Sunday, January 30, 2011

Second Hand Cello Cases

The alleged beneficial effects of measles and polio eradication

The idea that measles has a positive impact on child development forms the base nell'antroposofia of Rudolf Steiner. The

Anthroposophists believe that at birth the body has only inherited. To become an individual person, self and soul that come from past lives, must merge with the body.

I quote from the transcript of a conference held March 23, 2002 by an anthroposophic doctor: "Infectious diseases and their therapy"

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Before continuing with the reading the article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has put online a questionnaire for parents about vaccinations.

Please participate and run the link as much as possible.

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"The ego and the soul must penetrate and transform the inherited body (the etheric body and physical body), so that at the end of the first seven years of life the physical body is no longer the one inherited from their parents, but that is responsive to items 3 and 4, that is the bearer of the ego and the soul of the child. "

believe that childhood diseases, especially measles, are important for this process.

another quote from the same source:

"Milestones for the interpenetration between the two parties are infectious diseases. With these forces exceed the child inherited and formed his own individuality.
fever comes from 3 and 4, and occurs in 1 and 2
air movement = = = I
feeling heat
= soul movement

And through this heat and this movement, I can transform the body inherited.
The heat keeps the pliable substance, clay.
shape when motion is no longer suspended.
transformation processes are related to self and soul.

measles in a fever of 40 is normal and the body becomes a breeding ground where the self (the blacksmith) on plasma model of the self. "

Explanation: 1 = body inherited
Etheric body

2 = 3 = 4 = I


If a child dies of measles does not seem to be a tragedy because death is seen as another kind of birth, the soul continues its road to find a new body.

I quote from the book "Elements of Anthroposophical Medicine" by Volker FINTELMANN - Red Edition

"To sum up the actual meaning and characteristics of childhood infections can be said that they are in altissima misura all'individualizzazione dell'uomo. Nel senso di un contagio attivo, l'uomo può decidere liberamente di usare la malattia nel suo sforzo di appropriazione dell'elemento corporeo che gli proviene ereditariamente dai suoi antenati, vale a dire di individualizzarlo. E' già stato fatto presente che in questo processo è insito un rischio. Tramite il contrasto particolarmente tormentoso con il proprio bagaglio ereditario, l'individualità infantile può riproporsi l'interrogativo del senso della vita tra nascita e morte e in alcuni casi può anche rispondere morendo. Abbiamo visto che questo non significa altro che l'io si ritira di nuovo in un'esistenza meramente spirituale."

"If, to avoid the rare and sometimes serious complications, it is first vaccination against most infections are benign and resolve with spontaneous healing, escapes to the human development that represents an opportunity a contribution to its individualization. "

course much less successful if they would tell their parents inherited the history of the body that must be "individualized" and "spiritualize" through "the heat" (fever) "water" (the tears, mucus, phlegm ) and air (cough). Why mention

usually other kinds of "benefits" have the opportunity to play a reasonable and convincing to the ears of parents. The vaccinia Anthroposophists not on principle, "only" conducive to infectious diseases for the reasons I mentioned above. But as the vaccine reduces the incidence of these diseases, they also criticize the use of this preventive measure that hinders the "individualization" of the child, the fusion between the self and the soul with the body inherited. The vaccinia

use the "evidence" that the anthroposophical are producing, as long as they can be useful for their anti-vaccine propaganda. What advantages would then

measles for children's health?

Some examples are listed in the book of Dr. Eugene Serravalle "Super-vaccinated children."

This paragraph is entitled "There are positive aspects in contracting measles?"

"Measles appears to have a positive effect on the immune system."

In reality, however, one aspect of the measles virus is invading many cell types, including those of the immune system. The effect is a profound immunosuppression, similar to AIDS, which lasts for weeks or even months. The majority of deaths from measles are due to secondary bacterial infections against which the immune system can not fight properly because dell'immunodepressione caused by measles virus. Calling it "positive effect" does not seem an appropriate description.

"After the measles infection, medical interventions decrease sharply."

The author cites as a source:

Kummer KH, Masernverlauf in einer Kinderarzpraxis Der Merkurstab,
1992, (3) :180-189.

The English translation is here: http: / /

And now there are useful information which I quoted above, because the dr. Kummer is a pediatrician anthroposophy. "Der Merkurstab" is not a scientific medical journal but a magazine Anthroposophical. The translation of the title is "Development of measles in an outpatient pediatric

Kummer reported in this article the observations of measles cases among his patients and the impressions of parents during and after illness. At the end of 1987 and spring of 1988 had been treating a large number of patients with measles.

