Thursday, December 16, 2010

Who Has Tiffany Granath Been With

The measles vaccine can cause death?

The pediatrician and homeopath Eugene Serravalle look in his book "Children supervaccinati" to convince his readers that measles is a panacea and the MMR vaccine ( Measles - Mumps - Rubella) is a real danger to the health of children.

But he reassures us already with the second sentence in the chapter on measles in the "vaccine" "In Italy it is not mandatory." What a relief! Who would ever want to see their children run the risk of contracting one of many serious diseases that Dr. Serravalle listed as damage from measles, or even to die? What's more risk of developing any type of allergy, starting with atopic dermatitis to asthma, from which - as the author explains - or at least protects the measles reduces the risk.

Soon I'll write a more detailed post on the serious consequences that Dr. Serravalle gives in his book to the vaccine. Just to get an idea, about 20 pages that make up the article on measles, devotes 13 to convince people that vaccines, especially the MMR causes autism, completely denying the scientific evidence.

Today I will only comment on what he says about the fatal consequences that he believes the MMR vaccine could have:

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Before continuing with this article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents about vaccinations .

Please participate and run the link as much as possible.

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after vaccination have been reported cases of death, according to the criteria that Americans are one of the side effects are detected.

I do not understand what it refers. Who ensures the death among the side effects of the vaccine in question and dove'è written? Unfortunately does not indicate the source.

have been reported by the British self-help group Jabs (Justice, Awareness and Basic Support), seven deaths directly linked to the MMR vaccine, among them, a fatal case of epilepsy, and one of Guillain-Barre syndrome, both officially recognized as an adverse reaction to vaccination.

The source indicates that this statement is an article of 1999, written by a group of British parents who collect alleged "Vaccine damage", without any check. The title of the article is "Why does the MMR vaccine need to be suspended" ("Why should discontinue use of MMR vaccine"). A title that speaks volumes about the credibility of the authors. The link
Dr. Serravalle indicates no longer works, but the article is easily found at the sites of the fiercest anti-vaccinia. Even if it were true that these two cases have been recognized by courts as being caused by the vaccine, this does not prove that they really are. For a judge may be sufficient to determine the temporal relationship to the applicant.

Even in Finland is a case of death resulting the vaccine.

cites as reference:
1. Patja a, Davidkin I, Kurki T, et al. Serious adverse events after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination During a fourteen-year prospective follow-up. The Pediatric infectious disease journal . 2000, 19 (12) :1127-34.

If you go to read the full text of this publication (and not just the abstract as it seems to have done Serravalle) it turns out that for this case of death (the only reported in Finland in the 14 years since the introduction of the vaccine until the conclusion of this research), the autopsy revealed another cause:

A previously healthy 13-month-old boy died During sleep eight days after MMR vaccination. The parents HAD Noticed transient flaccidity and faintness A Few hours preceding the death, But The Symptoms subsided HAD Immediately, and the boy Seemed HAD Entirely healthy When put to bed.

Forensic autopsy disclosed the cause of death as aspiration of vomit Caused by acute gastritis. His older sister flaccid Also HAD a history of attacks unrelated to vaccinations.

A child of 13 months, which was healthy before the vaccination, eight days after the MMR vaccine has died in his sleep. The parents had noticed weakness and flaccidity few hours before his death, but the symptoms are now gone, and the child seemed completely healthy when they had put to bed. An autopsy revealed that death was caused by aspiration of vomit caused by acute gastritis. The older sister in the past had attacks of flaccid, not related to vaccination.

Other deaths occurred also for serious allergic reactions

The source for this sentence is the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly

Report (MMWR), September 06, 1996/45 (RR-12), 1-35
Update: Vaccine Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, contraindications, and Precautions Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

This document is not the slightest trace of information on deaths due to severe allergic reactions to measles vaccine. Indeed, this report is very reassuring with regard to its security. We read that more than 70 million doses administered, were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS ) 33 cases of anaphylaxis. From an in-depth of these cases showed that only 11 meet the criteria for diagnosis of anaphylactic reaction. There is no word of death relazione a questi casi.

Nella seguente fonte che viene citata nel documento del MMWR:

Institute of Medicine, Stratton KR, Howe CJ, Johnston RB, eds. Adverse events associated with childhood vaccines: evidence bearing on causality. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1994.

si può leggere a proposito:

Although there is no direct evidence of death as a consequence of measles vaccine-related anaphylaxis or of MMR-related thrombocytopenia or anaphylaxis, in the committee's judgment measles vaccine could cause fatal anaphylaxis and MMR could cause fatal thrombocytopenia or fatal anaphylaxis.
Traduzione: Anche se non ci sono prove dirette di casi death as a result of anaphylaxis caused by measles or thrombocytopenia or anaphylaxis caused by MMR vaccine, the Committee believes that it is possible that the measles vaccine can cause anaphylaxis and death that the MMR vaccine may cause thrombocytopenia or anaphylaxis with fatal.

There is a difference between

"The vaccine has caused deaths due to anaphylactic shock" and

"It is possible that the vaccine can cause deaths due to anaphylactic shock."

Especially if this opinion is issued after a period in which they were given more than 70 million doses of vaccine. The doctor who

vaccination is of course prepared for the rare occurrence of an anaphylactic shock and can act quickly.
violent or viral replication in immunocompromised patients with hereditary or acquired
Children with severe immune deficiency should not be vaccinated with vaccines composed of active virus, as is the MPR. It is a well-known contraindications to the vaccine. Unfortunately it happened that some children have been vaccinated for this serious deficit had not yet been diagnosed. In the same document is MMWR explained that on more than 200 million doses of measles vaccine administered in the United States were less than 5 cases.

must also consider the fact that if these children were killed by the attenuated virus vaccine, what would happen if they meet the wild-type virus that is much more powerful. Also note the use of words "for violent replication" in reference to the attenuated virus and the replication of wild-type virus is that he hailed as a wonder drug for various diseases, a real must for our children.

Children with this type of severe immune deficiency are totally dependent upon a high vaccine coverage to be indirectly protected from infection. And 'one of the reasons why it is important that all children who have no contraindications to the vaccine should be vaccinati secondo le raccomandazioni per raggiungere e mantenere un'alta copertura di vaccinazione. Così il virus non potrà circolare e raggiungere persone scuscettibili che potrebbero soffrire gravi danni, incl. la morte.

Infine invito a riflettere:  Quanti casi di morte e di encefalite con esito sfavorevole sono stati evitati grazie al vaccino antimorbillo. Sono migliaia.

Ma purtroppo ci sono persone che cercano di convincere i genitori a non far vaccinare i propri figli, contribuendo così alla diffusione del virus che prima o poi raggiunge qualcuno che muore di morbillo (secondo le statistiche nei paesi industrializzati 1 caso su 1000 malati).


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