Monday, October 1, 2007

Inivitation By Way Of Sms For Birthday


Nike an image of the space (during the preparation of the exhibition Ambiguity-soul)

  • name, Nike, and 'the goddess of victory, as well as' a the epithets of Athena, the goddess of the arts, but it 'also the name chosen for the new multi-purpose area with a large exhibition hall that combines the neoclassical with design. The space will be inaugurated Sept. 29 with a collective of artists Sicily, known internationally , selected for the originality of research and creative exuberance . soul Ambiguity and 'the title of this first exhibition planned in an already busy schedule of meetings, which presents a selection of 42 works, sculpture and painting of Beatrice Feo , Adriana Montalto , Gabriele D'Acquisto, Lino Minneci, Nicola Pucci . Icons of history and mythology, the sacred and the secular, symbolism and ambiguity, are the issues addressed by the five artists in the exhibition curated by Daniela Brignone . A thorough reworking of images and events and adaptation to the contemporary reality that can give them a new identity and meaning. The investigation of the soul and 'sacral addressed through the representation of an illustrious past of the characters of Beatrice Feo, suspended between delirium and madness, ness and austerity ; of virtue' and defect revisited and personified by Gabriele D'Acquisto, visions transcendent Adriana Montalto, molded in the classic forms in bronze, solid as it should be the religion; cycles of meetings and e-battles-of-dark and disturbing figures , almost obsessive, Nicola Pucci, highlighted by a symbol between the ironic and evocative expression of a sacred Remote represented by Lino Minneci, such as the Aztec people, rooted in time, space, in people, animals and things related to history or primordial humanity. A repertoire of symbols, language, behavior that shows the attachment of the community to its roots and traditions. A route that passes through the darkness in the inner and uncertainties, through the feelings, perceptions and ambiguities and 'one proposed the five artists in a personal reflection, searching for the meaning of existence, of the primary values \u200b\u200band sense the sacred. The exhibition, sponsored by the Foundation Minneci of Villareal and realized with the support of the President of Sicily Region , will be hosted in November a Napoli, presso la Galleria Merliani 137, al Vomero . Spazio Nike, che ospita la collettiva, si trova all'interno dello storico palazzo dei Principi Guarnaschelli , oggi Palazzo Unicredit, ampliato e restaurato, alla fine del 1800, dal celebre architetto Ernesto Basile . La società Nike, che gestisce la prestigiosa location e organizza l'evento, si propone di ideare e organizzare, all'interno e al di fuori dello spazio espositivo, mostre, incontri e dibattiti artistici e culturali, nonche' studi e ricerche, promuovendo i personaggi della scena artistica e culturale italiana e internazionale. Inaugurazione ore 18.30 su invito Spazio Nike Via Monteleone, 3 - Palermo Orario: 10.00 - 13.00/15.30 - 19.00 (chiuso il lunedi' mattina e festivi)

How Train Turn On Curves

Three talented artists confront strong and hard on a theme: the praise of folly: NICOLA PUCCI, BEATRICE FEO PURCHASE AND GABRIELE



LA MOSTRA E' APERTA TUTTI I GIORNI -ORARI:10.00-13.00/15.30-19.00


"A selection of 42 works, sculpture and painting of Beatrice Feo, Adriana Montalto, Gabriele D'Acquisto, Lino Minneci, Nicola Pucci.
Icons of history and mythology, the sacred and the secular, symbolism and ambiguity, are the issues addressed by the five artists in the exhibition curated by Daniela Brignone. A thorough reworking of images and events and adaptation to the contemporary reality that can give them a new identity and a senso.L 'investigation of the soul is addressed through the representation of characters of an illustrious past of Beatrice Feo, sospesi tra delirio e follia, sacralità e austerità ; delle virtù e dei vizi rivisitati e personificati da Gabriele D’Acquisto; delle visioni trascendenti di Adriana Montalto, plasmate in forme classiche nel bronzo, solido come deve essere la fede religiosa; figure inquietanti e oscure, quasi ossessive, di Nicola Pucci, sottolineati da un simbolismo tra l’ironico e il suggestivo; delle espressioni di una sacralità remota rappresentati da Lino Minneci, come quella della popolazione azteca, radicata nel tempo, nello spazio, nelle persone, negli animali e nelle cose o legati alla storia primordiale dellâ’umanità.
La mostra è promossa dalla Fondazione Minneci di Villareale and the President of Sicily Region. "
The exhibition will be in Naples in the space of Gallery 137 Merliani


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Mri


La riorganizzazione dei mobili era auspicata da tempo. Spesso ci chiedevamo perchè le cose fossero bloccate in quella situazione palesemente inconcludente ma assolutamente immobile, intoccabile. Beh, il problema risiedeva nel comò. Impossibile dissentire, impossibile confrontarsi, impossibile comunicare, una vita impossibile. Nei corridoi, sotto cappa, all'albero ci si chiedeva: perchè? Perchè tutti sappiamo che le cose non vanno e dall'alto nessuno fa niente. Perchè chiunque arrivi si trova male ed ha problemi e dall'alto niente. Perchè i fondi vanno via e nessuno li blocca, li indirizza, them focused. Then comes a new cabinet with wheels. Without roots, without masters, outspoken, with nothing to lose, in an attitude of sabbatical that will quickly realize that things do not go. He starts to bordello, he tries to change things, touches on the dresser and the pandemonium going on. But then nothing changes, everything goes on as usual, nothing is touched. Suddenly something happens, what? Rumors speak of strange movements that appear to the dresser. Then start from discussions strange, strange comments on the most incomprehensible, small squeaks of the dresser. Then came a voice from above: "gathering." Library, meeting room, an oval table. The chief designer: "We have not una lira! Fine della pacchia! Da ora in poi tutto deve passare da me! Da ora in poi si pretendono idee originali e valide." Strani discorsi che sembrano rivolti all'intera mobilia ma se attentemente analizzati rivolti al comò o perlomeno alla posizione del comò. Nei corridoi, sottocappa, all'albero ci si chiede: perchè?


