The idea that measles has a positive impact on child development forms the base nell'antroposofia of Rudolf Steiner. The
Anthroposophists believe that at birth the body has only inherited. To become an individual person, self and soul that come from past lives, must merge with the body.
I quote from the transcript of a conference held March 23, 2002 by an anthroposophic doctor: "Infectious diseases and their therapy"
"The ego and the soul must penetrate and transform the inherited body (the etheric body and physical body), so that at the end of the first seven years of life the physical body is no longer the one inherited from their parents, but that is responsive to items 3 and 4, that is the bearer of the ego and the soul of the child. "
believe that childhood diseases, especially measles, are important for this process.
another quote from the same source:
"Milestones for the interpenetration between the two parties are infectious diseases. With these forces exceed the child inherited and formed his own individuality.
fever comes from 3 and 4, and occurs in 1 and 2
air movement = = = I
feeling heat
= soul movement
And through this heat and this movement, I can transform the body inherited.
The heat keeps the pliable substance, clay.
shape when motion is no longer suspended.
transformation processes are related to self and soul.
measles in a fever of 40 is normal and the body becomes a breeding ground where the self (the blacksmith) on plasma model of the self. "
Explanation: 1 = body inherited
Etheric body
2 = 3 = 4 = I
If a child dies of measles does not seem to be a tragedy because death is seen as another kind of birth, the soul continues its road to find a new body.
I quote from the book "Elements of Anthroposophical Medicine" by Volker FINTELMANN - Red Edition
"To sum up the actual meaning and characteristics of childhood infections can be said that they are in altissima misura all'individualizzazione dell'uomo. Nel senso di un contagio attivo, l'uomo può decidere liberamente di usare la malattia nel suo sforzo di appropriazione dell'elemento corporeo che gli proviene ereditariamente dai suoi antenati, vale a dire di individualizzarlo. E' già stato fatto presente che in questo processo è insito un rischio. Tramite il contrasto particolarmente tormentoso con il proprio bagaglio ereditario, l'individualità infantile può riproporsi l'interrogativo del senso della vita tra nascita e morte e in alcuni casi può anche rispondere morendo. Abbiamo visto che questo non significa altro che l'io si ritira di nuovo in un'esistenza meramente spirituale."
"If, to avoid the rare and sometimes serious complications, it is first vaccination against most infections are benign and resolve with spontaneous healing, escapes to the human development that represents an opportunity a contribution to its individualization. "
course much less successful if they would tell their parents inherited the history of the body that must be "individualized" and "spiritualize" through "the heat" (fever) "water" (the tears, mucus, phlegm ) and air (cough). Why mention
usually other kinds of "benefits" have the opportunity to play a reasonable and convincing to the ears of parents. The vaccinia Anthroposophists not on principle, "only" conducive to infectious diseases for the reasons I mentioned above. But as the vaccine reduces the incidence of these diseases, they also criticize the use of this preventive measure that hinders the "individualization" of the child, the fusion between the self and the soul with the body inherited. The vaccinia
use the "evidence" that the anthroposophical are producing, as long as they can be useful for their anti-vaccine propaganda. What advantages would then
measles for children's health?
Some examples are listed in the book of Dr. Eugene Serravalle "Super-vaccinated children."
This paragraph is entitled "There are positive aspects in contracting measles?"
"Measles appears to have a positive effect on the immune system."
In reality, however, one aspect of the measles virus is invading many cell types, including those of the immune system. The effect is a profound immunosuppression, similar to AIDS, which lasts for weeks or even months. The majority of deaths from measles are due to secondary bacterial infections against which the immune system can not fight properly because dell'immunodepressione caused by measles virus. Calling it "positive effect" does not seem an appropriate description.
"After the measles infection, medical interventions decrease sharply."
The author cites as a source:
Kummer KH, Masernverlauf in einer Kinderarzpraxis Der Merkurstab,
1992, (3) :180-189.
The English translation is here: http: / /
And now there are useful information which I quoted above, because the dr. Kummer is a pediatrician anthroposophy. "Der Merkurstab" is not a scientific medical journal but a magazine Anthroposophical. The translation of the title is "Development of measles in an outpatient pediatric
Kummer reported in this article the observations of measles cases among his patients and the impressions of parents during and after illness. At the end of 1987 and spring of 1988 had been treating a large number of patients with measles.
