Monday, December 27, 2010
Cruising Spots In Mexico
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Consumer Report Corn Stove
Tetanus: a disease of the elderly?
Uno degli argomenti con cui gli antivaccinisti cercano di convincere i genitori a non far vaccinare i propri figli contro il tetano è che si tratta di una malattia degli anziani e che i bambini non corrono alcun rischio.
Seguono alcuni esempi:
To find out how things really are, we travel back in time.
In Italy, since 1955 the reporting of cases of tetanus is required. Here is a chart that shows the number of cases in the age group 0 to 14 years from 1955 to 1970 (to enlarge this and other images, just click on it)
In the next graph see all cases of tetanus, and the proportion of cases of age group 0-14 years from 1961 to 2008:
(So not true since 1982 there has been only one case of tetanus in children and adolescents, as he said the homeopath Tancredi Ascani to that mother, but ca. 200 cases.)
The following chart shows us the deaths since 1955 in the age group 0 to 14 years:
course, thanks to medical progress, deaths have decreased first year when the vaccine became mandatory for all newborns. However, vaccination does not only reduce mortality, but also to prevent illness, suffering and possible complications (with tetanus, there is also the risk of neurological damage permanenti).
Quale genitore vorrebbe il proprio figlio per settimane in terapia intensiva anche sapendo che oggi i mezzi della medicina sono talmente potenti che probabilmente sopravvivrà?
La cronologia della vaccinazione antitetanica in Italia:
I dati esposti parlano chiaro:
1) I bambini non vaccinati rischiano l'infezione da tetano.
2) Il motivo per cui in Italia da più 10 years there are more cases of tetanus in the age group of 0-14 years (with two exceptions, a case in 2006 and one in 2008) ...
... Since 1968 almost all children are vaccinated against tetanus!
one survey that 97% of people who received tetanus in recent years had never been vaccinated and the remaining 3% were incompletely vaccinated, that is not according to the recommendations, for example, had the recall of tetanus vaccine more than 10 years ago.
should also be noted that in many cases of tetanus, the wound is so bland and shallow (needlestick or plug pink, abrasion, cutting, etc..) do not require medical attention and sometimes not even be noticed. Not always possible to eliminate the spores of tetanus, for example in wounds caused by a sharp object or even abrasions spores can be found under the skin, unreachable from the water with which you try to clean the wound. In addition, the tetanus spores are very resistant to disinfectants, incl. hydrogen peroxide. This is useful only because it kills other germs found in the wound, which could enhance an environment without oxygen wake of tetanus spores, which at this point begin to produce their toxin.
The lethal dose of this toxin for humans is less than 2.5 ng / kg (1 ng = 0.000000001 grams, so a person weighing 75 kg, the lethal dose is less than 0, 000000187 gr). It 's a quantity too small to be able to induce an antibody response because even those who survived the tetanus is not immune. With vaccine immunity is achieved because it contains quite large amounts of toxoids or tetanus (the toxin made completely harmless) can be recognized by the immune system then produces antibodies.
As mentioned before, in Italy, in 2006, there was a case of tetanus in a child of 34 months. He had only received the first dose of the vaccine because her parents mistakenly believed that the vaccine had caused atopic dermatitis, and therefore had decided not to make other calls that are necessary for complete protection. A single dose of this vaccine gives no protection, but it takes a whole series of references provided by the vaccination schedule.
The case was published in Eurosurveillance:
A case of tetanus in a child in Piedmont: the parents refused vaccination
by: Eurosurveillance Weekly, vol. 12, number 6 to 21 June 2007
F. Giovannetti, Asl Alba Bra, dipartimento di Prevenzione
A. Pellegrino, Asl 15 Cuneo, dipartimento di Prevenzione
traduzione, sintesi e adattamento a cura della redazione di EpiCentro
Nel seguente link viene descritto un caso di tetano in un bambino (mai vaccinato) di 12 anni. Per fortuna non è morto, ma fa impressione leggere quanto ha dovuto soffrire a causa della decisione dei genitori di non proteggerlo contro il tetano. Si era procurato una ferita con una lisca di pesce mentre camminava a piedi nudi
Complications and Management in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Nell'ottobre 2008 nel forum tedesco di un antivaccinista la madre di un ragazzino di 13 anni che non era stato vaccinato, raccontava quello che era successo al suo bambino. Già dal primo suo post si capiva che si trattava di un caso di tetano. Il bambino era caduto dalla bicicletta su una strada non asfaltata e si era procurato una ferita al ginocchio, profonda ca. 1,5 cm e c'era tanto sangue. La madre aveva fatto medicare la ferita dal medico. Qualche giorno dopo il bambino non riusciva quasi più ad aprire la bocca e aveva dolore. Nel blog di una mia cara amica "Just the Vax" la storia è stata riportata in inglese .
Tetanus in an unvaccinated teen
in 2002 in the medical journal Pediatrics has published a work entitled "philosophical objection to vaccination as a risk factor for children under 15 years to contract tetanus"
1. Fair E, Murphy TV, Golaz A, Wharton M. Philosophic Objection to Vaccination as a Risk for Tetanus Among Children Younger Than 15 Years . Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (1): e2-e2
Of the 15 cases (which were reported between 1992 and 2000) Only 2 children were fully vaccinated and they had a much less severe symptoms of unvaccinated children. The majority of children had not been vaccinated because their parents refused vaccination for religious or philosophical reasons or.
The paper sees a table with details of each case. I have quite long periods of hospitalization, in most cases, for example, 19, 24, 26, 38, 39 and up to 60 days. Instead of children vaccinated, only one was hospitalized 1 day (for 6 weeks and was treated at home) and the other four days. Many of the unvaccinated children were in need of artificial respiration, also 9, 12, 22 and even for 30 days (a baby, for umbilical infection, whose mother was not vaccinated and therefore could not transmit maternal antibodies). Even wounds which caused the tetanus are described and are almost all trivial: one has been stung by an insect, some have walked barefoot sharp objects, such as a nail, a finger was cut off (at home), or even a splinter in his foot was enough to contract tetanus etc.
The next time a vaccinia tells you that today's children do not moiono tetanus (assuming that with this sentence is not true that they can not contracting tetanus), think for a minute that the cases I have just described: the long hospitalization, artificial respiration, the painful muscle contractions, jaw locked, which prevents you from eating or drinking and makes it difficult to swallow, to the many drugs they need ...
The conclusion is that tetanus is a terrible disease that today in Italy about
Uno degli argomenti con cui gli antivaccinisti cercano di convincere i genitori a non far vaccinare i propri figli contro il tetano è che si tratta di una malattia degli anziani e che i bambini non corrono alcun rischio.
Seguono alcuni esempi:
"Quanti casi di tetano pediatrico ci sono in Italia?I dati italiani pubblicati dal nostro Ministero della Salute dal 1993 in poi illustrano chiaramente Today cases of tetanus simply no longer exist in children, but are more common among adults. "
" When should a child be vaccinated against tetanus?
