Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Garretts Cheese Popcorn Recipe

2010 Small Conservatory Rome

Dinner Party, la notte della vittoria di P.V. Tondelli

Tondelli opera varie stesure della pièce teatrale, una comedy in two acts that, initially, in the version sent to the XXXVIII-Ater Riccione Prize for Theatre in 1985, is the night of victory (Dinner Party). The text is assigned the special prize named in memory of Paolo Bignami, with the following citation: "Work which, apparently in the frame of a traditional middle-class, express, with dry, ironic dialogue, moods and anxieties of a generation of the eighties and marks the entry into the emerging stage of a narrator. " Thus speaks the author:

It is, in essence, a 'bourgeois comedy', conversation in which a group of characters meets per una cena la sera dell'11 luglio 1982, quando l'Italia vince il Mundial di Spagna. Parallelamente agli echi della partita, anche sulla terrazza di casa Oldofredi si consuma un gioco crudele e divertente fatto di colpi di scena, tradimenti, rivelazioni e ambiguità.

IL 14 e 15 giugno alle 21,30 TEATRO le SALETTE Roma

Vicolo del Campanile 14 ( S.Pietro - Prati )

SAGGIO SPETTACOLO allievi primo advanced second level

Directed by: Ivan Mori


Alessandra Carteni

Alessandro Pallotta

Carlo Fabrizi

Fabio Angeloni

Elena Carbonetti

Barbara Rosano

Clara Martial

Sara Savelli

the participation of Charles Bellicanta

and Ivan Mori in the role of Didi Oldofredi

Reservation: 347 7080852 Tel

06 96840119

ivan.mori @ teatro.org


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