Nike an image of the space (during the preparation of the exhibition
name, Nike, and 'the goddess of victory, as well as' a the epithets of Athena, the goddess of the arts, but it 'also the name chosen for the new multi-purpose area with a large exhibition hall that combines the neoclassical with design. The space will be inaugurated Sept. 29 with a collective of artists Sicily, known internationally , selected for the originality of research and creative exuberance . soul Ambiguity and 'the title of this first exhibition planned in an already busy schedule of meetings, which presents a selection of 42 works, sculpture and painting of Beatrice Feo , Adriana Montalto , Gabriele D'Acquisto, Lino Minneci, Nicola Pucci . Icons of history and mythology, the sacred and the secular, symbolism and ambiguity, are the issues addressed by the five artists in the exhibition curated by Daniela Brignone . A thorough reworking of images and events and adaptation to the contemporary reality that can give them a new identity and meaning. The investigation of the soul and 'sacral addressed through the representation of an illustrious past of the characters of Beatrice Feo, suspended between delirium and madness, ness and austerity ; of virtue' and defect revisited and personified by Gabriele D'Acquisto, visions transcendent Adriana Montalto, molded in the classic forms in bronze, solid as it should be the religion; cycles of meetings and e-battles-of-dark and disturbing figures , almost obsessive, Nicola Pucci, highlighted by a symbol between the ironic and evocative expression of a sacred Remote represented by Lino Minneci, such as the Aztec people, rooted in time, space, in people, animals and things related to history or primordial humanity. A repertoire of symbols, language, behavior that shows the attachment of the community to its roots and traditions. A route that passes through the darkness in the inner and uncertainties, through the feelings, perceptions and ambiguities and 'one proposed the five artists in a personal reflection, searching for the meaning of existence, of the primary values \u200b\u200band sense the sacred. The exhibition, sponsored by the Foundation Minneci of Villareal and realized with the support of the President of Sicily Region , will be hosted in November a Napoli, presso la Galleria Merliani 137, al Vomero . Spazio Nike, che ospita la collettiva, si trova all'interno dello storico palazzo dei Principi Guarnaschelli , oggi Palazzo Unicredit, ampliato e restaurato, alla fine del 1800, dal celebre architetto Ernesto Basile . La società Nike, che gestisce la prestigiosa location e organizza l'evento, si propone di ideare e organizzare, all'interno e al di fuori dello spazio espositivo, mostre, incontri e dibattiti artistici e culturali, nonche' studi e ricerche, promuovendo i personaggi della scena artistica e culturale italiana e internazionale. Inaugurazione ore 18.30 su invito Spazio Nike Via Monteleone, 3 - Palermo Orario: 10.00 - 13.00/15.30 - 19.00 (chiuso il lunedi' mattina e festivi)
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