One wonders then what sense would have begun a vaccination at this age: For the fear of infection in our country does not affect even the children? "
From "Vaccinating against tetanus?" - Roberto Gava and Eugene Serravalle
"The cases of tetanus Italy are in the order of 90 units per year, of which 85% over fifty years. Tetanus is a disease of adulthood. From here it follows that the opportunity to use millions of doses each year to children in Italy is very questionable. "
" When, how and why they resort to the Inoculations " Lorenzo Acerra
"Der Tetanus danach ist offensichtlich ein Problem des Menschen aelteren." (= So tetanus is obviously a problem for people get older.)From "Impfen, das mit der Angst Geschaefte "- Gerald Buchwald
But is it true that tetanus is not a danger to children and adolescents?"Tetanus is a rare disease, not contagious, but disappeared in Italy for years. The last case of neonatal infection dates back to 1982 and 2006 there was a case in a child Turin 34 months. Do you realize what it means only one case after 24 years among all the children of Italy?(....)As with any infectious disease, tetanus occurs almost exclusively in immunocompromised persons, usually elderly exceptionally neglected hygiene extremely deep wounds. "response homeopath Dr. Tancredi Ascani Forum of website "Omeosan" to a mother who asks whether it makes sense to vaccinate their child before they start to attend kindergarten.
To find out how things really are, we travel back in time.
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Before you continue reading the article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents immunizations.
Please participate and run the link as much as possible.
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In Italy, since 1955 the reporting of cases of tetanus is required. Here is a chart that shows the number of cases in the age group 0 to 14 years from 1955 to 1970 (to enlarge this and other images, just click on it)
(So not true since 1982 there has been only one case of tetanus in children and adolescents, as he said the homeopath Tancredi Ascani to that mother, but ca. 200 cases.)
The following chart shows us the deaths since 1955 in the age group 0 to 14 years:
course, thanks to medical progress, deaths have decreased first year when the vaccine became mandatory for all newborns. However, vaccination does not only reduce mortality, but also to prevent illness, suffering and possible complications (with tetanus, there is also the risk of neurological damage permanenti).
Quale genitore vorrebbe il proprio figlio per settimane in terapia intensiva anche sapendo che oggi i mezzi della medicina sono talmente potenti che probabilmente sopravvivrà?
La cronologia della vaccinazione antitetanica in Italia:
- Dal 1938 è obbligatoria per i militari.
- Con la legge n. 292 del 5 marzo 1963 diventa obbligatoria per le categorie di lavoratori a rischio e per gli sportivi quando si iscrivono alle Federazioni del C.O.N.I. L'art. 2 dice: "La vaccinazione antitetanica viene estesa, su richiesta, ai bambini della prima infanzia in contemporaneita' alla vaccinazione antidifterica e alle madri gestanti dal 5° all'8° mese."
- Con la legge n. 419 del 20 marzo 1968 che modifica la legge 292 , la vaccinazione diventa obbligatoria per tutti i nuovi nati, nel secondo anno di vita. Nell'art. 2 dice: La vaccinazione antitetanica viene estesa, su richiesta, ((...)) alle madri gestanti dal 5° all'8° mese.
- Con la legge n. 166 del 27 aprile 1981 che modifica la legge 292 , la vaccinazione obbligatoria per tutti i nuovi nati viene spostata al primo anno di vita.
I dati esposti parlano chiaro:
1) I bambini non vaccinati rischiano l'infezione da tetano.
2) Il motivo per cui in Italia da più 10 years there are more cases of tetanus in the age group of 0-14 years (with two exceptions, a case in 2006 and one in 2008) ...
... Since 1968 almost all children are vaccinated against tetanus!
one survey that 97% of people who received tetanus in recent years had never been vaccinated and the remaining 3% were incompletely vaccinated, that is not according to the recommendations, for example, had the recall of tetanus vaccine more than 10 years ago.
should also be noted that in many cases of tetanus, the wound is so bland and shallow (needlestick or plug pink, abrasion, cutting, etc..) do not require medical attention and sometimes not even be noticed. Not always possible to eliminate the spores of tetanus, for example in wounds caused by a sharp object or even abrasions spores can be found under the skin, unreachable from the water with which you try to clean the wound. In addition, the tetanus spores are very resistant to disinfectants, incl. hydrogen peroxide. This is useful only because it kills other germs found in the wound, which could enhance an environment without oxygen wake of tetanus spores, which at this point begin to produce their toxin.
The lethal dose of this toxin for humans is less than 2.5 ng / kg (1 ng = 0.000000001 grams, so a person weighing 75 kg, the lethal dose is less than 0, 000000187 gr). It 's a quantity too small to be able to induce an antibody response because even those who survived the tetanus is not immune. With vaccine immunity is achieved because it contains quite large amounts of toxoids or tetanus (the toxin made completely harmless) can be recognized by the immune system then produces antibodies.
As mentioned before, in Italy, in 2006, there was a case of tetanus in a child of 34 months. He had only received the first dose of the vaccine because her parents mistakenly believed that the vaccine had caused atopic dermatitis, and therefore had decided not to make other calls that are necessary for complete protection. A single dose of this vaccine gives no protection, but it takes a whole series of references provided by the vaccination schedule.
The case was published in Eurosurveillance:
A case of tetanus in a child in Piedmont: the parents refused vaccination
by: Eurosurveillance Weekly, vol. 12, number 6 to 21 June 2007
F. Giovannetti, Asl Alba Bra, dipartimento di Prevenzione
A. Pellegrino, Asl 15 Cuneo, dipartimento di Prevenzione
traduzione, sintesi e adattamento a cura della redazione di EpiCentro
Nel seguente link viene descritto un caso di tetano in un bambino (mai vaccinato) di 12 anni. Per fortuna non è morto, ma fa impressione leggere quanto ha dovuto soffrire a causa della decisione dei genitori di non proteggerlo contro il tetano. Si era procurato una ferita con una lisca di pesce mentre camminava a piedi nudi
Complications and Management in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Nell'ottobre 2008 nel forum tedesco di un antivaccinista la madre di un ragazzino di 13 anni che non era stato vaccinato, raccontava quello che era successo al suo bambino. Già dal primo suo post si capiva che si trattava di un caso di tetano. Il bambino era caduto dalla bicicletta su una strada non asfaltata e si era procurato una ferita al ginocchio, profonda ca. 1,5 cm e c'era tanto sangue. La madre aveva fatto medicare la ferita dal medico. Qualche giorno dopo il bambino non riusciva quasi più ad aprire la bocca e aveva dolore. Nel blog di una mia cara amica "Just the Vax" la storia è stata riportata in inglese .
Tetanus in an unvaccinated teen
in 2002 in the medical journal Pediatrics has published a work entitled "philosophical objection to vaccination as a risk factor for children under 15 years to contract tetanus"
1. Fair E, Murphy TV, Golaz A, Wharton M. Philosophic Objection to Vaccination as a Risk for Tetanus Among Children Younger Than 15 Years . Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (1): e2-e2
Of the 15 cases (which were reported between 1992 and 2000) Only 2 children were fully vaccinated and they had a much less severe symptoms of unvaccinated children. The majority of children had not been vaccinated because their parents refused vaccination for religious or philosophical reasons or.
