Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Women In Submission Holts

Travel trash 3. Maria Grazia Buccella.

On the left bar of the Poisoned Braised read:

is a Blog trash, the only approved by Dr. Tirone Alma, the legendary look of suffering Barbara d'Urso, by the actress and singer Maria Grazia Buccella from phenomenon Laura Scimone from Valentina Pitto (and her high heels), from teaching parapsychology Lady Barbara, the hostess Elsa Murru, from Big Babol Daniela Goggi from Chair Sara (friend of that troione Pimpa's), from Webreginetta and the most sought after shaves 3 ^ E, Marta Allen !
A cow that
Gemmadelsud but do not like.

Some might ask " chic but who are these chicks? " for this trip together in the world of the female characters trash . Here it Third Party of our trip.

3. Maria Grazia Buccella.

The myth of today began his career as a Miss (represented Italy in Miss Universe in 1959!) And is then recycled to the singer, actress and dancer.

analyze your work roles with significant contributions of the photo / video ... GO!


winking titles such as The Dance of poo , Next another , You can not , love potion and pink flower and blue lead us into the world sighed, and exotic music of Maria Grazia. His songs are a nice wink sexy Italian that I like to imagine it as a mix between "red muscle" Cicciolina and "Cicadas" Heather Parisi.
But sometimes we must put aside the writing and let the music speak (read: ecstasy 70) ...

His scoordinatezza , the inadequate look, the walk prevented while lifting the chair, the shameless playback, the text that is sensually * blink! * anal sex drugs have been one of my daily (long before the arrival of the Tigres del Oriente and Wendy Sulca) ... So I learned the choreography and also recorded my own video that played a psychedelic Buccella. Maybe someday I will get back online!

not digress into asides and pass on the second craft MGB .


His generous body, abundantly shown in commediette that were fashionable at the time and on a few issues of Playboy, has given the unforgettable moments hands of so many young men of the years 60/70. If you watch this video ( possibly skipping the intro of 25 seconds by the fan infogati Carrà ) from 00:30 to 02:11 we enjoy its qualities as an actress (suddenly? ) and also to hear a welcome decision of a Clark Gable for the occasion becomes CARGREHBOL (0:58).
versatile, at 02:24 back to being a singer and dancer with long strides, long, open-minded and that they never say no.

... But now it is time to conclude.

And there's no way to conclude the most fascinating about this lovely song, WHERE TO GO BARE ALL? from the film. In a word ...
ABUNDANT. Guzman. Galloping.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mistress Dressed In Leather Long Coat

Bet on vaccines for "Coming Home" by Enrica Bonaccorti

Last Tuesday I heard the chance of transmission Enrica Bonaccorti "Coming home" on Rai Radio 1, which was the theme in that episode vaccini.
Naturalmente avevano tutta la mia attenzione ma non condivido tante delle cose dette. Ho dovuto constatare che il programma era basato su una preparazione piuttosto povera. L'impressione è che gli autori della trasmissione avessero preferito scegliere come ospite un medico che tendenzialmente parlasse in modo negativo dei vaccini. Altrimenti non si spiega perché non si sono consultati con un vero esperto di vaccini. 

Per spiegare meglio che cosa mi ha disturbato in concreto in questa puntata di "Torniamo a casa" (che ascolto di tanto in tanto con piacere) commenterò alcune delle cose scritte nella presentazione di questa puntata sulla pagina web della RAI e di quelle dette durante la puntata (cliccare sull'immagine to enlarge):

"The best known are the vaccines for children, considered mandatory: to avoid certain diseases, smallpox, rabies, tetanus polio, tuberculosis measles, the mumps, rubella ... "

Smallpox was eradicated 30 years (the last case dates back to 1977), so since this vaccine is no longer in use. Nor does the rabies vaccine or TB are part of the vaccination schedule for children.

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Before continuing with this article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents about vaccinations.

Please participate and run the link as much as possible.

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"Then there are the so-called vaccines recommended or suggested: AIDS, tropical infections, rare diseases .."
Unfortunately, to date no vaccine is not recommended against infection with HIV / AIDS), because still in the testing phase.

