Tetanus: a disease of the elderly? Uno degli argomenti con cui gli antivaccinisti cercano di convincere i genitori a non far vaccinare i propri figli contro il tetano è che si tratta di una malattia degli anziani e che i bambini non corrono alcun rischio.
Seguono alcuni esempi:
"Quanti casi di tetano pediatrico ci sono in Italia?
I dati italiani pubblicati dal nostro Ministero della Salute dal 1993 in poi illustrano chiaramente Today cases of tetanus simply no longer exist in children, but are more common among adults. "
" When should a child be vaccinated against tetanus?
One wonders then what sense would have begun a vaccination at this age: For the fear of infection in our country does not affect even the children? "
From "Vaccinating against tetanus?" - Roberto Gava and Eugene Serravalle
"The cases of tetanus Italy are in the order of 90 units per year, of which 85% over fifty years. Tetanus is a disease of adulthood. From here it follows that the opportunity to use millions of doses each year to children in Italy is very questionable. "
" When, how and why they resort to the Inoculations " Lorenzo Acerra
"Der Tetanus danach ist offensichtlich ein Problem des Menschen aelteren." (= So tetanus is obviously a problem for people get older.)
From "Impfen, das mit der Angst Geschaefte "- Gerald Buchwald
"Tetanus is a rare disease, not contagious, but disappeared in Italy for years. The last case of neonatal infection dates back to 1982 and 2006 there was a case in a child Turin 34 months. Do you realize what it means only one case after 24 years among all the children of Italy?
As with any infectious disease, tetanus occurs almost exclusively in immunocompromised persons, usually elderly exceptionally neglected hygiene extremely deep wounds. "
response homeopath Dr. Tancredi Ascani Forum of website "Omeosan" to a mother who asks whether it makes sense to vaccinate their child before they start to attend kindergarten.
But is it true that tetanus is not a danger to children and adolescents?
To find out how things really are, we travel back in time.
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Before you continue reading the article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents immunizations.
Please participate and run the link as much as possible.
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In Italy, since 1955 the reporting of cases of tetanus is required. Here is a chart that shows the number of cases in the age group 0 to 14 years from 1955 to 1970 (to enlarge this and other images, just click on it)
In the next graph see all cases of tetanus, and the proportion of cases of age group 0-14 years from 1961 to 2008:
(So not true since 1982 there has been only one case of tetanus in children and adolescents, as he said the homeopath Tancredi Ascani
to that mother, but ca. 200 cases.)
The following chart shows us the deaths since 1955 in the age group 0 to 14 years:
course, thanks to medical progress, deaths have decreased first year when the vaccine became mandatory for all newborns. However, vaccination does not only reduce mortality, but also to prevent illness, suffering and possible complications (with tetanus, there is also the risk of neurological damage permanenti).
Quale genitore vorrebbe il proprio figlio per settimane in terapia intensiva anche sapendo che oggi i mezzi della medicina sono talmente potenti che probabilmente sopravvivrà?
La cronologia della vaccinazione antitetanica in Italia: - Dal 1938 è obbligatoria per i militari.
- Con la legge n. 292 del 5 marzo 1963 diventa obbligatoria per le categorie di lavoratori a rischio e per gli sportivi quando si iscrivono alle Federazioni del C.O.N.I. L'art. 2 dice: "La vaccinazione antitetanica viene estesa, su richiesta, ai bambini della prima infanzia in contemporaneita' alla vaccinazione antidifterica e alle madri gestanti dal 5° all'8° mese."
- Con la legge n. 419 del 20 marzo 1968 che modifica la legge 292 , la vaccinazione diventa obbligatoria per tutti i nuovi nati, nel secondo anno di vita. Nell'art. 2 dice: La vaccinazione antitetanica viene estesa, su richiesta, ((...)) alle madri gestanti dal 5° all'8° mese.
- Con la legge n. 166 del 27 aprile 1981 che modifica la legge 292 , la vaccinazione obbligatoria per tutti i nuovi nati viene spostata al primo anno di vita.
I dati esposti parlano chiaro:
1) I bambini non vaccinati rischiano l'infezione da tetano.
2) Il motivo per cui in Italia da più 10 years there are more cases of tetanus in the age group of 0-14 years (with two exceptions, a case in 2006 and one in 2008) ...