This occasion seemed good to do a survey on clinical and health status of children after illness. In June 1988 he sent 251 questionnaires to the parents. Of these have returned the completed 224 (89.3%).

The inclusion criterion was the frequency continuity of the study Dr. Kummer for the duration of the study.

So those who were initially included in this study were basically only those children

1) who have been treated by Dr. Kummer
2) whose parents had responded to the questionnaire (in the second half, however, also includes these subjects)

This is called "selection bias" and jeopardize the outcome from the outset.

It can be assumed that he was treating only those cases with no complications so severe as to require hospitalization, because these - do not correspond to the continuum of care - a lot Defendants shall be excluded from this study.

the end of 1990 of 251 who initially had been sent the questionnaire, were he still remained under the care of 227 children. Of the 24 others could not follow the trend of health status or because they had moved or changed your doctor. It does not say how much had changed doctor. It would be interesting to know this and what was the reason.

Among the 227 remaining, one had developed epilepsy, but he was excluded as a result of measles because two neurological examinations during measles and after an EEG had been negative. I wonder just what was the reason why this child had needed all these tests. Also another child had neurological problems (not specified which ones) but it seems that it was already "mentally retarded" before contracting measles, due to a condition of the cerebellum that " had not been diagnosed definitively before the measles .

In the questionnaires the parents were asked to give an example of its assessment of health status both during and after measles, among other things, even if they were afraid that their child had suffered serious and permanent complications. 77 parents (34.7%) had responded in the affirmative.

As for the fever, 31.3% had a temperature between 39.5 and 40 ° C, 19.3% from 40 to 40.5 ° C e il 12,9% sopra 40,5° (!). La febbre alta durava generalmente tra 3 e 5 giorni e nel 9,8% dei bambini per più di una settimana.

Le complicanze riportate dai genitori erano:

Nessuna: 64,4%
Diarrea/vomito: 9,8%
Otite: 13,3%
Polmonite: 0,9%
Altri: 11,6%

Sarebbe interessante sapere che cosa erano le complicanze della voce "altri".

Vi ricordo che queste sono le complicazioni solo dei 225 bambini i cui genitori avevano risposta al questionario.

Un'altra domanda del questionario era se avevano notato dei cambiamenti nei propri bambini dopo la healing. Here are some examples of responses to changes as positive:

"It has grown and is thinner, also the features of the visa are not as chubby as he was a child"
"After the healing has begun to walk"
"Our daughter now eats more "
" Yes, her face was rosier "
" It 's grown, otherwise the changes are not yet defined "
" The face is elongated
"He made a leap in the development, ie has grown and there are new teeth "
" The fine motor is marked "
" After a good rest the general state of physical health and psicica is currently very satisfactory "
"He had a decisive leap in the physical, spiritual and psicico is very healthy and dynamic, has a good appetite."
"The movements have become more powerful, the desire has grown stronger."
"She quickly recovered and after 2 and a half weeks he was again out in force today and makes an impression of good health.

I seem to descriptions of children recovering from a serious illness and some of the changes described are part of the development that is normal in children who have not had measles.

also positive psychological changes are very similar in quality to those described above.

For example:
"After it seemed a little more sure of himself. l "I" and seems to strengthen the whole personality has emerged more clearly "

then goes on to describe that I have checked the medical records (this time are also included children whose parents had not filled out the questionnaire). were annotated with initials in touch with the doctor (and treatment in hospital outpatient , emergency medical services , etc.) during 12, 6:03 months before the measles and 3, 6 and 12 months after measles. The contacts during measles were excluded (very convenient ...) and the duration of measles was seen in 21 days. Then compare the total number of children in the 3 periods chosen had 0 or 1 or 2 or more contacts with the doctor before the total number of children with measles who had 0 or 1 or 2 or more contacts after measles.

The number of children 0 to 3 months
Before 103 After 131

to 6 months:
Before 68 After 79

12 months
Before 32 After 40

To see other results follow the link that leads to the study published in English. (See above)

This then is the source from which Dr. Serravalle refers when he writes

"After l'infezione morbillosa, gli interventi medici diminuiscono nettamente."

Nettamente? E che tipo di interventi medici?  In questo lavoro hanno lo stesso peso una telefonata per una febbre di 38° o un mal di gola di un servizio medico d'urgenza....  Che cosa è stato fatto per escludere che la riduzione globale della frequenza dei contatti medici non abbia altri motivi? Cos'è con quelli che avevano cambiato medico? Stavano "meglio" anche loro? Allora perché i genitori hanno cambiato medico? Non potrebbe essere che soprattutto quei genitori sono rimasti inclusi nella valutazione i cui bambini avevano avuto la fortuna di aver avuto un morbillo senza complicanze? E i pazienti i cui genitori had not sent the questionnaire, they ended up?