View: Recent Progress in AIDS Vaccine Science

" To get to those against influenza, more and more popular in recent years. And about vaccines, their properties , their actual utility, met to discuss and engage researchers, practitioners and citizens. With conflicting opinions. Often opposites. "

The advice may also be divided ma nella comunità scientifica c'è consenso unanime a favore dei vaccini raccomandati. Solo pochi medici, in contrasto con l'evidenza scientifica, si dichiarano contrari alle vaccinazioni. Di solito si tratta di omeopati, antroposofi, cioè fortemente influenzati da credenze non supportate - e addirittura ampiamente smentite - dalla ricerca scientifica.

"Quanto è utile, dunque, il vaccino? In quali casi è bene ricorrervi? Quali sono effettivamente indispensabili, e quali no? Quali controindicazioni possono avere? L'uso di un vaccino - a cominciare da quello contro l'influenza - può effettivamente mettere al sicuro dal contagio?"
L'ultima question is posed in a rather 'unhappy because no vaccine can guarantee 100% safety to be protected from infection.

"We'll talk today with an expert, Dr.. IVO CHICKS."

Surely it would be best for listeners if the program managers had invited an expert to vaccination and not a sports doctor and cardiologist.

The broadcast starts with questions from a listener who claims to be vaccinated, with satisfaction for over 10 years against influenza in the past because it was sick with flu and then had the fear of repeating the experience. His question was whether its system immunity was not very effective because he had to repeat the vaccine each year. He had also come to doubt that the recommendation to repeat the flu vaccine every year was actually a knavish tricks of pharmaceutical companies to make more money.

Dr. Ivo Chicks said in its reply brief that it is a vaccine, ie substances that are introduced into the body and cause the production of antibodies. Now specify that these substances are obtained with bacteria or virus or even toxins that are produced by the virus.

are no viruses that produce toxins, but the bacteria are able to do this, but it was probably just an inadvertent mistake because of the emotion. I should note that the vaccines that are directed against these toxins (tetanus and diphtheria) contain so-called toxoids and never, ever toxins. Toxins are inactivated toxoids that is made completely harmless. Here is the definition of tetanus which is the site of Center of Disease Control : a toxin modified to make it non-toxic but is still able to stimulate the body to produce antitoxins.

After Dr. Chicks explains why the flu vaccine is made each year again, that is, because influenza viruses mutate frequently to evade the immune system. Each year the WHO decides which strains are most likely to circulate in the winter to come, and the effectiveness of the vaccine depends on virus strains that are actually in circulation. If the vaccine antigens do not match the strains that cause the flu that winter, is believed to be protected, but instead is how the vaccine was fresh water.

would have been the case to stress that:

1) almost always chosen by the WHO for the vaccine strains match those in circulation

2) may also occur a so-called cross-immunity that protects against one strain does not antigenically identical but very similar

I quote from the book "Microbiology" Fourth Edition by Bernard D. Davis, Renato Dulbecco, Hermann N. Eisen and Harold S. Ginsberg (Zanichelli) in the chapter on influenza virus:

"The minor changes that occur more frequently among the epidemic, however, may reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine, but not make it useless."

After a break for the radio news Enrica law three SMS sent by listeners who were opposed to vaccinations. In the first message a listen

writes that for her the vaccines have worked in reverse. And the second listener: "Vaccines, no thank you!" adding that the military have made all the vaccines required, then you have found positive hepatitis C. In the third SMS a listen back to being vaccinated against the flu and then stay for a week in bed with fever.

seek the opinion of Dr. Enrica. Chicks who answered "agree". But how?? It would have been the case to clarify first that the fact that there is a positive hepatitis C has absolutely nothing with vaccines: neither can be caused by them, nor can we say that the vaccine did not work for the simple reason that there is no vaccine against hepatitis C! Instead

Dr. Chicks reveals that he does not vaccinate against influenza and even his mother 87 years has never made questo vaccino. Poi aggiunge che non fa vaccinare nemmeno i propri pazienti. Dice che la maggior parte dei suoi pazienti che si vaccinano contro la "sua volontà" (!) poi contraggono la sindrome influenzale.

E' invece un dovere etico per un medico farsi vaccinare per non trasmettere il virus ai propri pazienti e se poi si hanno genitori anziani si aggiunge anche questo ulteriore dovere verso di loro per non portargli a casa il virus che per persone avanti con l'età può avere conseguenze anche mortali. Il loro sistema immunitario non è più così efficace come nei soggetti più giovani e purtroppo per questo motivo per loro anche il vaccino non è così efficace come si vorrebbe.