The paper sees a table with details of each case. I have quite long periods of hospitalization, in most cases, for example, 19, 24, 26, 38, 39 and up to 60 days. Instead of children vaccinated, only one was hospitalized 1 day (for 6 weeks and was treated at home) and the other four days. Many of the unvaccinated children were in need of artificial respiration, also 9, 12, 22 and even for 30 days (a baby, for umbilical infection, whose mother was not vaccinated and therefore could not transmit maternal antibodies). Even wounds which caused the tetanus are described and are almost all trivial: one has been stung by an insect, some have walked barefoot sharp objects, such as a nail, a finger was cut off (at home), or even a splinter in his foot was enough to contract tetanus etc.
The next time a vaccinia tells you that today's children do not moiono tetanus (assuming that with this sentence is not true that they can not contracting tetanus), think for a minute that the cases I have just described: the long hospitalization, artificial respiration, the painful muscle contractions, jaw locked, which prevents you from eating or drinking and makes it difficult to swallow, to the many drugs they need ...
The conclusion is that tetanus is a terrible disease that today in Italy about
- people never vaccinated (or poorly, for example by not calling every 10 years) that were born before 1968, particularly the elderly (sopprattutto women)
- and children and adolescents whose parents refuse to vaccinate them
Saturday, December 18, 2010
How Often Should You Wax Brazilian
B presents a series of letters in sms or what I misunderstood perplime spot in the maze of women with Alfonso Luigi Marra Manuela Arcuri
The choice to read the teleprompter (because of what it is, not to speak or act in the room) to daughter is perhaps even worse than that to put the Arcuri. To him then I'd really ask for anything more on the four meanings of sexuality and PISSICOSI .
Alfonso Luigi Marra, you publish a collection of letters SMS IN (the preferred means by bimbominkia obtuse) promoted through television advertising (medium preferred by goats and the rambling) recited by an Actress in a Series B (known for her boobs rather than for its cultural qualities / his reputation as a reader / her condition) and pronounced as would make a VIEWS BURINI men and women. Just what do you do this, and you considers A MAN WHO WRITES TABBÙ LBS TABBÙ , then criticize the society of fools and pigs? But if you put the Arcuri, the TV commercials, music by Dario Argento and letters of love sms it to him in your servants on a silver platter to hogs and poracci, and they will be the only part of the company that will attract! If you're going to keep writing, you may wish to promote books via TV or Internet only having the chance to do an advertisement in the grace of God! It would STRATEGGISMO too.
do not talk much on the web that Manuela Arcuri and his participation in a squalid publicity for the book of a man, personally, ever heard.
What's wrong with this ad? I should not even say it!
What I perplime The labyrinth in the spot for female Alfonso Luigi Marra:
1 ) il filo logico sotteso alla trama dello spot .
Nonsense perfino per chi di nonsense vive. Quello sms che arriva all'inizio dello spot, magari giudicato dal regista UNA GRAN TROVATA perché introduce l'esaltante elemento SMS è in realtà, secondo me, una pessima idea sia perché l'Arcuri non sa interpretare, sia perché CHE VUOI CHE CI SIA SCRITTO NEL MESSAGGIO CHE RICEVE? " Mi raccomando non cagare fuori anche stavolta. Firmato: ALM ".
Nonsense perfino per chi di nonsense vive. Quello sms che arriva all'inizio dello spot, magari giudicato dal regista UNA GRAN TROVATA perché introduce l'esaltante elemento SMS è in realtà, secondo me, una pessima idea sia perché l'Arcuri non sa interpretare, sia perché CHE VUOI CHE CI SIA SCRITTO NEL MESSAGGIO CHE RICEVE? " Mi raccomando non cagare fuori anche stavolta. Firmato: ALM ".
2 ) la copertina del libro . Il primo piano di Alfonso Luigi Marra mi ricorda molto le copertine dei dvd della Signora in giallo . Noto anche una certa somiglianza sul taglio di capelli! Ho una mia personale opinione sull'utilizzo del volto dell'autore in copertina: direi che debba essere utilizzato solo quando egli abbia raggiunto una certa visibilità (e quindi una popolarità) tale che gli è permesso svendere il suo viso, con tutti i difetti che esso ha, perché sa che gli farà comunque vendere qualche copia in più (by quei lettori che "chi è questo? Ah l'ho visto in tv, mi piace, lo compro"). Ma un viso in copertina è un'arma a doppio taglio e se non sei conosciuto, rimani sconosciuto . Non fa una grinza.
3 ) promuovere un LIBRO tramite uno SPOT TV , e nello specifico tramite QUESTA pubblicità. La promozione pubblicitaria è (anche lei) un'arma a doppio taglio che può portare immensi guadagni o rovinare in 30 secondi (o meno) il frutto del lavoro di una vita. Il libro magari è bellissimo, e non nascondo che mi incuriosirebbe read a text message of love letters as they are accustomed to the "usual" of eighteenth-century epistolary unseemly gossip, but that has been promoted with such a dismal, with a music recycled from the promotion of another book, with a "VIP "put it there in front of the camera to parrot a hunchback who is anything but attractive, discourage me to buy a similar book.
4) Arcuri as the testimonial for a book . Manuela Arcuri, who is he? Certainly not a note reader. Maybe at home has the library of Alexandria, but she did not say, in my opinion, a woman great cultural, that I could recommend buying a book by an author who does not know. Bad choice, even for the condition.
5) video editing. A book that is floating sideways, the Arcuri reading the teleprompter, the recovery rate cut in half with a shot on the face and subsequent enlargement of the actress. You could not do it all in one shot? That cut is just about everything that a director should not do.
6) Say "and beautiful" for a book that you are promoting is to say, Eat it is good to a child that none of it to try the tripe . Approach totally wrong.
7) the DICTION . Lbs. Strateggismo. Libbreria.
8) As I said, use the same music -ugly, frightening, scary and macabre-two other previous advertising is awful.
The choice to read the teleprompter (because of what it is, not to speak or act in the room) to daughter is perhaps even worse than that to put the Arcuri. To him then I'd really ask for anything more on the four meanings of sexuality and PISSICOSI .
The scandal provoked by the ferocious web for trash that this spot is great, Alfonso Luigi Marra led to the allegations as well.
To those who, in this 'culture' of the orifices and Strull is exaggerated to define the spot Arcuri of the ugliest possible, we can only say that jealousy is the most human of feelings .. On the other hand, the jealousy and envy in the office of the worst kind are indispensable, because they are a priori stable control system - a grid - to obstruct the exercise of wishful thinking without a trial and the advent of new products. The truth is, in short, that the company knows that women's Labyrinth and The Story of John and Margaret's something, and that spot is likely to break the wall of silence that surrounds me since 1985, so he sent in the field to prevent the idiots the danger and test the capacity of my thesis to resist the dissent, so my answer is more a gesture of chivalry toward Manuel because the idiots are irreducible, and intelligent these things they already know.
the overwhelming majority of idiots (otherwise the company would know where it is located suffering from rising), however, say - for the love anyway I especially for them - that the best thing to become at least a little ' smart is to read, before venturing in judicial decisions.
understanding that now the web and the media are understanding that he had talked too much and will try again to fall silent on me and my books and make new taboos, and for a little more - perhaps only a few weeks, a few months - there will still be able, because only now the company is beginning to understand Duty indifferibilmente find the courage to begin to look inside.