For me this is a study of any scientific value, which can be taken seriously only by those who accept anything that might support his thesis.

1) The author of the study is strongly influenced by the belief that measles is an important disease for the individualization of the child, the anthroposophical doctrine.

2) From the beginning, will exclude all children who were more likely to be hospitalized, given the exclusion criteria listed at the beginning, and the fact that logically the most severe cases could not have been followed by Dr. Kummer (because they were followed by doctors at the hospital).

3) A questionnaire to parents, already convinced that measles is good for their children and had decided not to vaccinate them (so strongly affected too) had to describe their feelings. It 'clear that they could not admit even to themselves before they had done wrong to expose their children to a disease like measles, which has a high complication rate and can also cause serious permanent damage to death. They were looking so positive signs in their children to see confirmed his conviction and also to appease his conscience.

4) The criterion to compare the number of symbols written in the folders Contact your doctor before and after measles but not specific information, such conclusions can be drawn if one is not even informed about the reasons behind the demands of medical intervention? And how could exclude that the reduction in contacts with the doctor was not due to a change in parents' behavior rather than a genuine improvement in health status of children? The author himself mentions this possible bias in the "discussion".

5) The risks of measles are not taken into account and compared with the benefits postulates.

There is a phrase in the studio that brings us straight to the opening theme of this post. Dr. Kummer says the changes negative in that some parents had described in the questionnaire as follows:

"It seems that these children in the fight between the self and the body inherited described by Steiner was not been completed and continued even after measles . "

There is also another survey of dr. Kummer, about 1001 cases of measles in 1999 in Germania, Svezia, Austria e Svizzera. Anche questo è stata pubblicato nella rivista antroposofica "Der Merkurstab":

Kummer, K-R: 1001 mal Masern - prospektive Untersuchung von 886 und retrospektive von 115 Verlaeufen in der Praxis. Der Merkurstab 1999:52, 369-375

Ai genitori dei 1001 casi che avevano compilato il primo questionario, era stato mandato un secondo questionario di follow-up sei mesi dopo e solo 322 avevano risposto.

Fra questi 1001 casi c'è stato anche uno con esito mortale (per polmonite). Ma questo bambino - viene subito spiegato - non era stato curato con medicina antroposofica. Perciò in un riassunto di questo sondaggio, nella colonna delle complicanze lo si trova alla voce "altre" (Sonstiges) and must seek the explanation according to the footnote. There we read that it was a 9 year old boy whose parents had phoned the doctor who had offered a home visit that they had refused.

is also worth noting that during the outbreak in 1999, ie in the year when Dr. Kummer had sent the questionnaire to the parents of 1001 cases in Germany, among many, have also been sick for two brothers whose parents had the homeopathic pediatrician recommended vaccinations against measles to a false contraindication. Then they both developed subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) .

Neuropediatrics 2003 Dec; 34 (6) :326-9. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
in two brothers
Vieker S, Schmitt JJ, Behrens C, Weissbrich B, Hartmann H.

So the evidence on which the claim that medical interventions after measles decreased significantly not at all convincing.

Actually measles is a serious disease with a high percentage of complications, some of which are very serious and can cause severe permanent damage (encephalitis) and death. Also, in rare cases (especially if measles is contracted between 0 and 24 months), some years after recovery manifests the subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), which is always fatal. In industrialized countries an average of 1 in 1,000 measles patients dies and 1 in 1000 develops encephalitis.

Among the cases of the study Dr. Cited by Dr. Kummer. Serravalle there were 67 children (26%) in the age group between 0 and 2 years (5 were less than 6 months, 19 between 6 and 12 months and 37 between one and two years, then at higher risk of developing the PESS.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Skin Tag On Dog's Lip

... rumors: the tsunami

One of the main arguments of the anti-vaccination and the vaccines are not effective, that offer no benefits, only risks. The polio vaccine is no exception.

seek by all means to prove this thesis, with graphics handled, etc. with data pulled from the context. They also use some concrete examples, as the epidemic of polio in Indonesia in 2005, just months after the tsunami of December 26, 2004. This topic can be read in many forums of anti-vaccine but I will use to practice the book of dr. Serravalle "super-immunized children" that is full of arguments against the vaccine and then ideas for my posts. In the chapter on polio reads as follows:

Even more obvious is the experience of Indonesia. In this country since 1995, there were no more cases of wild polio virus with a vaccine coverage of 70%. In the years following intense campagne di vaccinazioni di massa hanno portato ad avere un'immunizzazione della popolazione superiore al 90%, ma questo non è servito a non avere più casi di malattia quando, nel dicembre 2004, la tragedia dello tsunami ha distrutto reti idriche e sistemi fognari, lasciando la popolazione in condizioni di vita di estrema precarietà. Così, nonostante l'ampia diffusione della vaccinazione, la polio è ricomparsa.