Il vaccino anti-influenzale is directed only against the influenza virus, but does not protect at all by ca. 200 viruses that can cause symptoms very similar. The difference between these and other influenza viruses is that the former is much more dangerous, especially for groups at risk, as are just the elderly. Every year in Italy, moiono thousands of people from the flu, especially those over 60 years. And each of these people the virus had been sent by someone who perhaps is convinced that the vaccine is useless, because it is a harmless disease.

Dr. Pulcini said for healthy people it is better to get the flu vaccination, so it becomes active instead of a vaccination passive.

do not agree with this definition. Meanwhile, if one becomes ill with influenza vaccine can not talk because the main feature is the prevention of disease.

My second point of criticism is that it defines the influenza vaccine as "vaccine liability." A "passive vaccine" is the term used to describe the injection of immunoglobulin (antibody) in the body of a person with a suspected infection. Immune globulin - which are derived from the blood of people vaccinated - circulate for a few weeks / months in the patient's blood to prevent the disease manifests itself. The patient, however, does not produce its own antibodies and does not buy immunity. This is called passive vaccine. In reality this is not a vaccine, but antibody produced by the body of another person, because the body of the patient would not have time to form their own immunity - the disease would come first. This type of "vaccine" is used in cases of suspected tetanus. The patient should then still be vaccinated to develop their own immunity to prevent disease in the future.

Dr. Chicks "The choice of the types of virus in the vaccine is hypothetical. The effectiveness if there was this correspondence between the circulating virus and the virus in the vaccine - is the 30/40% some say 60%." The drawbacks are many and if there is a mismatch between the circulating virus and the virus in the vaccine, the effect is zero, indeed it is only harmful. "

In fact, the protection in healthy adults varies between 70 and 90%. That refers to the 30-40% elderly.

Enrica asks "how do we understand it " and he says that we must not only understand but we must trust the doctor. Enrica: "So it is not age?" and the answer is "But what age!" and then again the example of his mother who is 87 years old and has never been vaccinated against the flu. According to him it is necessary only when there is a risk of disease. Then he complains that has difficulty to convince their patients not to get vaccinated, and many do the same, against his opinion.

short, the figures speak for themselves. Approximately 90% of deaths due to influenza affects people above 60 years and this is why it is recommended that the influenza vaccine in this particular group of people. It 's too superficial to take as "proof" of the futility of this recommendation a person who at 87 is not dead yet even without this vaccine. Looks like the topic of what his grandfather has a smoker who has 90 years of age. Without putting the other side of the scale while those who have died for the flu, the 87-year-old mother's argument does not tell us anything.

Poi aggiunge che le controindicazioni per il vaccino antiinfluenzale sono tante.

Enrica legge un'altro SMS di un padre che si è fatto vaccinare contro l'influenza per proteggere indirettamente il proprio bambino di 2 mesi, cioè per non trasmettergli il virus. Chiede se ha fatto male.

Il dott. Pulcini risponde che non è stata una scelta sensata perché il bambino ha gli anticorpi della madre ed è quindi protetto.

Ma quali anticorpi può avere il bambino, se la madre potrebbe avergli trasmesso prima della gravidanza al massimo quelli dell'influenza dell'anno precedente, sempre se fosse stata infetta. Non ha però gli anticorpi dei ceppi nuovi. Se la madre si dovesse ammalare d'influenza la può well stick to your child because if she did not have protective antibodies from people who have taken the child's antibodies?? That father has done really well to get vaccinated to protect the child from infection indirectly. The next information

dr. Chicks is that these viruses are normally within us but have no action because they have no pathogenic force. Only when we lower our body temperature gain strength and make us sick. Draw strength from 16 to 22 ° C. That's why - he continues - we must not lower the fever violently. Fever is a protection. Above 32 ° the virus dies.

do not agree with the statement that virus dell'influenza si trovano già nel nostro organismo e aspettano solo un buon momento per diventare virulenti. Non esistono portatori sani di virus influenzali. C'è il contagio tra una persona e l'altra, i virus infettano le mucose, entrando nelle cellule dove si moltiplicano. Dopo un periodo di incubazione la malattia si manifesta. Ci sono persone (ca. il 50% degli infettati) che non sviluppano la malattia perché il  loro sistema immunitario elimina i virus prima che questi possono provocare grossi danni. Ma anche questo non significa che "i virus normalmente stanno dentro di noi".