Bla ... BLA. BLA.
Alfonso Luigi Marra, you publish a collection of letters SMS IN (the preferred means by bimbominkia obtuse) promoted through television advertising (medium preferred by goats and the rambling) recited by an Actress in a Series B (known for her boobs rather than for its cultural qualities / his reputation as a reader / her condition) and pronounced as would make a VIEWS BURINI men and women. Just what do you do this, and you considers A MAN WHO WRITES TABBÙ LBS TABBÙ , then criticize the society of fools and pigs? But if you put the Arcuri, the TV commercials, music by Dario Argento and letters of love sms it to him in your servants on a silver platter to hogs and poracci, and they will be the only part of the company that will attract! If you're going to keep writing, you may wish to promote books via TV or Internet only having the chance to do an advertisement in the grace of God! It would STRATEGGISMO too.
CLICK HERE for the second part : The spirit of an actress Series B takes possession of a well-known talent agent to promote the usual abstruse books: Lele Mora for Alfonso Luigi Marra
CLICCA QUI per la terza parte: Una Rubacuori svela i segreti del signoraggio bancario OVVERO Ruby per Alfonso Luigi Marra: al peggio non v'è mai fine
CLICCA QUI per la terza parte: Una Rubacuori svela i segreti del signoraggio bancario OVVERO Ruby per Alfonso Luigi Marra: al peggio non v'è mai fine
Friday, December 17, 2010
Hinding A Bookcase With A Ceiling Hanging
Travel between women trash 4. LAURA SCIMONE.
Sulla barra a sinistra del Brasato Avvelenato leggiamo:
Sulla barra a sinistra del Brasato Avvelenato leggiamo:
È un blog di trashate, l'unico approvato dalla dott.ssa Alma Tirone , dal leggendario sguardo sofferente di Barbara d'Urso , dall'attrice e cantante Maria Grazia Buccella , dal fenomeno Laura Scimone , da Valentina Pitto (e dai suoi TACCHI ALTI), dalla docente parapsicologa Lady Barbara , dalla locandiera Elsa Murru , dalla big babol Daniela Goggi , dalla Chair Sara (friend of that troione Pimpa's), from Webreginetta and the most sought after shaves 3 ^ E, Marta Allen ! A cow that Gemmadelsud but do not like.
Some might ask " but who are these phenomena Youtube? " for this trip together in the world of the female characters trash. Here we are to FOURTH part of our trip.
Laura Scimone has the merit of having taught the Italian people to the Internet what it means to have a web-champion. With its wacky videos, the improbable assembly, with its sound NCHK * * together with an unexpected gesture of the fingers, and with its simplicity and naivety of one who looks out for the first time on social networks, has paved the way millions of wannabes among which ...
... that hog Gemmadelsud .
Laura, I've always liked a lot, I did make the heart of laughs because his video was something totally unexpected for me, with dancing and rambling dialogues tormented and frantic, just like Pirates of the Caribbean:
She dances for public imagination , which is not there This will observe and criticize but to take her to disappear forever from the web. She self-destructs while doing what anyone would do in their bedroom (personally before I set fire to the poster / caricature of Einstein ), receives feedback on the web and social infoga so much to send kisses full of sincere affection:
Also from his bedroom, with its exultation and Remembrance taught us how to be scioccherelli and play with your fingers and transitions in Windows Movie Maker.
And finally, I lack because she is no longer on the web and put me in a good mood with his spontaneity. That's why I elected Patron of Brazil, because it has been and always will be, a source of inspiration for nonsense and weirdness.
without her! WITHOUT YOU You have enough ARIAAAAA!
Laura, I'll do that.
And finally, I lack because she is no longer on the web and put me in a good mood with his spontaneity. That's why I elected Patron of Brazil, because it has been and always will be, a source of inspiration for nonsense and weirdness.
without her! WITHOUT YOU You have enough ARIAAAAA!
Laura, I'll do that.
uh uh! ah ah ahhhhhhh.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Who Has Tiffany Granath Been With
The measles vaccine can cause death?
The pediatrician and homeopath Eugene Serravalle look in his book "Children supervaccinati" to convince his readers that measles is a panacea and the MMR vaccine ( Measles - Mumps - Rubella) is a real danger to the health of children.
But he reassures us already with the second sentence in the chapter on measles in the "vaccine" "In Italy it is not mandatory." What a relief! Who would ever want to see their children run the risk of contracting one of many serious diseases that Dr. Serravalle listed as damage from measles, or even to die? What's more risk of developing any type of allergy, starting with atopic dermatitis to asthma, from which - as the author explains - or at least protects the measles reduces the risk.
Soon I'll write a more detailed post on the serious consequences that Dr. Serravalle gives in his book to the vaccine. Just to get an idea, about 20 pages that make up the article on measles, devotes 13 to convince people that vaccines, especially the MMR causes autism, completely denying the scientific evidence.
Today I will only comment on what he says about the fatal consequences that he believes the MMR vaccine could have:
I do not understand what it refers. Who ensures the death among the side effects of the vaccine in question and dove'è written? Unfortunately does not indicate the source.
cites as reference:
1. Patja a, Davidkin I, Kurki T, et al. Serious adverse events after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination During a fourteen-year prospective follow-up. The Pediatric infectious disease journal . 2000, 19 (12) :1127-34.
If you go to read the full text of this publication (and not just the abstract as it seems to have done Serravalle) it turns out that for this case of death (the only reported in Finland in the 14 years since the introduction of the vaccine until the conclusion of this research), the autopsy revealed another cause:
A child of 13 months, which was healthy before the vaccination, eight days after the MMR vaccine has died in his sleep. The parents had noticed weakness and flaccidity few hours before his death, but the symptoms are now gone, and the child seemed completely healthy when they had put to bed. An autopsy revealed that death was caused by aspiration of vomit caused by acute gastritis. The older sister in the past had attacks of flaccid, not related to vaccination.
The source for this sentence is the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report (MMWR), September 06, 1996/45 (RR-12), 1-35
Update: Vaccine Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, contraindications, and Precautions Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
This document is not the slightest trace of information on deaths due to severe allergic reactions to measles vaccine. Indeed, this report is very reassuring with regard to its security. We read that more than 70 million doses administered, were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS ) 33 cases of anaphylaxis. From an in-depth of these cases showed that only 11 meet the criteria for diagnosis of anaphylactic reaction. There is no word of death relazione a questi casi.
Nella seguente fonte che viene citata nel documento del MMWR:
Institute of Medicine, Stratton KR, Howe CJ, Johnston RB, eds. Adverse events associated with childhood vaccines: evidence bearing on causality. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1994.
si può leggere a proposito:
There is a difference between
"The vaccine has caused deaths due to anaphylactic shock" and
"It is possible that the vaccine can cause deaths due to anaphylactic shock."