Questo esempio viene fatto per sottolineare la tesi che la mancanza d'acqua potabile e le condizioni igieniche precarie sono l'unico motivo per cui si sviluppano le epidemie di polio e che l'impatto della vaccinazione è praticamente zero.

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Before continuing with this article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents about vaccinations.

Please participate and run the link as much as possible.


--------- It 's true that the lack of hygiene and drinking water increases the risk of contracting the polio virus because polio is transmitted mainly via the fecal-oral route (see my post "Polio: it makes sense to vaccinate against a disease that we have no more?" ). But to poliovirus is not enough for the low level of hygiene to spread. They also need to susceptible individuals, in other words, children do not or insufficiently vaccinated.

First let us find out it was really immunization coverage in Indonesia at the time of the epidemic. Then we will look a bit 'better map and we will see how the events took place in 2005. And finally I will invite us to reflect on why the beginning of 2006 to date in Indonesia there has been no polio cases.

1) "Routine immunization rates falling in Indonesia Have Been For The Last Few Years."

"In Indonesia in recent years, adherence to routine vaccinations is declining."

UNICEF: Public information and immunization go hand-in hand in massive Indonesia polio campaign

2) "Routine Immunization Against Polio in Indonesia is estimated at 70 per cent overall, although there are pockets WHERE Against immunity to the virus is lower. "

Translation: "The coverage of polio vaccination in Indonesia is estimated at 70% overall, although there are pockets of population where the rate of immunity is much lower."

UNICEF: Indonesia fights polio outbreak

3) "TCG Expressed concern over the low vaccine coverage rates in the affected provinces of Indonesia. Two Thirds of the 46 cases Confirmed Had not Received OPV, and a Further 13 HAD Doses Received less than 3. If These Findings are indicative of OPV coverage rates Among children under 5 years Elsewhere in the country, Indonesia is at high risk of polio spreading well beyond the current two provinces. "

TCG (Technical Consultative Group) has expressed concern about the low rates of vaccination coverage in of the affected areas' Indonesia . Two-thirds of 46 confirmed cases had not received polio vaccine , and other 13 had received less than 3 doses . If these results are indicative for the coverage rate of children under 5 years in the rest of the country, the Indonesia is at high risk of spreading the poliovirus well beyond the two provinces where there are current cases.

WHO: SEAR - Tecnical Consultative Group Polio Eradication

4) Before March 2005, only half the children in Girijaya Had Been Inoculated.

Translation: Before March 2005, only half of the children had been vaccinated in Girijaya. (Ndt Girijaya in the district of Sukabumi, is the country where he lived the index case).

Source: UNICEF
: Continues Fight Against Polio outbreak in Indonesia

5) Immunity Against Polio in Indonesia is reported figures by the government at around 90 per cent lower Generally But in pockets. WHO and UNICEF Estimates Indonesia's routine immunization coverage Against Childhood Diseases, Including polio, at 70 per cent, According To household surveys.

Translation: Il livello di immunità generale contro la poliomielite in Indonesia è, secondo il governo, ca. del 90%, ma inferiore in sacche di popolazione . Le stime dell'OMS e dell' UNICEF indicano una copertura vaccinale di routine contro le malattie infantili , tra cui la polio , del 70 per cento , seconde indagini presso le famiglie.

UNICEF helps Indonesia fight back Against Polio

The latest national vaccination campaign took place October 2002, then 2 and a half years before the epidemic and in those 2 ½ years has relied only on routine immunizations. In a country like Indonesia in two years and a half million children may accumulate and if this adds to the low vaccination coverage of the bottom you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation in early 2005.

In the December 2004 tsunami devastated area of \u200b\u200bIndonesia. After this disaster has been put in place a comprehensive system of prevention and monitoring to prevent outbreaks of diseases that spread easily in crowded and unhygienic conditions, typical for places like refugee camps: diarrhea, dengue , fever of unknown origin , jaundice, measles , meningitis, malaria , the acute respiratory infections and tetanus .

In Weekly Epidemiological Report No. 18 of May 6, 2005 you can read how the data were collected throughout the area and reported in detail.

In the same issue of the Weekly Epidemiological Report is another article, at the very beginning, which shows the confirmation of a case of polio in a child (not vaccinated) to 18 months in Indonesia. The onset of paralysis on March 13 and went back to the case was reported on 21 April 2005. Genetic analysis of the virus (it was of type 1) showed that had been imported from Africa.