Mi interesserebbe sapere quando una persona viva raggiunge 16-22° che permettono ai virus "che sono dentro il suo organismo" to "take power". And if the virus of "die" really at 32 ° C could never infect any human being.

I have done research on this matter of temperature and carry two passages from the book "Microbiology" that I mentioned above:

"In fact, virulent viruses multiply well at high temperatures, which occur during the illness (for es. over 39 °). Capitol 51 "Pathogenesis of Viral Infections" number 1926.

"In contrast, mutant temperature-sensitive (ts) unable to effectively grow and multiply at temperatures above 37 ° C and mutants adapted to cold (cold-adapted) (which multiply better at 32 ° C) are less virulent and may help you live virus vaccines. However, the demonstration that these mutants revert to wild phenotype with a relatively high frequency could be an insurmountable problem for their use for this purpose. "Chapter 56" orthomyxovirus "subchapter" Influenza viruses "number 2083

You can do a search on Pubmed using "Temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza A virus.

a listen to the next question is whether the asthma is better to take the flu or the vaccine. Dr. Pulcini - in sharp contrary to the recommendations - said that he thinks is better than getting the flu because people with asthma risk a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine .

Not so, indeed, people with asthma it is recommended that the vaccine because they are part of groups at high risk of serious complications in case of flu!

Now Dr. Chicks lists the contraindications to influenza vaccine:

  • - infants under six months
  • - people with allergies (and here include those with asthma) and especially those who are allergic to egg or other substances in the vaccine and those who had a past allergic reaction to this vaccine
  • - people who have had Guillain-Barre syndrome

Il dott. Pulcini aggiunge che facendo il vaccino antiinfluenzale ci si può ammalare di questa sindrome. "Una mia paziente a Ciampino non mi ha dato retta, ha fatto lo stesso il vaccino e ha avuto questa sindrome."

 Secondo la ricerca scientifica  l'influenza stessa (e non il vaccino antiinfluenzale) può causare questa rara sindrome.

Per quanto riguarda la controindicazione per i soggetti allergici all'uovo, questa vale solo per chi ha già avuto una reazione anafilattica all'uovo, perché oggi i vaccini sono altamente purificati e contengono solo minuscole particelle di queste proteine. L'asma is not a contraindication to this vaccine, in contrast, asthmatics are part of groups at risk they are advised to be vaccinated.

is also worth noting that after hearing the contraindications (which really are not many like Dr. Pulcini had predicted), we now expect to hear for those who recommend this vaccine. Indeed, this information usually comes before and after effects. In this interview, but there is a strong emphasis on contraindications.

Enrica law two other SMS. The first says "but Henry, the doctor there destroys the myth of the adult vaccine" and the second "But the professor's thesis is not inconsistent with the insights della ricerca?"

La risposta del dott. Pulcini a queste due domande: "Abbiamo l'insuccesso della campagna vaccinale del 2009, ce l'abbiamo sotto gli occhi, no? Contro l'influenza pandemica che poi non è arrivata. E che è stata rifiutata sia dai pazienti sia dai medici. (...) spesso la ricerca non va di pari passo e non dialoga con il medico che sta sul campo. La ricerca va per conto suo e il medico va per conto suo. Così non può andare, le informazioni deformano la realtà, si tratta spesso di disinformazione. Molti si fanno il vaccino perché l'hanno sentito alla televisione."

Primo punto: L'influenza pandemica è arrivata, eccome! Evidentemente anche il dott. Pulcini si è schierato con quelli che negano l'esistenza della pandemia del 2009.

Secondo punto: Che cosa prova l'insuccesso di una campagna vaccinale? Ha forse la stessa qualità della ricerca scientifica? Io ho trovato molto imbarazzanti le tante polemiche che sono state sollevate durante la pandemia 2009. Era molto frustrante dover vedere quanto poco preparati sono i medici in Italia nel campo delle vaccinazioni. Per me questo era solo una prova d'ignoranza, non una prova contro l'utilità del vaccino.

Il prossimo SMS di un'ascoltatore ci delizia con il consiglio che gli anticorpi si fanno mangiando la crosta del formaggio e stando poco vestiti anche con la neve.

Dott. Pulcini: "Il virus dell'influenza was discovered in 1933 but there is already talk in the fifth century BC Epidemics of influenza in Greece in 46 (...) has spoken for the first time of influence, this word was coined in 46. "

In Actually the term influence - to define this type of disease - even in use since medieval times.

