A tutti capitano dei momenti di morte in cui, presi dal non sapere cosa combinare, ci si deprime, fino a quando non si ha una brillante idea. Quest'idea varia a seconda della propria età e del proprio posto nella società ! Ad esempio...
l'idea di una casalinga attempata per sopperire al silenzio assordante : GUARDO CANALE 5 +1.
l'idea di una bimbominkia vetusta per evitare la solitudo, inis : MANDO FOTO DELLA MIA TETTA PER MMS Friends.
the idea of \u200b\u200ba media sfranta Milan : MI PLATE HAIR AND I DO A NICE BIDET.
Finally, there is a category gigantic, immense, absolute: it includes male homosexuals, bisexuals, metrosexuals or bicuriosi aged between 15 and 68 years in possession of a demonic tool of last generation: the ' iPHONE . [I never tire of emphasizing that a preliminary àifon not aifòn ].
And their idea is not to feel more lonely one. BE PICTURES WITH IPHONE -usually in the bathroom, the place par excellence of photos prohibited. "
I, which does not fall into any of these categories, I have been a pastime instead to avoid the death watch silent GUYS WITH IPHONES . One lucky site that collects all the pictures of these poor mad dogs. And I could make a list of common situations.
cliché 1.
Come dicevo prima, il BAGNO . Luogo dell'intimità per eccellenza, dotato di uno specchio per potersi controllare bene prima di immortalarsi in foto, si pensa che tutto ciò che accade lì dentro -suoni infernali, sfilate di moda in solitudo, sforzi sovrumani, depilazioni a sorpresa etc.- sia confinato a quelle 4 mura... Comprese le foto insulse e futili! |
Ecco, lui è un genio. Scarpe unrealistic, posture crippled by indie dude, wooden table on which to stand out better in the photo .... Should I continue?! |
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Well, this poor monster is not in the bathroom but still shows a minimum package by including the failures of law among guys with iphones. |
"What kind of music I listen to-even though I have the headphones-on!! I want to share with everyone my tripping, and my bad taste in terms of towels. " |
I must let everyone see my ass, tattoos and the shoe in one shot! |
cliché 2.
the not so young. seems the more advanced the age, the more you need a feedback on their physical appearance. And what better way to find out if it with a nice photo taken with the iPhone? ![]() |
Here I am in the library .. TOH! A mirror! Wait for my immortal fascinating look 90 total denim! |
My therapist advised me to take a photo every morning for a boom in self-esteem. |
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do not have to consider the age, but as we are in! |
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He won. The interior is failure not only been a straight line directly to his Pepin, size of sad, but also by the legs with artichoke sock as a politician! |
cliché 3.
I WTF (in Italian MCC -but what the hell?! - Or Sardinian TGZ -ta gazzu?! -) , that the photos where to ask for a (Why? Because it is so tanned? Why it exists?) Is simply useless. Should be taken as fact and used to learn what NOT to do. ![]() |
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the sfrantiest of Them All? |
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Now I sit at the top of the tulle and become Lady Gaga. |
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of these individuals put a picture, but guyswithiphones has at least 750,000. You fool no lips. |
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Egyptian princess. |
cliche 4.
COCKS. I've seen more and more chapels mushroom prick (I call them dicks finger) on guyswithiphones in my life (thank goodness!) And I want to save it to the readers more sensitive [maybe will dedicate a separate post later, strictly prohibited for children under 45 years] . Advertising only photo I hope that applies to the whole category of men that you photograph your cock to exorcise the fear that it is so horrible as it actually is. Well just to let you know NO: strange positions in order to use magical effects to your PIMPIN DO NOT do it. see THIS photos. And to dispel from your mind the picture of that weird cazzetty, distraiamoci with Asia's most beautiful and good in history!
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