Are you gay? on Facebook Then do not say "I like: women," or "this chick", because if you're straight you do not need to say you like the pussy .. So if you write you are already gay.
You get more lamps Maurizia Paradiso .
Fan of Lady Gaga, Britney Spears , Francesca Cipriani and Gossip Girl ... Have you had any questions?
I'm not saying you have to be aware of your homosexuality NOW (well, you should ), but at least avoid taking the piss out of others entering the unnecessary detail of your love unchallenged for women ... But please! A preference does not write anything! You're a seminarian sfranta .
're gay, and it's ok!
Move to take note of who you are, why do you act like you is like denying a shit, as For example, you do not have a scar on the knee when in fact you do. Nobody fregherà him anything if you have a scar on his knee or not ( Well, my experiences teach some fennel Burcei or Quartucciu could get around, or some shady characters of Rozzano could give you a pat on the neck, but amen ) , but in your heart, your knee will always be there to tell you you lied.
The operation has an expiry date of your package (and there are blue pills that work), then see using it in a more appropriate before the end of his days, foul entertain your FOO!
conclude with my reaction homosexual average user who claims to love women :
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