I quote from the chapter on the influence from the site "Medieval Worlds"

"The term" influence "was coined in the Middle Ages to indicate a disease "affected" by particular events, such as unfavorable astral conjunctions, "Ab influential occult coeli" (in the sixteenth century in Florence) and as such is intended to infect a large number of individuals. "

Even this historic Treaty of 1837 proof that the word influence is born centuries ago:

Enrique reads the mail from a listener that asks when will be airing a doctor who is in favor of vaccinations.

Another SMS says "To my daughter I do the last two years to finish the vaccine series is recommended. So what should I do? I avoid this trauma? "

Il dott. Pulcini risponde che lo deve fare e che qui si è in un'altro ambito. Poi spiega quali problemi possono causare malattie come morbillo, parotite, rosolia e varicella. Alla domanda di Enrica su quale vaccinazioni sono obbligatorie risponde:   "4 sono obbligatorie in realtà le mamma fanno sei perché aggiungono anche l'antimeningite e l'antiepatite B"

L'antiepatite B fa però parte delle 4 vaccinazioni obbligatorie che sono:
  • antidifterica
  • antitetanica
  • antipoliomielitica
  • antiepatite virale B.

Al SMS successivo di un ascoltatore che ha deciso di non far vaccinare il proprio bambino di 5 mesi nemmeno con le vaccinazioni obbligatorie perché ritiene che i vaccini siano molto più pericolosi di quanto ci viene detto e anche quasi completamente inutili, il dott. Pulcini risponde: "Questa persona è integralista. Ci sono dei casi studiati che il vaccino invece di far bene può creare dei seri problemi. Lo sappiamo perché abbiamo fatto degli studi. In passato si è un po' largheggiato su certi vaccini e sulle componenti dei vaccini. Sono stati messi dentro delle sostanze per cui oggi ne paghiamo le conseguenze. Tuttavia la liberta che abbiamo grazie a dio ci consente anche di non sottostare a questo obbligo and there are people who do not vaccinate their children going to school anyway. There is no obligation. "

Here we must point out - in my opinion - the importance of vaccines in the vaccination schedule and explain that adverse events are extremely rare. Instead Dr. Pulcini has virtually confirmed 'review of the listener, that vaccines are much more dangerous than they say. Critica substances that were put in vaccines than once and said that today we are paying the consequences. This is a denigration of vaccination without scientific basis, but just an opinion. A Substances which includes Dr. Pulcini? Thinking about the thiomersal, none of the many studies was found to have caused harm to children. And with such vaccines is "largheggiato? They were and are all very important.

After a wave of green and the anticipations of the GR1 19:00 Enrica contains the testimonies of a colleague: "My grandmother has had since the English he never even had a cold." And some listeners have told Henry that they had taken tetanus "and then never again and never influence a disease." then asks his guest: "Who goes through the gauntlet, and a large viral invasion, and comes out of course, are vaccinated after a life?"

Dr. Chicks confirmation: "It strengthens the immune system becomes more robust and much stronger and if it makes a healthy life and a correct lifestyle has all the possibility of not getting sick. I am one of those. I mean in my life I have never done a day no, I never had a disease. "

It 's true - many millions of people no longer took neither a cold nor any other illness after being sick of the English - because the dead do not get sick anymore. The grandmother of the links could be dead for the English, but since she was fortunate and survived, he could bring his experience. Probably survived because he had an immune system, particularly efficiente e non viceversa, cioè non credo che prima era debole e grazie all'influenza "spagnola" è diventata all'improvviso forte. Era "forte" già prima altrimenti l'influenza l'avrebbe probabilmente uccisa. Lo stesso potrebbe valere a chi ha avuto il tetano ed è sopravvissuto (ancora oggi, con tutti i mezzi moderni, il 50% dei malati di tetano muore). Il dott. Pulcini sembra non aver avuto bisogno di una grave malattia per diventare resistente alle malattie.

Invece di incoraggiare le persone di farsi il richiamo antitetanico perché il tetano è una malattia molto pericolosa e terribile, sostiene chi non si vuole far vaccinare condividendo l'opinione che il tetano irrubostisce l'organismo ed is almost a panacea.