How can this case that had eluded extensive monitoring system set up in the area destroyed by the tsunami?

But where the tsunami struck? That was where that child lived, the first case of polio quell'epidemia? Look at the map of Indonesia.

For a better understanding of the facts is also important to know the size of Indonesia and the number of population. In Wikipedia, we read that the area is 1,919,940 km2 (301,336 km2, Italy) and the inhabitants are approx. 220 million (Italy has approx. 60 million). Indonesia is the

seen with Google Earth: A =

Banda Aceh, the capital of the region where the tsunami had hit B =
Sukabumi, the district where the epidemic had begun

(to enlarge this and other images, click on it)

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe distance between these two places:

2,680 km away! It 's more or less the same distance that exists between Naples and Oslo, Norway:

In the chart you can see the coast where the tsunami hit (red areas) . The yellow star indicates the location of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, and is precisely in that area (West Java) that the epidemic had broken out three months after the tsunami.

The following chart shows in more detail where there have been cases of polio (the dots in red). As you can see, the epidemic was concentrated in the area around the site where the first case was reported. From there, the virus had spread in other areas, but thanks to mass vaccination that were organized, the transmission is controlled and eventually halted. In total, in 2005, there were 303 cases of wild poliovirus paralysis. In early 2006 there were still two cases and since then - until now - zero cases.

For clarity, here are two maps to compare:

We have therefore seen that this outbreak had nothing to do with and the fact that the tsunami "destroyed water supply and sewerage systems, leaving the population lives in conditions of extreme precariousness. ", but with the importation of virus from Africa and the low vaccination coverage. Only a few months after the beginning of the epidemic virus had reached across the island Sumatra, Aceh, the region that had suffered most by the tsunami. As you can see from the map, there have been cases scattered in various parts of 'Indonesia. But the worst hit area was thousands of miles away from the coast destroyed by the tsunami. So far as Naples Oslo.

I would also like to point out that in the topic of anti-vaccine I've covered in this post, just talking about the epidemic, but no mention of the fact that after the mass vaccination campaigns for polio has again been eliminated from Indonesia , 6 years. Yet the conditions life goes on even during and after the eradication of polio to be extremely precarious refugee camps and also in many other parts of Indonesia. Logically, it must be concluded that vaccinations may have been only, because everything else was unchanged. All in all a good example has become a misnomer.

The following chart shows the reduction of polio cases worldwide 1980 to 2009. The blue curve marks the vaccination coverage (Pol3 = 3 doses of vaccine) as it is officially reported by countries and the red immunization coverage estimated by WHO and UNICEF.

And this is the map of global immunization coverage in 2009. Here you can see the countries at high risk (red and pink), while areas in blue have a vaccination coverage of 90% or more. Countries where there are still cases of polio, the coverage is obviously low or very low.

Shortly after the beginning of this epidemic, which claimed a total of 305 cases of paralysis due to wild poliovirus, on Madura (East Java, Indonesia) was started, coincidentally, another outbreak of polio caused by poliovirus vaccine, however (45 paralysis) as a result of a reverse mutation had become virulent again. This epidemic lasted from June to October 2005. In the graph you can see where the epidemic is the island in question (there are blue triangles indicate the cases of paralysis from poliovirus vaccine). This is another argument they use to denigrate the anti-vaccine Sabin polio vaccination (OPV, that the oral vaccine containing live attenuated virus). More information about the differences between Sabin and Salk vaccine (IPV) are found in the previous post "Polio: it makes sense to vaccinate against a disease that we have no more?"

explain the issue of reverse mutation of the virus oral polio vaccine (which in Italy was replaced in 2002 by the Salk vaccine containing inactivated poliovirus and therefore can not cause cases of polio vaccine) in a separate post.

Added 10/02/11:

While preparing this post I had written to Dr. David Hipgrave that at the time the epidemic was the program director for health and nutrition of the 'UNICEF Indonesia ( is currently the director of health, nutrition, water, environment and sanitation UNICEF China) and in the meantime I sent the material. In the meantime, he said that in the region of Aceh (which is most affected by the tsunami), the cover for the third dose of DPT vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) was 48.5% . This information was found during a survey made in September 2005, nine months after the tsunami. Dr. Hipgrave told me that the coverage of DPT vaccine and measles vaccine is also indicated for coverage OPV3 (3 doses of oral polio) vaccines because that part of EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization ) are administered together. He also stressed that the region of Aceh in Indonesia was not the only one with such low vaccination coverage.

