Legal City of Rome
In collaboration with
Academy ' Drama
P ICCOLO C ONSERVATORIO D iscipline d ello s pettacolo R oma
D irector Maestro I M van gold
New course in acting, speech and theater in Rome.
Acting course in basic training for all time pre evening - evening
Ideal for training, recreation, drama academy exam preparation and use of voice and disciplines of the theater. For everyone.
center in Rome a few steps from the metro area B Tiburtina
PURPOSE: Possible
Wise Entertainment in theater in Rome.
Certificate of Attendance - Textbooks complete.
university educational credits and working
Places on this workshop that the Little Conservatory Ivan Mori plays are few
Relaxation and neutralize body and voice.
emotional stages of technical development, technical study of the emotional gesture.
Analysis and construction of the text.
vocal education.
revenue mnemonic techniques and assimilation.
The division of the limbs and their natural movement.
Studio stage.
job heading up the basic body in the theater
Corretta pronunzia in aggiornamento
Educazione vocale.
Uso del diaframma.
Durata e frequenza del CORSO:
Inizio del corso martedì 22 marzo 2011
INCONTRI ogni martedì e venerdì dalle 20,00 alle 21,30
Costo completo compreso
materiale didattico, tessera della scuola per sconti a teatro ed ingressi gratuiti ed iscrizione.
Retta bimestrale del corso tutto incluso
ivan.mori @ teatro.org
Phone: 06 89014610
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