Arriva un'SMS a doctor who does not agree with what the dr. Pulcini said during tramissione. Enrica is the draw and after a pause music, we are finally hearing the words of a true expert in vaccines. Dr. Luciana Nicolosi, a pediatrician and infectious disease, contact person at risk for Immunization Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù She explains that people in industrialized countries today decided not to vaccinate their children may be relatively easy because all the other around them are vaccinated and protect them indirectly. He says that vaccination should be understood as a right and a social duty. Fixed also a contraindication for the influenza vaccine that Dr. Chicks listed, namely that the asthmatic the flu vaccine may be contraindicated, but only if it is a serious and persistent asthma. "The egg allergy: more and that has now been proved scientifically that in fact the amount of egg protein in a vaccine as the flu which is set precisely on the egg, are so tiny they can not cause a reaction . But those who have egg allergy means that he had an anaphylactic shock. "

I found the article on the influence to Dr. Nicolosi care where they are scientifically correct and current information.

The final question of Enrique at the end of the telephone conversation with Dr. Nicolosi is: "Well, she is much more pro-vaccine course by Professor Chicks." and the response of the doctor is obviously yes.

Dr. Pulcini says this last sentence:

"I, in fact, is not that I have deployed totally against vaccines. I simply said that is attributable to the medical doctor, being a drug, thus establishing the diagnosis therapy or prevention in this case. Only that the vaccination campaign - When it comes to the flu we all understand - is not based on scientific evidence but on an even imperfect communication between scientific research and clinical practice. "

We arrived at the end of the program on immunization.

My impression is that in this episode of "Returning Home" dr. Pulcini have used the flu vaccine (which is still only recommended for persons belonging to specific groups at risk) a bit 'as an excuse to smear campaigns vaccination in general. More than once compound what it says on the flu vaccine with vaccines in general. No wonder the comments and reactions of the listener, obviously everyone has understood that Dr. Chicks and Enrique are basically opposed to vaccinations, even though the dr. Chicks tried to deny this with some sentences overall impression.

For those wanting to learn more about influenza and influenza vaccines suggest you read the corresponding chapter in the book Pink (in English) of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) .

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Beautiful Agony Bathtub

A Finno-Ugric troione presents a joyful journey through tragedy

The following post is not recommended for the faint of heart , to bimbominkia antiquated , pines that referring to me saying "But where some people out?" (answer: you're a skinny shrub.) , to those who buy the election to become a class representative , to mothers about to call his son Bob and who loves to dress up as warrior Finno-Ugric .

The Viking weird up there (which for me is Fergie dei Black Eyed Peas, e non lo sa) , ci introduce a un video totalmente diverso, un video amaro , duro e inaspettato come un martello peruviano dato sulle palle (o una ginocchiata latinoamericana all'ovaia destra), un video che potrebbe darvi un SENTIMIENTO DE TRISTEZA . Pronti? VENITE. 

Three Peruvians would like to thank and praise Israel while floating in the heavens and among the poppy fields created by a video-editing WRONG! HORRIBLE! But then, the sites are actually classified in the area of \u200b\u200bIsrael? To me it looked like a cross between rice paddies and Fourth Oggiaro Oltrepò.

The video begins with a Scioccherella that says that Israel gives a sentimiento de tristeza . But because the island of monkeys , the unlikely special effects, the pasito of Delfin (at 1:32, look at it at least three times before continuing read on), the child bailari ñ or crooked teeth , Tigresa the suit of the East and especially THE FACT THAT YOU ARE IN THE VIDEO not you should make it even more sad and unnecessary?

remarkable initiative of the three "star" of the song Peruvian (or so) who together sing a hymn of love and dedicated to tolerance Israel.

I felt the need?
Israelis felt the need?
I say YES! It is my drug daily!

The fact remains that I would go to Latin America to unravel my doubt, but all the girls dress like the small (in reality will type 65) Wendy Sulca ??

