Juana y Sergio, two hearts in volleyball. Travel
I let someone else to comment JUANA .
Look, look a esta nueva en field Jugadora! Juana es to nombre, y mucha calidad takes!
A jaunty red hair is already short and anti-Japanese, making the cartoon decontestuallizato and confusing. In Italian, the names were translated by maintaining a semblance Japan (SHIRO) ... But JUANA ?!?!?! and SERGIO ?!?!?! The famous Japanese Sergio, champion volleyball!
If in Japan there are various Sergy, then we assume that Mila & Shiro is set in Russia, and the inconsistency of the English voice actors (and francesi, perché il suddetto cartone in Francia si intitola Jeanne et Serge) i potizziamo i nomi delle giocatrici.
Al posto di Nami Hayase, avremmo Concetta Esposito .
Al posto di Kaori Takigawa, avremmo Addolorata della Morte .
E al posto della protagonista Mila Hazuki? Ovviamente avremmo Giuliana Moretti !
And instead of Yokono yogi? I'd say ...
holdeth its own face!
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