Especially if this opinion is issued after a period in which they were given more than 70 million doses of vaccine. The doctor who
vaccination is of course prepared for the rare occurrence of an anaphylactic shock and can act quickly.
must also consider the fact that if these children were killed by the attenuated virus vaccine, what would happen if they meet the wild-type virus that is much more powerful. Also note the use of words "for violent replication" in reference to the attenuated virus and the replication of wild-type virus is that he hailed as a wonder drug for various diseases, a real must for our children.
Children with this type of severe immune deficiency are totally dependent upon a high vaccine coverage to be indirectly protected from infection. And 'one of the reasons why it is important that all children who have no contraindications to the vaccine should be vaccinati secondo le raccomandazioni per raggiungere e mantenere un'alta copertura di vaccinazione. Così il virus non potrà circolare e raggiungere persone scuscettibili che potrebbero soffrire gravi danni, incl. la morte.
Infine invito a riflettere: Quanti casi di morte e di encefalite con esito sfavorevole sono stati evitati grazie al vaccino antimorbillo. Sono migliaia.
Ma purtroppo ci sono persone che cercano di convincere i genitori a non far vaccinare i propri figli, contribuendo così alla diffusione del virus che prima o poi raggiunge qualcuno che muore di morbillo (secondo le statistiche nei paesi industrializzati 1 caso su 1000 malati).
The pediatrician and homeopath Eugene Serravalle look in his book "Children supervaccinati" to convince his readers that measles is a panacea and the MMR vaccine ( Measles - Mumps - Rubella) is a real danger to the health of children.
But he reassures us already with the second sentence in the chapter on measles in the "vaccine" "In Italy it is not mandatory." What a relief! Who would ever want to see their children run the risk of contracting one of many serious diseases that Dr. Serravalle listed as damage from measles, or even to die? What's more risk of developing any type of allergy, starting with atopic dermatitis to asthma, from which - as the author explains - or at least protects the measles reduces the risk.
Soon I'll write a more detailed post on the serious consequences that Dr. Serravalle gives in his book to the vaccine. Just to get an idea, about 20 pages that make up the article on measles, devotes 13 to convince people that vaccines, especially the MMR causes autism, completely denying the scientific evidence.
Today I will only comment on what he says about the fatal consequences that he believes the MMR vaccine could have:
-------------------------------------------- ------------
Before continuing with this article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents about vaccinations .
Please participate and run the link as much as possible.
----------------------------------------------- ---------
after vaccination have been reported cases of death, according to the criteria that Americans are one of the side effects are detected.
I do not understand what it refers. Who ensures the death among the side effects of the vaccine in question and dove'è written? Unfortunately does not indicate the source.
have been reported by the British self-help group Jabs (Justice, Awareness and Basic Support), seven deaths directly linked to the MMR vaccine, among them, a fatal case of epilepsy, and one of Guillain-Barre syndrome, both officially recognized as an adverse reaction to vaccination.
The source indicates that this statement is an article of 1999, written by a group of British parents who collect alleged "Vaccine damage", without any check. The title of the article is "Why does the MMR vaccine need to be suspended" ("Why should discontinue use of MMR vaccine"). A title that speaks volumes about the credibility of the authors. The link
Dr. Serravalle indicates no longer works, but the article is easily found at the sites of the fiercest anti-vaccinia. Even if it were true that these two cases have been recognized by courts as being caused by the vaccine, this does not prove that they really are. For a judge may be sufficient to determine the temporal relationship to the applicant.
Even in Finland is a case of death resulting the vaccine.
cites as reference:
1. Patja a, Davidkin I, Kurki T, et al. Serious adverse events after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination During a fourteen-year prospective follow-up. The Pediatric infectious disease journal . 2000, 19 (12) :1127-34.
If you go to read the full text of this publication (and not just the abstract as it seems to have done Serravalle) it turns out that for this case of death (the only reported in Finland in the 14 years since the introduction of the vaccine until the conclusion of this research), the autopsy revealed another cause:
A previously healthy 13-month-old boy died During sleep eight days after MMR vaccination. The parents HAD Noticed transient flaccidity and faintness A Few hours preceding the death, But The Symptoms subsided HAD Immediately, and the boy Seemed HAD Entirely healthy When put to bed.Translation:
Forensic autopsy disclosed the cause of death as aspiration of vomit Caused by acute gastritis. His older sister flaccid Also HAD a history of attacks unrelated to vaccinations.
A child of 13 months, which was healthy before the vaccination, eight days after the MMR vaccine has died in his sleep. The parents had noticed weakness and flaccidity few hours before his death, but the symptoms are now gone, and the child seemed completely healthy when they had put to bed. An autopsy revealed that death was caused by aspiration of vomit caused by acute gastritis. The older sister in the past had attacks of flaccid, not related to vaccination.
Other deaths occurred also for serious allergic reactions
The source for this sentence is the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report (MMWR), September 06, 1996/45 (RR-12), 1-35
Update: Vaccine Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, contraindications, and Precautions Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
This document is not the slightest trace of information on deaths due to severe allergic reactions to measles vaccine. Indeed, this report is very reassuring with regard to its security. We read that more than 70 million doses administered, were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS ) 33 cases of anaphylaxis. From an in-depth of these cases showed that only 11 meet the criteria for diagnosis of anaphylactic reaction. There is no word of death relazione a questi casi.
Nella seguente fonte che viene citata nel documento del MMWR:
Institute of Medicine, Stratton KR, Howe CJ, Johnston RB, eds. Adverse events associated with childhood vaccines: evidence bearing on causality. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1994.
si può leggere a proposito:
Although there is no direct evidence of death as a consequence of measles vaccine-related anaphylaxis or of MMR-related thrombocytopenia or anaphylaxis, in the committee's judgment measles vaccine could cause fatal anaphylaxis and MMR could cause fatal thrombocytopenia or fatal anaphylaxis.Traduzione: Anche se non ci sono prove dirette di casi death as a result of anaphylaxis caused by measles or thrombocytopenia or anaphylaxis caused by MMR vaccine, the Committee believes that it is possible that the measles vaccine can cause anaphylaxis and death that the MMR vaccine may cause thrombocytopenia or anaphylaxis with fatal.
There is a difference between
"The vaccine has caused deaths due to anaphylactic shock" and
"It is possible that the vaccine can cause deaths due to anaphylactic shock."
Especially if this opinion is issued after a period in which they were given more than 70 million doses of vaccine. The doctor who
vaccination is of course prepared for the rare occurrence of an anaphylactic shock and can act quickly.
violent or viral replication in immunocompromised patients with hereditary or acquiredChildren with severe immune deficiency should not be vaccinated with vaccines composed of active virus, as is the MPR. It is a well-known contraindications to the vaccine. Unfortunately it happened that some children have been vaccinated for this serious deficit had not yet been diagnosed. In the same document is MMWR explained that on more than 200 million doses of measles vaccine administered in the United States were less than 5 cases.
must also consider the fact that if these children were killed by the attenuated virus vaccine, what would happen if they meet the wild-type virus that is much more powerful. Also note the use of words "for violent replication" in reference to the attenuated virus and the replication of wild-type virus is that he hailed as a wonder drug for various diseases, a real must for our children.
