Monday, February 7, 2011

Christmas Tree Light Bulb Replacements

women trash 6. LADY BARBARA. An elderly

On the left bar of the Poisoned Braised read:
is a blog of trash, the only approved by Dr. Alma Tirone , the legendary look of suffering Barbara d'Urso , by the actress and singer Maria Grazia Buccella from phenomenon Laura Scimone from Valentina Pitto (and her high heels), from teaching parapsychology ; Lady Barbara , the innkeeper Elsa Murru from Big Babol Daniela Goggi from Chair Sara (friend of that troione Pimpa's), from Webreginetta and dalla sbarba più ambita della 3^ E,  Marta Brugola !

A quella vacca di  Gemmadelsud  invece non piace.
Qualcuno potrebbe chiedersi " ma chi sono queste docenti parapsicologhe? "For this we will travel together in the world of the female characters trash. Here it Part Five of our trip.


When poetry meets with dignified and solemn Moira Orfei, an exhibition of local furniture and the old beggar Peruvian Stone spout all the morning on the subway, check here Lady Barbara , the other side of our reality .

His epithet is to TEACHER PARAPSYCHOLOGY . Wikipedia does not unfairly-that-I speak of the Divine reveals that parapsychology is the study of some paranormal psychic abilities. She in fact, in addition to teaching, he is also visionary! Mysteriously, all these people full of talent out of the ordinary and that might make a change to the way of civilization (thin quote inside) are-or rather were, as this phenomenon is mainly '70s / '80s-consistently relegated to regional TV series C , Lady Barbara as it is for the prestigious Telecolor VIDEO3 of Catania.

But even here locally, she aspires to inspire his audience in various ways.


1. Tramite l'oroscopo e la dieta personalizzata. 

Una dieta equilibrata ed una sana alimentazione sono il primo passo verso una vita migliore. Al posto che sponsorizzare gli sciocchi prodotti della Dottoressa Tirone, Lady Barbara (per l'occasione incastrata dentro un ovale stellato) fa un quadretto psicologico del segno in questione per poi dilungarsi con SEVERI consigli di cucina: cipolla stagionata da ALMENO un anno, un SOLO spoon of oil ...

2 . Urging the public through vigorous calls

Sometimes more than pity to demolish should rise from its ashes, and Lady Barbara knows it! No, never that a Lady is a cafona, she urges only with some poison the poor viewers who call for advice. Sir, I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE CARDS DO? A LITTLE KNOWN OF STERILITY or phrases that have made the history of Italian television, the parapsychology of clairvoyance, of culture.

3. Through poetic odes, solemn and cryptic

His specialty. My favorite part. His poems make a fire to turmoil in the minds of curiosity, a fire fueled by the surprising and unexpected Sicilian accent that creates a new variety of Italian spoken language that deserves a treatise dedicated! VIA.

Eye open suddenly
on a truth that
wanted to hide from time,
much a reality of operation.
I too am a human being, I also
of Zentiva,
FERITTI feelings.
I do not deserve,
not deserve GRANT my love,
my attention.
I look at my reflection in the mirror,
my unruly hair ...
have a grace lightly.
am sad
I Guarte
and do not recognize myself.
One summer evening,
I met him.
My heart miss a pact as a Tanpura,
The expected every night,
was radiant.
lasted one year,
and after
saw only
the dark room
and gloomy night.

The theme of the poem, which I titled "Suddenly" taken from the torment of not knowing what was its original title, is a poem of training: the author discovers a harsh reality with which it is confronted to collide, his bipolar . In fact, if a moment before his feelings are hurt and injured, after a look in the mirror and sees a light grace, but then you do not recognize. For the series WTF?! His feelings are hurt, because he knew in the club that was losing its sèlscòntrol. And after a year sees only the dark room because he has given up. You probably already had that rascal Tampin some other young men in a nightclub, the face of the Lady now faded (but still Grace Light).

Honey is Dolz
Life is bitter
Hold it dear.
MISURELA with the shame of returning SELL SELL
comes and goes and goes back

You took your breath
you take away the shame and your thoughts What
VIBBRANO in arid
Six Six Six mild sweet

DUTTO and you're PERT
in a puff of wind
Who listens to you disappears into thin air
you feel you stand

choking you, you look and you deviate
you cancel
you the wind that disappears into thin air
Nobody admires
Nobody likes
But let's always a breath From the blossom
Each garment
intoxication and Brive.

In this poem the theme is different: we are in front of ' another accusation against him and an alleged absurd alitosi simboleggiata dall'insistente vento. Vento che va, torna, ritorna, e che raggiunge il suo climax quando ti soffoca, ti sente, ti scosta e TI ANNULLA! L'autrice viene dunque annullata dall'alito del suo amante, che lascia un soffio su ogni capo che incontra (alito invadente!) e che non piace a nessuno.

E ora, la figlia segreta di Lady Barbara.


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