... Since 1968 almost all children are vaccinated against tetanus! one survey that 97% of people who received tetanus in recent years had never been vaccinated and the remaining 3% were incompletely vaccinated, that is not according to the recommendations, for example, had the recall of tetanus vaccine more than 10 years ago.
should also be noted that in many cases of tetanus, the wound is so bland and shallow (needlestick or plug pink, abrasion, cutting, etc..) do not require medical attention and sometimes not even be noticed. Not always possible to eliminate the spores of tetanus, for example in wounds caused by a sharp object or even abrasions spores can be found under the skin, unreachable from the water with which you try to clean the wound. In addition, the tetanus spores are very resistant to disinfectants, incl. hydrogen peroxide. This is useful only because it kills other germs found in the wound, which could enhance an environment without oxygen wake of tetanus spores, which at this point begin to produce their toxin.
The lethal dose of this toxin for humans is less than 2.5 ng / kg (1 ng
= 0.000000001 grams, so a person weighing 75 kg, the lethal dose is less than 0, 000000187 gr). It 's a quantity too small to be able to induce an antibody response because even those who survived the tetanus is not immune. With vaccine immunity is achieved because it contains quite large amounts of toxoids or tetanus (the toxin made completely harmless) can be recognized by the immune system then produces antibodies.
As mentioned before, in Italy, in 2006, there was a case of tetanus in a child of 34 months. He had only received the first dose of the vaccine because her parents mistakenly believed that the vaccine had caused atopic dermatitis, and therefore had decided not to make other calls that are necessary for complete protection. A single dose of this vaccine gives no protection, but it takes a whole series of references provided by the vaccination schedule.
The case was published in Eurosurveillance:
A case of tetanus in a child in Piedmont: the parents refused vaccination
Eurosurveillance Weekly, vol. 12, number 6 to 21 June 2007 F. Giovannetti, Asl Alba Bra, dipartimento di Prevenzione
A. Pellegrino, Asl 15 Cuneo, dipartimento di Prevenzione
traduzione, sintesi e adattamento a cura della redazione di EpiCentro Nel seguente link viene descritto un caso di tetano in un bambino (mai vaccinato) di 12 anni. Per fortuna non è morto, ma fa impressione leggere quanto ha dovuto soffrire a causa della decisione dei genitori di non proteggerlo contro il tetano. Si era procurato una ferita con una lisca di pesce mentre camminava a piedi nudi
Complications and Management in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Nell'ottobre 2008 nel forum tedesco di un antivaccinista la madre di un ragazzino di 13 anni che non era stato vaccinato, raccontava quello che era successo al suo bambino. Già dal primo suo post si capiva che si trattava di un caso di tetano. Il bambino era caduto dalla bicicletta su una strada non asfaltata e si era procurato una ferita al ginocchio, profonda ca. 1,5 cm e c'era tanto sangue. La madre aveva fatto medicare la ferita dal medico. Qualche giorno dopo il bambino non riusciva quasi più ad aprire la bocca e aveva dolore. Nel blog di una mia cara amica "Just the Vax" la storia è stata riportata in inglese
. Tetanus in an unvaccinated teen in 2002 in the medical journal Pediatrics has published a work entitled "philosophical objection to vaccination as a risk factor for children under 15 years to contract tetanus"
1. Fair E, Murphy TV, Golaz A, Wharton M.
Philosophic Objection to Vaccination as a Risk for Tetanus Among Children Younger Than 15 Years . Pediatrics. 2002; 109 (1): e2-e2
Of the 15 cases (which were reported between 1992 and 2000) Only 2 children were fully vaccinated and they had a much less severe symptoms of unvaccinated children. The majority of children had not been vaccinated because their parents refused vaccination for religious or philosophical reasons or.
The paper sees a table with details of each case. I have quite long periods of hospitalization, in most cases, for example, 19, 24, 26, 38, 39 and up to 60 days. Instead of children vaccinated, only one was hospitalized 1 day (for 6 weeks and was treated at home) and the other four days. Many of the unvaccinated children were in need of artificial respiration, also 9, 12, 22 and even for 30 days (a baby, for umbilical infection, whose mother was not vaccinated and therefore could not transmit maternal antibodies). Even wounds which caused the tetanus are described and are almost all trivial: one has been stung by an insect, some have walked barefoot sharp objects, such as a nail, a finger was cut off (at home), or even a splinter in his foot was enough to contract tetanus etc.
The next time a vaccinia tells you that today's children do not moiono tetanus (assuming that with this sentence is not true that they can not contracting tetanus), think for a minute that the cases I have just described: the long hospitalization, artificial respiration, the painful muscle contractions, jaw locked, which prevents you from eating or drinking and makes it difficult to swallow, to the many drugs they need ...
The conclusion is that tetanus is a terrible disease that today in Italy about
- people never vaccinated (or poorly, for example by not calling every 10 years) that were born before 1968, particularly the elderly (sopprattutto women)
- and children and adolescents whose parents refuse to vaccinate them