This occasion seemed good to do a survey on clinical and health status of children after illness. In June 1988 he sent 251 questionnaires to the parents. Of these have returned the completed 224 (89.3%).
The inclusion criterion was the frequency continuity of the study Dr. Kummer for the duration of the study.
So those who were initially included in this study were basically only those children
1) who have been treated by Dr. Kummer
2) whose parents had responded to the questionnaire (in the second half, however, also includes these subjects)
This is called "selection bias" and jeopardize the outcome from the outset.
It can be assumed that he was treating only those cases with no complications so severe as to require hospitalization, because these - do not correspond to the continuum of care - a lot Defendants shall be excluded from this study.
the end of 1990 of 251 who initially had been sent the questionnaire, were he still remained under the care of 227 children. Of the 24 others could not follow the trend of health status or because they had moved or changed your doctor. It does not say how much had changed doctor. It would be interesting to know this and what was the reason.
Among the 227 remaining, one had developed epilepsy, but he was excluded as a result of measles because two neurological examinations during measles and after an EEG had been negative. I wonder just what was the reason why this child had needed all these tests. Also another child had neurological problems (not specified which ones) but it seems that it was already "mentally retarded" before contracting measles, due to a condition of the cerebellum that " had not been diagnosed definitively before the measles .
In the questionnaires the parents were asked to give an example of its assessment of health status both during and after measles, among other things, even if they were afraid that their child had suffered serious and permanent complications. 77 parents (34.7%) had responded in the affirmative.
As for the fever, 31.3% had a temperature between 39.5 and 40 ° C, 19.3% from 40 to 40.5 ° C e il 12,9% sopra 40,5° (!). La febbre alta durava generalmente tra 3 e 5 giorni e nel 9,8% dei bambini per più di una settimana.
Le complicanze riportate dai genitori erano:
Nessuna: 64,4%
Diarrea/vomito: 9,8%
Otite: 13,3%
Polmonite: 0,9%
Altri: 11,6%
Sarebbe interessante sapere che cosa erano le complicanze della voce "altri".
Vi ricordo che queste sono le complicazioni solo dei 225 bambini i cui genitori avevano risposta al questionario.
Un'altra domanda del questionario era se avevano notato dei cambiamenti nei propri bambini dopo la healing. Here are some examples of responses to changes as positive:
"It has grown and is thinner, also the features of the visa are not as chubby as he was a child"
"After the healing has begun to walk"
"Our daughter now eats more "
" Yes, her face was rosier "
" It 's grown, otherwise the changes are not yet defined "
" The face is elongated
"He made a leap in the development, ie has grown and there are new teeth "
" The fine motor is marked "
" After a good rest the general state of physical health and psicica is currently very satisfactory "
"He had a decisive leap in the physical, spiritual and psicico is very healthy and dynamic, has a good appetite."
"The movements have become more powerful, the desire has grown stronger."
"She quickly recovered and after 2 and a half weeks he was again out in force today and makes an impression of good health.
I seem to descriptions of children recovering from a serious illness and some of the changes described are part of the development that is normal in children who have not had measles.
also positive psychological changes are very similar in quality to those described above.
For example:
"After it seemed a little more sure of himself. l "I" and seems to strengthen the whole personality has emerged more clearly "
then goes on to describe that I have checked the medical records (this time are also included children whose parents had not filled out the questionnaire). were annotated with initials in touch with the doctor (and treatment in hospital outpatient , emergency medical services , etc.) during 12, 6:03 months before the measles and 3, 6 and 12 months after measles. The contacts during measles were excluded (very convenient ...) and the duration of measles was seen in 21 days. Then compare the total number of children in the 3 periods chosen had 0 or 1 or 2 or more contacts with the doctor before the total number of children with measles who had 0 or 1 or 2 or more contacts after measles.
The number of children 0 to 3 months
Before 103 After 131
to 6 months:
Before 68 After 79
12 months
Before 32 After 40
To see other results follow the link that leads to the study published in English. (See above)
This then is the source from which Dr. Serravalle refers when he writes
"After l'infezione morbillosa, gli interventi medici diminuiscono nettamente."