Figures che mi ha mandato si vede che nella regione Aceh ci sono stati un totale di 6 casi (il primo risale al 31 agosto 2005 e l'ultimo al febbraio 2006 che era anche l'ultimo dell'epidemia in Indonesia). Da allora non ci sono più stati casi di polio, fino ad oggi, grazie alle vaccinazioni di massa.

Spero di essere riuscita a dimostrare che anche l'argomento degli anti-vaccinisti  riguardo all'epidemia di polio in Indonesia dopo lo tsunami è da scartare. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Brazilian Wax In Killeen Tx

Open Leg presents the phenomenon of fashion blogging for

È arrivato il momento attesissimo (ma dove?) di parlare di qualcosa che mi sta molto a cuore, parlare di una pagina Facebook che mi ha rubato il cuore, ma prima: una vecchia troia pazza fotografata da David Lachapelle.

Quanto vorrei partecipare ad una festa americana con questi sciocchi personaggi! Party in the USA con Miley Cyrus.

However, today I will talk to someone who does PURE POISON . But first a quick overview: The
fashion blogging is a phenomenon that was born a few years ago and is primarily concerned with the SCIOCCHERELLE (use the female gender to include both deliberately Women that sfrante ) who write about fashion on their blog. At the international level, the fashion blogging is recognized as a source of earnings million dollars, with very blog valued and trusted as The Sartorialist or Manolo's shoe blog . Obviously the fashion industry takes advantage of the phenomenon, with large and small fashion houses that give bloggers their clothes or accessories (a bit 'as they do with celebrities) or paying them to propose certain look that you want to "push". And so the gains of the fashion bloggers are rising, thanks to Google AdSense and obnoxious advertising between a post and the other ...
And in a snap and six millionaire style icon !

Beth Ditto is one that, if he did not the singer, would be a good fashion blogger.

a job so he can not do throat which soon after THE TISSUE , the new answer to the question "What do you do grow up, tell her grandmother? ... Especially in Italy, where the easy money is searched da TUTTI (tranne che da Lele Mora, che ormai gira pubblicità di merda offrendosi per un euro ). Ma se gli italiani sono tanto bravi a fare gli stilisti, meno lo sono a fare blogger di moda: infatti se l'attività principale dovrebbe essere la scrittura critica, le fescioncretine italiane preferiscono farsi fare mille foto (le più poracce le foto se le fanno con la Nikon in autoscatto) con degli outfit sapientemente creati a cazzo, scrivendo INDOSSO UNA BORSA DI GUCCI, QUANTO MI PIACE! IL VESTITO È DI VIVIENNE, LE SCARPE PRADA . Parole seguite da 360'000 fotografie inutili.
Reflection: You can also wear clothes of top designers, but there's a fine line between sound and a style icon peasant Ukrainian / Eastern Europe enriched a hooker / a botched version of Maleficent of Sleeping Beauty.

And here comes into play my favorite Facebook page,

page teases put his improbable, ridiculous, vulgar and incompetent Sum of His self-styled Chiara Ferragni (sedicenty a fairly well known) and his court of aspiring sedicenty (with-y, to use both the singular and plural: a neologism trashy!). And since all these dear friends have international aspirations , write their posts in both Italian and English to attract a wider audience. Too bad that English is used at a level very least, worse than school: the fact sedicenty use English automatically di Google Translate , come ci dimostra questo bell'esempio, preso da un blog pieno di fondotinta e scritto da una che vive a Downtown Galliate:
The outfit you see in these pictures is what I wore Saturday night for the fashion show Men / Women of Seville (soon will the photos), because of work I believe that it alone will be referred to attend, but I will refer for the week women's fashion.

Poi c'è una disperata di Catanzaro ( Catanzaro is the new fashion Mecca! ) che ha un ciondolo comprato da una venditrice Avon in the shape of the Eiffel Tower (and is now PARIS!) and a fucking bag Renato Balestra (Avon, Eiffel Tower, Renato Balestra ... already here would be enough to close the blog and report it to the public outrage modesty) , is made with photos of Aprilia scooters and kneeling on the sidewalk wearing a sweater of his father and it is believed a story when Audrey Hepburn instead even balaora Daisy de flamenco you do not care!

short, if you want to become a fashion blogger should not leave by giving you a reflex from PAPI and a wardrobe cry, but by doing:
- an English course;
- a creative writing class Italian;
- a full immersion studies fashion
- a jump from the surgeon or, for the poor, a good makeup artist to make magic and make sublime
- a course in Adobe Photoshop CS5. short, learn to do something more than using the Clone tool to remove pimples and increased saturation and contrast to make the effect " discomfort 70s " it looks like fashion.

... and if after all this you still think you want to waste your time playing make bimbominkia fashionable ... you will not understand a shit.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Replace Conversion Van Vcr With Dvd

Poliomyelitis, it makes sense to vaccinate against a disease that we have no more?

