read-only because it was advertised in a indimenticaBBile. And since all my friends just try to get a picture having in his hands, now I want it too.


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