Special Mention for the Tigres del Oriente whose age is visible but at the same time well-hidden by a very talented singing and dancing (* hysterical laughter and false part of the typical average American TV audience *) : viene derisa pure dalle scimmie dell'isola alle sue spalle a 2:54 !!!! La Tigresa però ( perù ) è un personaggio che su Youtube riserva sempre piacevoli sorprese : cliccate per vederla mentre  afferma che Lady Gaga l'abbia copiata , difende i diritti degli omosessuali (un po' la Barbara d'Urso from Lima ) Beyoncé accused of plagiarism , becomes true QUEEN OF THE GHETTO fighting discrimination .

conclude with just a photo published in the official Facebook Page of Wendy Sulca , showing her friend all Tigresa ' inauguracion de la Tienda Willy Toys (I say it's a toy store in Peru, but suspect it is a shop-like dildos I suggested a Marmot-is there around the corner):

Gagliardi. O sorceress?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Black Women In Submission Holds

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, November 22, 2010

What Does Endometriosis Mean In Turkish

Juana y Sergio, two hearts in volleyball. Travel

I let someone else to comment JUANA .

Look, look a esta nueva en field Jugadora!
Juana es to nombre, y mucha calidad takes!

A jaunty red hair is already short and anti-Japanese, making the cartoon decontestuallizato and confusing. In Italian, the names were translated by maintaining a semblance Japan (SHIRO) ... But JUANA ?!?!?! and SERGIO ?!?!?!
The famous Japanese Sergio, champion volleyball!

If in Japan there are various Sergy, then we assume that Mila & Shiro is set in Russia, and the inconsistency of the English voice actors (and francesi, perché il suddetto cartone in Francia si intitola Jeanne et Serge) i potizziamo i nomi delle giocatrici.

Al posto di Nami Hayase, avremmo Concetta Esposito .
Al posto di Kaori Takigawa, avremmo Addolorata della Morte .
E al posto della protagonista Mila Hazuki? Ovviamente avremmo Giuliana Moretti !

And instead of Yokono yogi? I'd say ...


holdeth its own face!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Makeup For Broken Capillaries

women trash 1. ALMA Tirone.

On the left bar of the Poisoned Braised read:

È un blog di trashate, l'unico approvato dalla dott.ssa  Alma Tirone , dal leggendario sguardo sofferente di  Barbara d'Urso , dall'attrice e cantante  Maria Grazia Buccella , dal fenomeno  Laura Scimone ,  da  Valentina Pitto  (e dai suoi TACCHI ALTI), dalla docente parapsicologa  Lady Barbara , dalla locandiera  Elsa Murru , dalla big babol  Daniela Goggi from Chair Sara (friend of that troione Pimpa's), from Webreginetta and the most sought after shaves 3 ^ E, Marta Allen !
A cow that Gemmadelsud but do not like.

Some might ask " but who are these weird characters? " per questo viaggeremo insieme nel mondo dei personaggi femminili trash. Eccoci alla prima parte del nostro viaggio.


La dottoressa Tirone è un medico colpevole di essere comparsa in alcune pubblicità trash anni '80 di prodotti dietetici con misteriosi principi attivi, e di aver condotto " The living room of chubby " (!!!!). After a court case and a bankruptcy .. TAH! Missing from the big screen. But on Youtube remains lively, and authoritative tone with a nice witch.

Anticellulite microcapsules with vegetable (?) at the right time (?) free active (???)...

Minilinea contains herbal tablets to follow the method of Dr. Tirone (????)...

The smangiucchiamento (?????)...

I take off the goggles look more profescional ...

... well Alma is mythological .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

100mm Metal Core Eagle Wheels

vent against repressed homosexual average on social networking

Are you gay? on Facebook Then do not say "I like: women," or "this chick", because if you're straight you do not need to say you like the pussy .. So if you write you are already gay.
You get more lamps Maurizia Paradiso .
Did pumps (the white sauce? See HERE) to all of Milan .
Fan of Lady Gaga, Britney Spears , Francesca Cipriani and Gossip Girl ... Have you had any questions?
I'm not saying you have to be aware of your homosexuality NOW (well, you should ), but at least avoid taking the piss out of others entering the unnecessary detail of your love unchallenged for women ... But please! A preference does not write anything! You're a seminarian sfranta .

're gay, and it's ok!

Move to take note of who you are, why do you act like you is like denying a shit, as For example, you do not have a scar on the knee when in fact you do. Nobody fregherà him anything if you have a scar on his knee or not ( Well, my experiences teach some fennel Burcei or Quartucciu could get around, or some shady characters of Rozzano could give you a pat on the neck, but amen ) , but in your heart, your knee will always be there to tell you you lied.

The operation has an expiry date of your package (and there are blue pills that work), then see using it in a more appropriate before the end of his days, foul entertain your FOO!

conclude with my reaction homosexual average user who claims to love women :