La poliomielite [dal greco poli , grigio, e myelos , midollo spinale] è una malattia infettiva molto contagious, crippling and potentially deadly. It is caused by three types of polioviruses belonging to the family of picornaviruses (pico is going to small, so the name indicates that it is a "small RNA viruses").

There is no cure, the only way to avoid serious complications is prevention, ie, vaccination.

The infection occurs through the alimentary tract. There is no evidence that flies can passively contribute to the supply, contaminating the food. The viruses multiply in the intestinal mucosa but also in the oropharyngeal mucosa (throat and nose), then the infection occurs primarily via the fecal-oral but for a longer period limited, can also occur through droplets of saliva, for example by coughing or sneezing. Persons infected with polio virus to eliminate a few weeks in the faeces. Even those who do not manifest symptoms of the disease - in 95% of those infected the infection has an asymptomatic course (unreal) - can transmit the virus.

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Before you continue reading the article, I inform you that since 10.1.11, the Veneto Region has developed an online questionnaire for parents immunizations.

Please participate and run the link as much as possible.

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polioviruses are very stable so they can stay long in the environment or food. This feature facilitates the transmission. The poor hygiene increases the risk of infection. In all the countries of the world , children under two years of age create a microenvironment of poor hygiene within families e all'interno degli asilo nido favorendo il contagio oro-fecale e oro-orale (bocca-mani-bocca).
Vedi: The immunological basis for immunization series: Poliomyelitis

In circa uno su 200 infettati i virus arrivano attraverso il sangue al sistema nervoso centrale dove distruggono motoneuroni, provocando la paralisi flaccida. Nella maggior parte dei colpiti la paralisi riguarda una o anche entrambe le gambe. Nel 5-10% dei casi con paralisi, i virus paralizzano i muscoli dell'apparato respiratorio. Questi pazienti muoiono soffocati. Molti di loro sono sopravvissuti grazie all'invenzione del iron lung . Some had spent all my life, like the woman in this video that had been infected when she was 3 years before the vaccine was available:

A victim of polio, which helps raise money for the "March of Dimes," a fund for research into the prevention of polio:

Some children in iron lungs:

In 1955 was approved Salk vaccine (inactivated virus) and 1961 and 62 Sabin vaccine (live attenuated virus). Both vaccines have taken the names of doctors who direct their research. Both Dr. That Dr. Jonas Salk. Albert Sabin gave up their rights, and so both vaccines have been donated to humanity. The credit for the development of polio vaccines is not just about these two doctors, but many people have over time a very important contribution to these results.

In Italy, was initially used the Salk vaccine (IPV) since 1964 and the Sabin (OPV-before the monovalent vaccines, one for each of the three viruses that cause polio and then the three-way).

From 1999 to 2002 was used for the first two doses the Salk but the enhanced (e-IPV), which is much more effective than the first version, and the third on Sabin, to reduce the number of paralysis from vaccine in Italy during the 96 +97 +98 was 7 cases; thus exceeding the incidence found, which is 1 in 650,000 vaccinated.

It 'still a proof of the exceptional effectiveness of this vaccine after a few years since the number of cases fell and after 1982 there were only cases of vaccine-poliolmielite and even thousands of cases of a that occur each year in Italy in the era prevaccinale. The fact that for many years in Italy were the only cases of polio due to vaccine, used very frequentemente e con grande enfasi dagli antivaccinisti per denigrare la vaccinazione antipolio e - per associazione - tutte le vaccinazioni. Non si rendono minimamente conto che con questo argomento non fanno altro che ammettere l'eccezionale efficacia del vaccino: I CASI DI POLIOMIELITE NON CI SONO PIU' - un grandissimo successo della vaccinazione. I polmoni d'acciaio sono finiti nei musei e - per aver avuto l'opportunità di essere stati vaccinati - milioni di persone camminano oggi invece di essere paralizzati dal virus.

Dal giugno del 2002 viene usato esclusivamente il SALK. Il motivo per questa ulteriore modifica del calendario vaccinale è che il 21 giugno 2002 la Regione WHO Europa è stata dichiarata polio-free thus were no longer justified in cases of paralysis due to the Sabin vaccine as they were rare. The Salk - being composed of inactivated virus - can cause paralysis.

In 1988 the World Health Organization began a campaign to the global eradication of polio . beginning of this initiative in more than 125 countries were polio endemic (= widespread, rooted). Today, only 4 countries (Nigeria, India (most of which are now polio-free), Pakistan and Afghanistan (now almost all polio-free). Unfortunately there are some countries already polio-free years, in which the Recent viruses have been re-imported from endemic countries.

