Sunday, March 13, 2011
Accelerated Course Nyc
These days, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin has published a research, TOKEN-Studie they were examined 254 cases of Usuda (unexplained sudden unexpected deaths = deaths from sudden, unexpected and unexplained) occurring in Germany from July 2005 to 2008. The main purpose of this study was to discover if there is a causal relationship between hexavalent vaccines and sudden deaths in children between 2 and 24 months of age.
have been scientifically analyzed data collected from questionnaires completed by parents and physicians, documentation of vaccination and the results of autopsies. Was statistically evaluated a possible temporal link between vaccination and the cases by the method of Usuda-Self-controlled case-series (SCCS). To further strengthen the results obtained, an analysis was made with a design "case-control". In an independent study which covered the aspect of forensic medicine has been tried a possible pathogenesis, a process that is pathogenic in common between cases of sudden death occurred after vaccination.
All the results of various investigations indicate that the risk for a sudden and unexpected death was not increased in the week after vaccination with the hexavalent.
analysis with the SCCS method has found a risk on ( RR) of 0.59 ( confidence interval 95% 0.26 to 1.33) and design "case-control an adjusted odds ratio (OR ) of 0.53, 95% (confidence interval 0.20 to 1.37 ), then nessun'aumento risk.
carried out forensic examinations showed no pathogenic process in common.
In a separate analysis, that was decided only after it was shown that almost all cases of sudden death occurred after vaccination recognized risk factors for sudden death syndrome: sleep in the prone position, maternal smoking or overheating (heating, clothing, blankets).
Unfortunately, only approx. 40% of the parents had consented to participate in research. Parents whose children died shortly after vaccination showed a greater willingness to participate than those whose children had been vaccinated at a distance in time or at all. This fact leads to a distortion of the results and makes interpretation more difficult. For methodological reasons it is assumed that the results obtained by this research may overestimate the risk.
The full study can be downloaded here and was also made available a file with further details regarding this research. In
summary in German explains why this study has been done, called "TOKEN"
The October 23, 2000 were approved two vaccines hexavalent Infanrix Hexa ® e Hexavac ® . Negli anni successivi sono stati segnalati alcuni casi di morte improvvisa dopo la vaccinazione esavalente che ha costituito un segnale d'allarme per una possibile correlazione tra i vaccini esavalenti ed il rischio di morte improvvisa inaspettata. Ad un primo esame scientifico non era risultato nessun aumentato del rischio per quanto riguarda il primo anno di vita. I casi dei bambini nel secondo anno di vita erano troppo pochi per poter fare un'analisi probabilistica.
Lo scopo dello studio "TOKEN" era appunto scoprire se il vaccino esavalente aumenta il rischio di morte improvvisa, esaminando un numero più alto di casi. Va sottolineato that this study refers only to the vaccine Infanrix Hexa ® because in 2005 Hexavac ® was withdrawn from the market because the suspected EMEA and a reduction dell'immunogenità component of anti-hepatitis B, the long-term protection may in turn be decreased.
The study was conducted and fnanziato by Federal Ministry of Health ( BMG ) and the Paul - Ehrlich - Institut (PEI ) in funding were involved the oreover , the two pharmaceutical companies Sanofi Pasteur MSD and GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals . E ' been fixed in the contract che gli sponsor delle case farmaceutiche non avevano alcuna influenza sulla progettazione e l'attuazione dello studio nè potevano avere accesso ai dati. L a pianificazione e l' esecuzione di questo studio è stata accompagnata dal consiglio scientifico di esperti interdisciplinari internazionali.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Una Scatenata Moglie Insaziabile

Legal City of Rome
In collaboration with
Academy ' Drama
P ICCOLO C ONSERVATORIO D iscipline d ello s pettacolo R oma
D irector Maestro I M van gold
New course in acting, speech and theater in Rome.
Acting course in basic training for all time pre evening - evening
Ideal for training, recreation, drama academy exam preparation and use of voice and disciplines of the theater. For everyone.
center in Rome a few steps from the metro area B Tiburtina
PURPOSE: Possible
Wise Entertainment in theater in Rome.
