do not talk much on the web that Manuela Arcuri and his participation in a squalid publicity for the book of a man, personally, ever heard.
What's wrong with this ad? I should not even say it!
What I perplime The labyrinth in the spot for female Alfonso Luigi Marra:
1 ) il filo logico sotteso alla trama dello spot .
Nonsense perfino per chi di nonsense vive. Quello sms che arriva all'inizio dello spot, magari giudicato dal regista UNA GRAN TROVATA perché introduce l'esaltante elemento SMS è in realtà, secondo me, una pessima idea sia perché l'Arcuri non sa interpretare, sia perché CHE VUOI CHE CI SIA SCRITTO NEL MESSAGGIO CHE RICEVE? " Mi raccomando non cagare fuori anche stavolta. Firmato: ALM ".
Nonsense perfino per chi di nonsense vive. Quello sms che arriva all'inizio dello spot, magari giudicato dal regista UNA GRAN TROVATA perché introduce l'esaltante elemento SMS è in realtà, secondo me, una pessima idea sia perché l'Arcuri non sa interpretare, sia perché CHE VUOI CHE CI SIA SCRITTO NEL MESSAGGIO CHE RICEVE? " Mi raccomando non cagare fuori anche stavolta. Firmato: ALM ".
2 ) la copertina del libro . Il primo piano di Alfonso Luigi Marra mi ricorda molto le copertine dei dvd della Signora in giallo . Noto anche una certa somiglianza sul taglio di capelli! Ho una mia personale opinione sull'utilizzo del volto dell'autore in copertina: direi che debba essere utilizzato solo quando egli abbia raggiunto una certa visibilità (e quindi una popolarità) tale che gli è permesso svendere il suo viso, con tutti i difetti che esso ha, perché sa che gli farà comunque vendere qualche copia in più (by quei lettori che "chi è questo? Ah l'ho visto in tv, mi piace, lo compro"). Ma un viso in copertina è un'arma a doppio taglio e se non sei conosciuto, rimani sconosciuto . Non fa una grinza.
3 ) promuovere un LIBRO tramite uno SPOT TV , e nello specifico tramite QUESTA pubblicità. La promozione pubblicitaria è (anche lei) un'arma a doppio taglio che può portare immensi guadagni o rovinare in 30 secondi (o meno) il frutto del lavoro di una vita. Il libro magari è bellissimo, e non nascondo che mi incuriosirebbe read a text message of love letters as they are accustomed to the "usual" of eighteenth-century epistolary unseemly gossip, but that has been promoted with such a dismal, with a music recycled from the promotion of another book, with a "VIP "put it there in front of the camera to parrot a hunchback who is anything but attractive, discourage me to buy a similar book.
4) Arcuri as the testimonial for a book . Manuela Arcuri, who is he? Certainly not a note reader. Maybe at home has the library of Alexandria, but she did not say, in my opinion, a woman great cultural, that I could recommend buying a book by an author who does not know. Bad choice, even for the condition.
5) video editing. A book that is floating sideways, the Arcuri reading the teleprompter, the recovery rate cut in half with a shot on the face and subsequent enlargement of the actress. You could not do it all in one shot? That cut is just about everything that a director should not do.
6) Say "and beautiful" for a book that you are promoting is to say, Eat it is good to a child that none of it to try the tripe . Approach totally wrong.
7) the DICTION . Lbs. Strateggismo. Libbreria.
8) As I said, use the same music -ugly, frightening, scary and macabre-two other previous advertising is awful.
The choice to read the teleprompter (because of what it is, not to speak or act in the room) to daughter is perhaps even worse than that to put the Arcuri. To him then I'd really ask for anything more on the four meanings of sexuality and PISSICOSI .
The scandal provoked by the ferocious web for trash that this spot is great, Alfonso Luigi Marra led to the allegations as well.
To those who, in this 'culture' of the orifices and Strull is exaggerated to define the spot Arcuri of the ugliest possible, we can only say that jealousy is the most human of feelings .. On the other hand, the jealousy and envy in the office of the worst kind are indispensable, because they are a priori stable control system - a grid - to obstruct the exercise of wishful thinking without a trial and the advent of new products. The truth is, in short, that the company knows that women's Labyrinth and The Story of John and Margaret's something, and that spot is likely to break the wall of silence that surrounds me since 1985, so he sent in the field to prevent the idiots the danger and test the capacity of my thesis to resist the dissent, so my answer is more a gesture of chivalry toward Manuel because the idiots are irreducible, and intelligent these things they already know.
the overwhelming majority of idiots (otherwise the company would know where it is located suffering from rising), however, say - for the love anyway I especially for them - that the best thing to become at least a little ' smart is to read, before venturing in judicial decisions.
understanding that now the web and the media are understanding that he had talked too much and will try again to fall silent on me and my books and make new taboos, and for a little more - perhaps only a few weeks, a few months - there will still be able, because only now the company is beginning to understand Duty indifferibilmente find the courage to begin to look inside.
Bla ... BLA. BLA.
Alfonso Luigi Marra, you publish a collection of letters SMS IN (the preferred means by bimbominkia obtuse) promoted through television advertising (medium preferred by goats and the rambling) recited by an Actress in a Series B (known for her boobs rather than for its cultural qualities / his reputation as a reader / her condition) and pronounced as would make a VIEWS BURINI men and women. Just what do you do this, and you considers A MAN WHO WRITES TABBÙ LBS TABBÙ , then criticize the society of fools and pigs? But if you put the Arcuri, the TV commercials, music by Dario Argento and letters of love sms it to him in your servants on a silver platter to hogs and poracci, and they will be the only part of the company that will attract! If you're going to keep writing, you may wish to promote books via TV or Internet only having the chance to do an advertisement in the grace of God! It would STRATEGGISMO too.
CLICK HERE for the second part : The spirit of an actress Series B takes possession of a well-known talent agent to promote the usual abstruse books: Lele Mora for Alfonso Luigi Marra
CLICCA QUI per la terza parte: Una Rubacuori svela i segreti del signoraggio bancario OVVERO Ruby per Alfonso Luigi Marra: al peggio non v'è mai fine
CLICCA QUI per la terza parte: Una Rubacuori svela i segreti del signoraggio bancario OVVERO Ruby per Alfonso Luigi Marra: al peggio non v'è mai fine
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