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Aleve And Anxiety Attacks

My father is not autistic

"I parenti da muggheri sunu ruci commu o meli, i parenti do maritu
sunu serpi no cannitu"
Mio padre lo ripete sempre. Non è che mio padre sia autistico, è solo
che la vita lo conferma pressochè quotidianamente.
Un matrimonio dalle nostre parti è qualcosa che coinvolge la settima
generazione della parentela. I poveri newlyweds are forced to see their marriage
invited people who do not know who have never seen
with whom they have never spoken and which not even salute,
met the day after. I myself have been to several weddings
only because they fall in the seventh gnerazione
without knowing the name of the spouses. Then it happens that you married a cousin of the second generation
and figured if you're not invited. But no! Incredible! You will not have invited
nesun the second generation. But no! On the
his wife even went so far in the fourth. And my father
repeats: "The relatives of Muggheri..."
Then again it happens that a friend who works not seen in months because
affanculo ma non riesci a vederlo nemmeno una sera, così, per
prerdersi una birrazza al pub. Con certi amici hai condiviso tutto,
hai convissuto, quasi non hai litigato mai, ti sei "spattutu u sonnu"
si direbbe a casa mia. Non è possibile credere che non abbia voglia di
sbronzarsi assieme. Mi rifiuto di crederlo. Poi capita che lei non ama
particolarmente la tua compagnia. Non per male ma semplicemente perchè
non c'è feeling. Capita nella vita. Allora l'amico torna da affanculo
per una settimana e la passa con lei e suppongo con coloro a cui lei
vanno più a genio. E mio padre ripete: "I parenti da muggheri . . ."
Ora potrei continuare raccontando che i fratelli e le sorelle her
are hosted on holidays or summer
are welcome in the country all season, she will not allow him to see the grand prize
together as is done for years, that the friends of him negatively affect
while those she do well to gastritis,
. . . etc. ... etc. ... and so on.
My father is not autistic.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How Often Does A Mammagram Come Back Abnormal

comic STS

L 'Association of Theatrical Arts and Music Magnificat

participates in and cooperates with the first exhibition of comic theater

STS Claretta Carotenuto

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How Do I Connect To Ps3 Internet With A Dongel

1982 The Night of Victory

Entertainment brought the first national by Ivan Mori in 1997 for the evening Fight Against Cancer sponsored the Lazio Region Hall of Mirrors Former Casino Municipal Anzio.
After adaptation to the text, it was reintroduced in 2006 to 33 IMAX presented by STS Claretta Carotenuto.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Example Letters For Community Service

Pastor CEH learned to do arithmetic

Peppino loved back with her slow pace the terraces of the garden of oranges obtained along the steep coast vadduni. The way she walked up the steps made from bits of Lentini was slow, lilting, rhythmic, constant but staggered a half step. The years passed between the orange trees with their feet immersed in water twill had exacerbated the pain in his left leg. Peppino, was leaning with his right hand to the knee of the good leg pushing forward the painful part. So his pace was break-tam-tum, tum-break-tam, tum-... Every morning at dawn, took the old black leather bag with half cock, the bread, egg, bivirino with water and the inevitable 'nzinca. The 'nzinza represented what today we would call a reminder, a small white string tied to the handle of the old leather bag that remind you to pick up the parsley to the wife, to pick up the rods for baskets, to control the suction pipe to river and so on. Every day lit la sua rumorosa seicento fiat azzurrina tirandola fuori da quella che una volta era la stalla, accelerava assicurandosi che il motore fosse sull'orlo del collasso, staccava la frizione e via fuori verso il vadduni. Curve a destra, tornanti a sinistra, la stazione, la strettoia, il passaggio sopra il ponte e poi il carrubo dove parcheggiare, il freno a mano e la pietra davanti alla ruota destra perché non si sa mai. E così cominciava la sua giornata di duro lavoro tra gli aranci.

D'estate, la domenica, la sera, Peppino e la sua famiglia si riunivano sotto il grande ulivo che spuntava dal cemento grigio chiaro dello spiazzale davanti alla casa in campagna. Fu durante una di quelle calde and humid evenings Peppino told for the first time to his grandchildren a funny story about a pastor who learned to count.

Na votes, cumpari Micenzu back into the house late at night when it was dark. You know, then the house did not have switches with lamps and wax candles cost. So the poor shepherd, exhausted after a hard day in the fields, sped straight to bed sure to find your feet warm welcome to his wife. Two are mine, two are yours, but here there are six! No way! Recounted. Two are mine, two are yours, but here there are six! I'll be lying with the mule? Recounted. . . And count and recount the shepherd fell asleep. At the first light of dawn still in doubt for counting, in the twilight of the morning, cumpari Micenzu awoke, reached for the chair at the foot of the bed where he usually threw his humble clothes, got dressed and riding his mule walked to the pasture. Arriving at the pasture had a very bad surprise. I saw him just trusted his dogs began barking arraggiati reach as never before, the mule and scared disarcionò. It was then that he understood why cumpari Micenzu counts did not return. He noticed that the long black robe she was wearing had frightened the dogs.

That story was so funny big laugh, but we children left us perplexed. What is there to laugh falling from a mule? And then, it hits the habit? And does it matter? Well, big sti are strange!