Certificate of Attendance - Textbooks complete.
university educational credits and working
Places on this workshop that the Little Conservatory Ivan Mori plays are few
Relaxation and neutralize body and voice.
emotional stages of technical development, technical study of the emotional gesture.
Analysis and construction of the text.
vocal education.
revenue mnemonic techniques and assimilation.
The division of the limbs and their natural movement.
Studio stage.
job heading up the basic body in the theater
Corretta pronunzia in aggiornamento
Educazione vocale.
Uso del diaframma.
Durata e frequenza del CORSO:
Inizio del corso martedì 22 marzo 2011
INCONTRI ogni martedì e venerdì dalle 20,00 alle 21,30
Costo completo compreso
materiale didattico, tessera della scuola per sconti a teatro ed ingressi gratuiti ed iscrizione.
Retta bimestrale del corso tutto incluso
ivan.mori @
Phone: 06 89014610
Monday, March 7, 2011
Braces With Missing Teeth
C = [J. Lo + P4B] 2
chola So I discovered that not only Latin, but in my magical world trash with Sardinian roots, and much anti-glamorous Milanese , can also be a snake : lowest reptile is a meandering and ambiguous, is a pile of meat scioccherello .
CERTAIN THAT does not do anything to hide.
ps Actually this outburst against the chola stems from the fact that this Chol CRITICIZED skillfully prepared the drink with vermouth € we buy two more, Carole!
HERE facebook page that we have dedicated to him: Comrade CAROLI .
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wiring Type R At 2 Ohms Diagram
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Mh, I smell a sfranty! |
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"Lady Gaga's look and learn" |
TU. |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How To Shred Coconut Dry Out
È un blog di trashate, l'unico approvato dalla dott.ssa Alma Tirone , dal leggendario sguardo sofferente di Barbara d'Urso , dall'attrice e cantante Maria Grazia Buccella , dal fenomeno Laura Scimone , da Valentina Pitto (e dai suoi TACCHI ALTI), dalla docente parapsicologa Lady Barbara , dalla Sedia Sara (amica di quel troione della Pimpa), da Webreginetta e dalla sbarba più ambita della 3^ E, Marta Brugola ! A quella vacca di Gemmadelsud invece non piace.
I misteri di Saint-Philippe du Roule (immagino che sia una chiesa di Parigi)
Inseguita da un'affittasedie
una gamba di sedia se ne fuggì
per andare a vivere la sua vita.
Un fedele distratto va a sedersi
sulla sedia ora a tre gambe
Lo rialzano alla fine della Messa
col tronco fratturato
And it slip away thousands of coins falling on the floor
a real scandal!
short, a real scandal is tantamount to an old man who fell to the ground with your ass! Sbam!
body of one thousand coins, which tumble.
theatrical introduction This brings us back to the main purpose of travel among women trash Protecting the pot roast. In fact, my personal interpretation is the chair without a chair leg is Sara, a friend of Pimpa, after being mutilated. Know them!
The highlight, in addition to the appearance of the chair that speaks as arrogant and intrusive Calimero, even at 3:53 with AH, THE CHEESE (a sentence that you can recycle even men with exaggerated problems of hygiene).
* (you wonder where are the women dedicated to the trash Braised number 7. And 8, namely Elsa Murru e Daniela Goggi. The first no longer makes sense to be mentioned because they are gone all his videos on youtube so famous does not make sense let you know, the second is so that trash does not make me want to talk!)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Hot Wrestling Chicks Like Man
L'elenco dei "danni da vaccino" che gli antivaccinisti presentano è lunghissimo, ma in realtà è puro terrore psicologico (volevo almeno per una volta usare una loro espressione che mi viene rivolta spesso) perché si tratta di eventi avversi raccolti in modo passivo con la vaccinovigilanza, come per esempio quello degli USA, il Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS). Questi dati vengono frequentemente citati dagli oppositori alle vaccinazioni con l'intento di spaventare i genitori.
Nella pagina delle domande frequenti del VAERS website reads:
are all adverse events reported to VAERS caused by vaccines ?