Children with this type of severe immune deficiency are totally dependent upon a high vaccine coverage to be indirectly protected from infection. And 'one of the reasons why it is important that all children who have no contraindications to the vaccine should be vaccinati secondo le raccomandazioni per raggiungere e mantenere un'alta copertura di vaccinazione. Così il virus non potrà circolare e raggiungere persone scuscettibili che potrebbero soffrire gravi danni, incl. la morte.
Infine invito a riflettere: Quanti casi di morte e di encefalite con esito sfavorevole sono stati evitati grazie al vaccino antimorbillo. Sono migliaia.
Ma purtroppo ci sono persone che cercano di convincere i genitori a non far vaccinare i propri figli, contribuendo così alla diffusione del virus che prima o poi raggiunge qualcuno che muore di morbillo (secondo le statistiche nei paesi industrializzati 1 caso su 1000 malati).
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Soft Comfortable Petite Scrubs
The measles vaccine - the effectiveness
L'efficacia of measles vaccine is demonstrated by the fact that entire countries and continents where the majority of children receive 2 doses of vaccine, according to international recommendations, the virus no longer circulates. This applies to the North and South America, Australia, Finland, Sweden, to name a few. Occur in these countries for years now only imported cases from tourists coming or returning from countries where the virus is still widespread.
For the elimination of the virus requires a vaccination coverage of 95% or more because measles is easily transmitted.
The transmission rate (which is determined by a parameter called R0 = basic reproductive rate of the infection) is High: 15-17. Means that in an entirely susceptible population of a patient infected with measles 15 -17 people.
I have prepared some examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of the vaccine against measles:
You can see very well when the vaccination was introduced. The graph represents the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In the era prevaccinale each year, on average, 450 people have died of measles.
The following chart shows the number of measles cases in the U.S. in recent years. The origin of these mini-epidemic is now Always virus imported from any country where it is still widespread.
An argument often used by vaccinia - to demonstrate that the measles vaccine is not effective - is the epidemic of measles in 1990 in the United States. You can read here my criticism to a statement by Dr. Eugene Serravalle in his book "Children supervaccinaoti.
Source of these two graphs: developmental Vaccinations: the Veneto to the top
Even the next four charts show how the impact on the epidemiology of measles vaccination coverage. The arrow indicates the year in which the vaccine was introduced and the initial coverage. In Italy it was very low and the effect was not very comforting.
In England and Wales, the initial coverage was only 50% ...
but here we see how gradually was increased and this explains the sharp reduction in measles cases.
Reviews Volume 24, page 125-136
September 25, 2002.
"Evolution of Surveillance of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella in England and Wales: Providing the Platform for Evidence-based Vaccination Policy"
In Denmark, the vaccine was introduced much later and the lack of vaccination is known very well in this graph (compared with the previous one) But the initial coverage was 80% and the result is seen.
Tutti dovrebbero comprendere la grande responsabilità del singolo di contribuire al raggiungimento della quota necessaria per impedire al virus di continuare a circolare. Ogni bambino che per motivi non strettamente mediche, non be vaccinated as recommended, increases the risk for the whole community.
The reason is easily explained: if even a fraction of the population remains susceptible to measles, the virus remains in circulation, but not so easily reach more children are not immune. So the chances of getting measles is low, spend a few years, the child becomes an adolescent and then adult without having had the opportunity to immunizzarzi against measles. Year after year the number of likely increases until it reached a number sufficient to allow the virus to spread more quickly, resulting in an epidemic.
These outbreaks, however, one aspect diverso da quelle dell'era prevaccinale. Il numero totale dei malati è molto più basso, ma l'età media è più alta, con un'aumentato rischio di serie complicanze. I malati sono composti da persone mai vaccinate contro il morbillo - o perche esiste una vera controindicazione o perché i genitori erano contrari alla vaccinazione o per una dimenticanza etc. - e dai cosiddetti non-responder, cioè quella piccola percentuale dei vaccinati che non ha sviluppato un'immunità o solo un'immunità parziale. Purtroppo nelle epidemie di morbillo si ammalano anche bambini molto piccoli di meno di un anno che non sono ancora stati vaccinati e purtroppo anche loro hanno un più alto rischio di gravi complicazioni.
Se tutti help to achieve and maintain a high level of vaccination coverage, the virus will be taken away the fertile soil on which it can no longer reproduce and which may reach will be protected indirectly by the vaccine. This is an ethical duty of all civil and, and of course a right because the recommendations are protecting their loved ones from measles, either directly or indirectly. Another reason to join the vaccination so that the virus will not be exported to other countries, for example in the Third World, where measles is a disease much more severe than in industrial countries.
L'efficacia of measles vaccine is demonstrated by the fact that entire countries and continents where the majority of children receive 2 doses of vaccine, according to international recommendations, the virus no longer circulates. This applies to the North and South America, Australia, Finland, Sweden, to name a few. Occur in these countries for years now only imported cases from tourists coming or returning from countries where the virus is still widespread.
For the elimination of the virus requires a vaccination coverage of 95% or more because measles is easily transmitted.
The transmission rate (which is determined by a parameter called R0 = basic reproductive rate of the infection) is High: 15-17. Means that in an entirely susceptible population of a patient infected with measles 15 -17 people.
I have prepared some examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of the vaccine against measles:
-------------------- ------------------------------------
Before you continue reading the article, you inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents about vaccinations.
Please participate and make run the link as much as possible.
----------------------------------------------- ---------
(All graphs can enlarge by clicking on it)
United States
You can see very well when the vaccination was introduced. The graph represents the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In the era prevaccinale each year, on average, 450 people have died of measles.
The following chart shows the number of measles cases in the U.S. in recent years. The origin of these mini-epidemic is now Always virus imported from any country where it is still widespread.
An argument often used by vaccinia - to demonstrate that the measles vaccine is not effective - is the epidemic of measles in 1990 in the United States. You can read here my criticism to a statement by Dr. Eugene Serravalle in his book "Children supervaccinaoti.
Although this example demonstrates the effectiveness of the vaccine. One can see immediately when it was introduced the measles. Initially the children were vaccinated at 9 months but since the percentage of non-responders is higher at this age, in 1980 there was an epidemic. The reason was that since 1971 have accumulated so many people who served susceptible to the virus to spread rapidly. Therefore we made the decision to move the age to 13 months and some years later was introduced the second dose.
Cases of measles
Deaths from measles
These graphs allow a comparison between the coverage of vaccination and the epidemic of measles. Only when the coverage exceeds 90%, can be seen disappearing epidemics. A lower percentage to leave a number of likely high enough to allow the virus to circulate.
Source of these two graphs: developmental Vaccinations: the Veneto to the top
Even the next four charts show how the impact on the epidemiology of measles vaccination coverage. The arrow indicates the year in which the vaccine was introduced and the initial coverage. In Italy it was very low and the effect was not very comforting.