Nettamente? E che tipo di interventi medici? In questo lavoro hanno lo stesso peso una telefonata per una febbre di 38° o un mal di gola di un servizio medico d'urgenza.... Che cosa è stato fatto per escludere che la riduzione globale della frequenza dei contatti medici non abbia altri motivi? Cos'è con quelli che avevano cambiato medico? Stavano "meglio" anche loro? Allora perché i genitori hanno cambiato medico? Non potrebbe essere che soprattutto quei genitori sono rimasti inclusi nella valutazione i cui bambini avevano avuto la fortuna di aver avuto un morbillo senza complicanze? E i pazienti i cui genitori had not sent the questionnaire, they ended up?
For me this is a study of any scientific value, which can be taken seriously only by those who accept anything that might support his thesis.
1) The author of the study is strongly influenced by the belief that measles is an important disease for the individualization of the child, the anthroposophical doctrine.
2) From the beginning, will exclude all children who were more likely to be hospitalized, given the exclusion criteria listed at the beginning, and the fact that logically the most severe cases could not have been followed by Dr. Kummer (because they were followed by doctors at the hospital).
3) A questionnaire to parents, already convinced that measles is good for their children and had decided not to vaccinate them (so strongly affected too) had to describe their feelings. It 'clear that they could not admit even to themselves before they had done wrong to expose their children to a disease like measles, which has a high complication rate and can also cause serious permanent damage to death. They were looking so positive signs in their children to see confirmed his conviction and also to appease his conscience.
4) The criterion to compare the number of symbols written in the folders Contact your doctor before and after measles but not specific information, such conclusions can be drawn if one is not even informed about the reasons behind the demands of medical intervention? And how could exclude that the reduction in contacts with the doctor was not due to a change in parents' behavior rather than a genuine improvement in health status of children? The author himself mentions this possible bias in the "discussion".
5) The risks of measles are not taken into account and compared with the benefits postulates.
There is a phrase in the studio that brings us straight to the opening theme of this post. Dr. Kummer says the changes negative in that some parents had described in the questionnaire as follows:
"It seems that these children in the fight between the self and the body inherited described by Steiner was not been completed and continued even after measles . "
There is also another survey of dr. Kummer, about 1001 cases of measles in 1999 in Germania, Svezia, Austria e Svizzera. Anche questo è stata pubblicato nella rivista antroposofica "Der Merkurstab":
Kummer, K-R: 1001 mal Masern - prospektive Untersuchung von 886 und retrospektive von 115 Verlaeufen in der Praxis. Der Merkurstab 1999:52, 369-375
Ai genitori dei 1001 casi che avevano compilato il primo questionario, era stato mandato un secondo questionario di follow-up sei mesi dopo e solo 322 avevano risposto.
Fra questi 1001 casi c'è stato anche uno con esito mortale (per polmonite). Ma questo bambino - viene subito spiegato - non era stato curato con medicina antroposofica. Perciò in un riassunto di questo sondaggio, nella colonna delle complicanze lo si trova alla voce "altre" (Sonstiges) and must seek the explanation according to the footnote. There we read that it was a 9 year old boy whose parents had phoned the doctor who had offered a home visit that they had refused.
is also worth noting that during the outbreak in 1999, ie in the year when Dr. Kummer had sent the questionnaire to the parents of 1001 cases in Germany, among many, have also been sick for two brothers whose parents had the homeopathic pediatrician recommended vaccinations against measles to a false contraindication. Then they both developed subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) .
Vieker S, Schmitt JJ, Behrens C, Weissbrich B, Hartmann H.
So the evidence on which the claim that medical interventions after measles decreased significantly not at all convincing.
Actually measles is a serious disease with a high percentage of complications, some of which are very serious and can cause severe permanent damage (encephalitis) and death. Also, in rare cases (especially if measles is contracted between 0 and 24 months), some years after recovery manifests the subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), which is always fatal. In industrialized countries an average of 1 in 1,000 measles patients dies and 1 in 1000 develops encephalitis.
Among the cases of the study Dr. Cited by Dr. Kummer. Serravalle there were 67 children (26%) in the age group between 0 and 2 years (5 were less than 6 months, 19 between 6 and 12 months and 37 between one and two years, then at higher risk of developing the PESS.