No. The VAERS receives reports of many adverse events that occur after vaccination. Some occur randomly following vaccination, while others may be caused by vaccines. Ad hoc studies can help determine if a vaccine really caused a particular adverse event . Just because event against happened after a person has been vaccinated , does not mean that the the vaccine caused . Other factors , as medical history the patient other medicines that were taken near the time of vaccination could be the cause . E ' important to remember that many adverse events reported to VAERS may not be been caused by vaccines .
Being a passive collection and uncontrolled, just a temporal relationship to end on this list, without proof of causation. The aim is to monitor the safety of vaccines. For example, if the experts noted that control the data that an event is reported more often than expected, knowing the frequency of this in the normal population or in vaccinated, this is interpreted as a signal to be explored. However, all cases of serious adverse events are investigated by the staff of the VAERS. You contact your physician, requires medical records and other information and carefully examine each of these events to see if there is a causal relationship to the vaccine or the particular batch used.
then used, as with the vaccinia regularly and shamelessly for many years, these data demonstrate the "dangerousness" of vaccines is extremely unfair.
Even the side effects that you can read the package inserts (i Bugiardini) vaccinovigilance derived from passive, and adverse events may be listed there without proof of causation, but only because they occurred after vaccination. They are placed in the package insert for legal reasons, not for medical reasons.
A similar thing happens with regard to breastfeeding. For legal reasons in almost all the medicines you read that breastfeeding is a contraindication. So if you only read the leaflet, or waiver to take the medicine or you decide to quit - without any real justification - to breastfeed. To find out if you can take a medicine while breastfeeding you should turn to other sources and not just read the leaflet.
It 's interesting to note that sometimes the same people that give this right to counsel breastfeeding mothers, think that the list of adverse events written in the leaflets are all really caused by the vaccine.
So to know the side effects of a vaccine should not use the list written in the leaflet but talk to your doctor or medical clinics in the vaccination of ASL. But I have often heard and read by the skeptics that the medical clinics of ASL vaccine are "poorly informed" because they do not know that vaccines can cause (and there is listed a number of diseases taken from reports of vaccinovigilance).
This is not to say that the damage from the vaccine do not exist. There is nothing that is 100% secure and this naturally also applies to the vaccinations. The risk of a serious side effect is very low and is not very fair pay much attention to these risks completely ignoring the great benefits of vaccines.
would be like one when it comes to the bees, said that if they bite can kill a person allergic and are therefore a public danger, without considering
1) how often this happens and
2) that the bees are vital to our survival for their very important role in pollination
The passive collection of adverse events is designed to monitor the safety of vaccines on large numbers. Even the best studies that are made before the approval of a vaccine are able to identify very rare reactions but only those that occur more often. Only when you vaccinate millions of people you notice any of these risks of the vaccine, just because they are extremely rare. Then you have to weigh these risks with the risks of the disease that the vaccine prevents.
For example, if the X disease against which the vaccine is a direct cause death per 1000 patients and the first case of encephalitis vaccine vaccinated every 1,000,000 (which is the same frequency as in non-vaccinated, so we think now is not caused by the vaccine), the benefit of the vaccine is obvious. 1,000,000 cases of disease X cause - no vaccine - 1000 dead. Now just take the place of the letter "X" the word "measles" .
So, to return to the adverse events that are collected with the vaccinovigilance, you might as well decide to collect and report all adverse events that occur
- a Friday, 17 (venerdìdiciassettevigilanza)
- after visiting his grandmother ; (visitadallanonnavigilanza)
- after a walk in the woods (passeggiatanelboscovigilanza)
- after a trip on the bus (viaggiosullautobusvigilanza)
The list of adverse events that were obtained with this collection would be very similar to that of vaccinovigilance (apart from those of lesser directly caused by vaccines such as fever, local pain etc,). If you used the same reasoning of vaccinia, suddenly would be very harmful to our health perfectly harmless activities such as visiting grandma, walking in the woods, eating chocolate, traveling on the bus etc. ..