In England and Wales, the initial coverage was only 50% ...
but here we see how gradually was increased and this explains the sharp reduction in measles cases.
Reviews Volume 24, page 125-136
September 25, 2002.
"Evolution of Surveillance of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella in England and Wales: Providing the Platform for Evidence-based Vaccination Policy"
In Denmark, the vaccine was introduced much later and the lack of vaccination is known very well in this graph (compared with the previous one) But the initial coverage was 80% and the result is seen.
Source 3-graphs (Italy, England and Wales, Denmark):
Epidemiol Infect. December 2000; 125 (3) : 635-650. | |
Another example is the former Czechoslovakia that in just 12 years has managed to bring down the number of patients from 320 - 800/100.000 inhabitants (age prevaccinale) to eliminate the virus (in 1982). Era il primo paese del mondo ad introdurre la seconda dose, nel 1975, seguendo un'intuizione che si è rilevata giusta e che già da diversi anni è diventata una raccomandazione internazionale. Nel 1982 la copertura vaccinale di tutta la popolazione tra 1 e 14 anni aveva raggiunto il 98 - 99%!
Vedi i dettagli nel mio articolo Cecoslovacchia 1983: eliminazione del morbillo in tempi record
The reason is easily explained: if even a fraction of the population remains susceptible to measles, the virus remains in circulation, but not so easily reach more children are not immune. So the chances of getting measles is low, spend a few years, the child becomes an adolescent and then adult without having had the opportunity to immunizzarzi against measles. Year after year the number of likely increases until it reached a number sufficient to allow the virus to spread more quickly, resulting in an epidemic.
These outbreaks, however, one aspect diverso da quelle dell'era prevaccinale. Il numero totale dei malati è molto più basso, ma l'età media è più alta, con un'aumentato rischio di serie complicanze. I malati sono composti da persone mai vaccinate contro il morbillo - o perche esiste una vera controindicazione o perché i genitori erano contrari alla vaccinazione o per una dimenticanza etc. - e dai cosiddetti non-responder, cioè quella piccola percentuale dei vaccinati che non ha sviluppato un'immunità o solo un'immunità parziale. Purtroppo nelle epidemie di morbillo si ammalano anche bambini molto piccoli di meno di un anno che non sono ancora stati vaccinati e purtroppo anche loro hanno un più alto rischio di gravi complicazioni.
Se tutti help to achieve and maintain a high level of vaccination coverage, the virus will be taken away the fertile soil on which it can no longer reproduce and which may reach will be protected indirectly by the vaccine. This is an ethical duty of all civil and, and of course a right because the recommendations are protecting their loved ones from measles, either directly or indirectly. Another reason to join the vaccination so that the virus will not be exported to other countries, for example in the Third World, where measles is a disease much more severe than in industrial countries.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
How Strong Is The Sky Netgear Dg934g Signal
over and out I'm a bright
Dr. Tuccitto = loser
The candidate exhibits a brilliant, with methodological rigor and mastery
titles and lines of research in the study
molecular systems and supramolecular assemblies on surfaces and the development of methodologies
mass analysis of materials of technological interest. Its business has grown mainly
at the University of Catania.
In view of the young age of the candidate, the scientific production
is conspicuous and, in general, medium-high,
with a paper published in a journal of scientific excellence. It 'obvious
the original contribution by the candidate, who is
materialized in a significant number of publications in which
appears as first author and a publication which is
"corresponding author". The searches are conducted in but
in a non-significant percentage of all the relevant SSD
object of the competition. The educational activity has been rather limited and mainly concerned
lessons refresher courses
professional or support to teachers who hold classes
Dr. Sgarlata =
The winning candidate has clearly set out and control the activity of
research conducted during the period doctoral research
activity and teaching activity in the post-doctoral. He gained his scientific personality
University of Catania, since 2008, at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
and the University of California, Berkeley (USA) as Postdoctoral Fellow
. His research was mainly focused on
studies of speciation, the balance of
complexity and thermodynamic study of host-guest interactions and metal-binding
. His research has been the subject of an award from the Academy
Gioeni of Catania. From the work presented is
shows a significant design capability
virtue of which he was appointed to the position
at the University of California, Berkeley. The research activities of
medium-high and documented by a large number of jobs is consistent with the SSD
object of the competition. The contribution of
candidate in the development of research topics
is highlighted by the fact that he was first author in a
significant number of jobs in one of which is "
Corresponding author.
The candidate has done a good and relevant teaching.
Well! What can I say?
I became even brighter! Perhaps it would be better to tell me that
are unable to express myself.
short, no longer know how to tell me: presented to a contest
chimica.fisica and do not break!
Ups, pity that there will be more contests in physical chemistry.
This time I really ended.
E 'was great to do research with you, but it's over.
see me again about not only during the search.
over and out
Dr. Tuccitto = loser
The candidate exhibits a brilliant, with methodological rigor and mastery
titles and lines of research in the study
molecular systems and supramolecular assemblies on surfaces and the development of methodologies
mass analysis of materials of technological interest. Its business has grown mainly
at the University of Catania.
In view of the young age of the candidate, the scientific production
is conspicuous and, in general, medium-high,
with a paper published in a journal of scientific excellence. It 'obvious
the original contribution by the candidate, who is
materialized in a significant number of publications in which
appears as first author and a publication which is
"corresponding author". The searches are conducted in but
in a non-significant percentage of all the relevant SSD
object of the competition. The educational activity has been rather limited and mainly concerned
lessons refresher courses
professional or support to teachers who hold classes
Dr. Sgarlata =
The winning candidate has clearly set out and control the activity of
research conducted during the period doctoral research
activity and teaching activity in the post-doctoral. He gained his scientific personality
University of Catania, since 2008, at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
and the University of California, Berkeley (USA) as Postdoctoral Fellow
. His research was mainly focused on
studies of speciation, the balance of
complexity and thermodynamic study of host-guest interactions and metal-binding
. His research has been the subject of an award from the Academy
Gioeni of Catania. From the work presented is
shows a significant design capability
virtue of which he was appointed to the position
at the University of California, Berkeley. The research activities of
medium-high and documented by a large number of jobs is consistent with the SSD
object of the competition. The contribution of
candidate in the development of research topics
is highlighted by the fact that he was first author in a
significant number of jobs in one of which is "
Corresponding author.
The candidate has done a good and relevant teaching.
Well! What can I say?
I became even brighter! Perhaps it would be better to tell me that
are unable to express myself.
short, no longer know how to tell me: presented to a contest
chimica.fisica and do not break!
Ups, pity that there will be more contests in physical chemistry.
This time I really ended.
E 'was great to do research with you, but it's over.
see me again about not only during the search.
over and out
Monday, December 6, 2010
Mixed Wrestling Movie Post
Milan Lady Gaga (feat. Wilma de Angelis)
DEMONIA : a volte le cambiava la voce diventando un demone. Statue alate in fiamme e angeli neri che suonano l'arpa sono oltremodo angoscianti. Il fatto che l'ultima foto che ho del concerto sia numerata dalla mia fotocamera come 666 è altrettanto terribile. Lei è dunque una DIAVOLA.