Imagine a child whose symptoms began asthma two weeks after the visit by her grandmother. Of course no one would connect these two facts to say that since the first attack of asthma after paying a visit to her grandmother, this visit has caused, even if the first child was fine. Yet when it comes to vaccines, this reasoning is done. I can understand the parents, because it is the human search for a "guilty" and since the vast majority of children are vaccinated several times, chances are high that you will find this correlation.
But this reasoning is correct? Just something that really happens after another thing to have proof of causation? Of course not, try for a causal relationship we want something else! Yet on this very banal error it is based around the anti-vaccine movement. The vaccinia use the data collected to "prove" that vaccines can cause hundreds of diseases, they say almost all those that exist.
Likewise, you could create such an anti-guided-by-grandmother. It 's simple: just do a collection of all events that happen from now until an unspecified date after visiting his grandmother. You could create an association, for example (Coordination world damaged by a visit from her grandmother), publish an online form that can be compiled by anyone and regularly update the list of events adverse. It should also publish the opinions of the people who wrote that he decided not to bring more children to visit his grandmother, to prevent serious damage. Offer letters kind of justification that can be personalized and sent to her grandmother. It 's absurd, but unfortunately with the vaccines exactly this is happening for many years, in spite of scientific evidence. But
reasons: it is likely that virtually all diseases disappear forever, accidentally starting the day on which it is expected the vaccine? Evidently the vaccinia think, since for them any adverse event that occurs from the time of vaccination on, is necessarily caused by the vaccine, and woe to contradict them!
The vaccines protect
instead "only" from infectious diseases against which they are direct and not cheap. All others continue to make their course as they had always done naturally and can also happen accidentally close to the date of vaccination (even a little earlier, not only soon after ...). Neither the vaccine nor the visits grandmother can least influence.
The anti-vaccine movement is dangerous because it is based on false and absurd statements very cleverly divert attention from the enormous benefits of vaccines in preventing some very dangerous diseases. In this way, unfortunately, more and more parents are convinced to leave their children unprotected. Germs are so continuously enough ground to multiply and to circulate, causing serious damage.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Kramer Aerostar Zx30h
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I'm a bitch, are not a sfranta. |
Certo, voi non lo sapete, ma il Giappone è una nazione malefica: seduce i divi dello spettacolo (ovviamente sono al 99% delle volte statunitensi) tramite cachet bilionari per fare le pubblicità più putride. Voi pensate che le star rispondano ai furbi manager giapponesi (bassottini, in giacca e blackberry) " No, figurati se IO, GROSSA popstar texana, mi metto a pubblicizzare dell'acqua minerale! ". SE, MAGARI! Ecco quella poraccia di Beyoncé che promuove una misera acqua (il fotogramma d'anteprima di youtube poi, la dice tutta).
Il bello della questione è che, prima di youtube, questi divi americani potevano sputtanarsi con orribili pubblicità perché tanto le avrebbero trasmesse solo in Giappone... Ma la globalizzazione svela i trabocchetti delle proprie careers, and so the publicity shot in a basement in the mid 80s to promote devilry ELECTRONIC hours jump out and ruin the reputation of a famous pop star friend of ours.
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Who, me?! |
Ready? A deep breath, VIA.
Madonna dancing and spinning and floating, then scazzatissima from having to promote a MANGIAVIDEOCASSETTE go into a bookstore, he sees a bright M, takes it, puts it (?) and after returning to dance, turn and wave enthusiastically, as he says BEAUTIFUL if he were witnessing the materialization of their worst nightmare.
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THE LIGHTNING says " not take this spot outside Japan . |
A drink? An incense burners? Of Vietnamese noodles? What publicize this spot is unknown and only knows the elephant (now I have found NO: beauty products ), we only know that Madonna was a fan of Valeria in Reality Circus .
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Valeria tamer! |
Of course, another withering look here denotes humiliation at having to work with those evil Japanese.
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What touches me is 'to field'? |
Oh, I always wanted to sponsor a DISTILLED RICE . And how can I enhance it? But of course making GOKU and seeking the Dragon Balls!