The moment awaited by all * arrived. Lady Gaga led the bandwagon of his The Monster Ball in Milan for the two dates of 4 and 5 December 2010.
[* sfrante, twelve years old who spend time in a row to drink alcohol and then throw up the side of the stage, expectant mothers, abusive, pescadores y futbolistas, tronista, lovers of the olive, to shouting Romans Gaga AHO THAT BER ass thou hast]
My opinion on this is purely personal, poisoned and silly, so I do not intend to draw the attention of enhanced Lady Gaga exchanging for the Jonas Brothers or Negramaro and claim to defend at any cost then admonish: THE WIDE, YOU.
I have not seen many concerts, worthy to be called such in my life: by excluding several Jo Ring , Neja , Sabrina Salerno Nilla Pizzi and (I WISH! ... but only for Nilla, the others I've seen them really) I can say I was a. ..
The Onyx Hotel Tour di Britney Spears (2004)
Confessions Tour di Madonna (2006)
Il concerto di Britney era una baracconata che apprezzavo perché avevo 16 anni e Britney era una brava ballerina (volevo trovare solo il lato positivo perché la questione VOCE era molto poco considerata all'interno dello spettacolo). Il Confessions tour ha raggiunto vette di glitter, frociaggine, felicità ed eleganza che sono quasi impossibili da riottenere per la stessa Madonna e che mi fanno guardare a quattro anni fa con nostalgia e stupore.
Di simile mi viene in mente Kylie con lo Showgirl tour del 2005 ma non l'ho vista live (solo in DVD!) e quindi NON SO.
Ok, ora Lady Gaga . Partiamo dall'inizio.
ECONOMIA : Il mio ragazzo mi ha regalato i biglietti per The Monster Ball a maggio in occasione della mia laurea. 74 euro a biglietto per stare in piedi in uno spazio vitale ristretto al forum di Assago (...osceno) per il concerto di una 24enne sulla scena pop da, boh, 3 anni? Eccessivo. Per Madonna, al Confession tour allo Stadio olimpico di Roma (spazio per più di 80000 anime) il biglietto per lo stesso posto costava 60. Mhhhhhh.
PRELUDIO : per dei posti parterre, bisogna ovviamente andare prima per stare sotto il palco oppure si muore. Il problema è che fare la fila all'aperto, sotto la pioggia che poi diventa neve , è terribile. Sarebbe stato peggio se in fila ci fossero state mille sfrante cattive e ambiziose a scavalcare e fottere il prossimo (o farsi fottere, a seconda delle circostanze), e per fortuna non è stato così. Insomma, almeno per la data del 5, quella a cui ho assistito io, in fila c'era gente variegata. Certo, checche lampadate e con gli occhi a palla non mancano mai, ma notevolmente meno di quanto mi aspettavo. Vaffanculo alla neve. A differenza di Madonna, dove una seconda fila era assicurata arrivando alle 19 del giorno prima, per Lady Gaga arrivare alle 13 del giorno stesso mi ha assicurato una gioiosa terza fila, poi diventata seconda fila, direttamente di fronte agli infogati che per stare di fronte a me avevano il "vip package" da 200 €. Non male, punto a favore.
INTRODUZIONI BORING : Lady Starlight (which is Demonia , my professor of semiotics at the University), which exists to warm the audience drank Jack Daniels playing songs unknown to me of rock singers and boring to me known only name. The Semi Precious Weapons that are happening this crazy fake cocaine-heeled young and need to be looked at, but basically I was bored. After these two, a delay of over an hour in which we were forced to listen to the entire discography of Michael Jackson has made all widely hysterical. In essence, artists introductory USELESS.
PLOT: Some concerts have simple "acts" theme, a theme which is reflected in the costumes, in the musical arrangements, set design and choreography, while others have a story told in a song and another. The Monster Ball is more or less in the second category, with four acts.
The concert is set in New York and tells the story of Lady Gaga and his friends (rejected extras from the Rocky Horror show) who want to go to Monster Ball and us trying in various ways. In ' ACT , nonsense between the lights of the city, trying to take the car but does not start, and you try to follow the path glittery (?). Nell ' ACT II, \u200b\u200bthe New York subway turns out to be more appropriate to go to Monster Ball, but something goes wrong (?) Because ' ACT III Lady Gaga comes in the most dark and macabre of Central Park. And then, boh, so we find ourselves in ' ACT IV where there is an immense fish of the abyss (?) And Gaga informs us with her voice by Eros Ramazzotti saying IT'S THE MONSTER. THE HUNGRY MONSTER. It gives fire with burning her bra, and then goes to the ball. And here boh, Bad Romance and goodbye. In short it is a sort of Wizard of Oz that meets hallucinogenic mushrooms and cocaine , a stupid plot and explained only by short interludes, because almost all the songs have nothing to do with the plot a dick.
ITALIAN : she strives to speak with the cleverly constructed jokes but I just repeated spontaneous and probably also in the first stage of the day and in Turin last month, but when he says "small monsters "is nice and it shows that it undertakes.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: I find fat. It is certainly not something on which to judge a concert, but I find the fat, round or better, and I did not expect. That piss yellow hair is sad. Investing in choreography is low, but perhaps the fault is also the costumes Belen Rodriguez.
DEBATE: Lady Gaga loves to talk. These discussions are made with fake spontaneity that these are continually in every circumstance as a chant, and the feeling is always to "be yourself, come out here to be the star, believe in your ability" seasoned with phrases thrown around in the second of where it is located (in Arizona talking of illegal immigration of Mexicans in Italy that the Italians have the cocks longer). I do not know the end is what fa qualsiasi artista in tour, ma per parlare così tanto sembrando falsa è meglio cantare e ballare come una scema e basta. Un paio di battute però mi hanno fatto ridere, quindi ringrazio il suo senso dell' umorismo .
VOCALITÀ : è tanta, ma le canzoni sono ancora troppo poche per costruire una scaletta degna di questo nome (canzoni inutili come So happy I could die si potevano evitare).
VIDEO BACKDROPS : troppi. È tutto un "guarda com'è artistico, d'avanguardia e strambo! È arte!!". Perle ai porci? Non lo so. Ma la musica di certi intermezzi video era più bella di un paio di canzoni.
DEMONIA : a volte le cambiava la voce diventando un demone. Statue alate in fiamme e angeli neri che suonano l'arpa sono oltremodo angoscianti. Il fatto che l'ultima foto che ho del concerto sia numerata dalla mia fotocamera come 666 è altrettanto terribile. Lei è dunque una DIAVOLA.
CONCLUSIONE: 8- . In fin dei conti, mancava qualcosa. Quel qualcosa che solo una donna avrebbe potuto dare:
Mentre Lady Gaga cantava Bad Romance alla fine del suo concerto, io cantavo a squarciagola DIMMI; DIMMELO DI SI.
Sul canale del Brasato su Youtube sono disponibili i video del concerto ripresi da me, mentre QUI troverete le foto fatte da me!
Ecco alcuni dei video, but the canal there are many more!
Ecco alcuni dei video, but the canal there are many more!
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