Today many people do not realize how much anxiety they experienced parents and children when the summer was approaching and there was concern the next epidemic of polio that would leave thousands of children paralyzed and killed many others.

So some parents who live in countries where for many years there are more cases of polio, now wonder whether it still makes sense to vaccinate and if the risks of the vaccine do not outweigh the risks of contracting polio. It 's a legitimate question (if it is expressed by a parent) and follows a logic that the individual may also have a "sense": Today, in Italy, thanks to the high vaccine coverage, children vaccinated against polio are not at great risk of becoming ill, as long as there are few. These children are relatively protected because they are surrounded by millions of others who have been vaccinated and that form the barrier between the virus and not vaccinated. With the increase in the number of unvaccinated children, the risk increases gradually.

must never forget that, even if the cases do not see with our eyes, polio still exists in the world. Just one person amounts the virus (for example from a trip to India) and the disease could take it back foot - as has already happened in many countries - if we do not maintain high immunization coverage. This person does not necessarily presenting symptoms of the disease to spread viruses. In fact, the vast majority of infected are asymptomatic and do not even know to be infected (and contagious!). So this person can spread the virus to many people before it presents the first case of paralysis.

Children in Italy since 2002 with the Salk vaccine, are protected mainly by the paralytic form of polio, because they have developed antibodies that circulate in the blood and eliminate the viruses they encounter. But this vaccine - as opposed to Sabin - by only a modest level of immunity to the intestinal mucosa. So even in vaccinated viruses can multiply in the gut, and thus spread in the population. If this happens, children are not vaccinated, not having protective antibodies, are at risk of paralysis if they are infected.

fact, for the eventuality that may arise a case of polio in Italy, there is a sufficient supply of vaccine Sabin to organize mass vaccination of emergency and thus block further spread.

In Holland, for example, despite a vaccination coverage of 97% (approx) for many years, there have been several outbreaks of polio in an area inhabited by a minority belonging to a community religious refusing vaccinations (the so-called bible belt). None of the cases era vaccinato:

Nel 1971 a Staphorst (39 casi di cui 5 morti):
Qui si può guardare un video di un'intervista ad una vittima di quell'epidemia


Nel 1978 (110 casi):
Anche quest'epidemia ha riguardato i membri di una delle comunità religiose che rifiuta le vaccinazioni, solo che al contrario di quanto era successo nelle epidemie del 1971 e 1992-93, questa viveva in mezzo alla popolazione che non apparteneva alla loro comunità. Tutti i 110 casi di polio appartenevano a questa comunità religiosa. Non c'era invece nemmeno un caso fra quella minoranza di olandesi che non era vaccinata per altri motivi (non religiosi). La spiegazione per questo fenomeno non è (come scrive il dott. Eugenio Serravalle nel suo libro "Bambini super-vaccinati") che i membri della comunità religiosa " vivevano in precarie condizioni igieniche" (sono invece normali cittadini con rubinetti in casa dai quali esce la stessa identica acqua). Il motivo è che anche se sono sparsi nella zona, ci sono frequenti contatti fra queste famiglie e ci si incontra anche in chiesa etc. I non vaccinati che non appartengono a questa comunità religiosa invece non hanno stretti contatti con i membri of this community nor do they attend to each other, but the individuals are separated from each other, surrounded and protected by well-vaccinated (ca. 97%). This example illustrates perfectly why it is important to continue to vaccinate all children, even when you live in a polio-free. E 'poliofree just for the fact that almost the entire population is vaccinated and will remain poliofree only if you continue to vaccinate.

in 1992-93 (71 cases including 2 deaths and 59 paralyzed):
poliomyelitis outbreak in an unvaccinated community in the Netherlands , 1992-93
Oostvogel PM et al. Lancet - 3 September 1994 Vol 344, Issue 8923, Pages 665-670

Other European examples where after so many years without a case of polio, there have been cases, Sweden (2 cases in 1977), Finland (9 cases in 1984/85), and now some countries in the Europe Region:
Outbreak Notice Polio Outbreak in Tajikistan, Cases in Russia Risk of spread to other Central Asian Countries

In 2009 the Commission for certification of polio eradication in the WHO European Region had expressed concern about Tajikistan and the country was classified as high risk of polio, if the virus were to be imported. The reason for this assessment was that the vaccine coverage - which had traditionally been very high - in recent years had fallen and was between 85 and 90%. In April of 2010 was the first confirmed case of polio (imported from India) from the wild virus type 1. The virus has spread and in total there were 458 cases incl. 27 dead. In the latter case (Until now) the symptoms started on 4.7.10. As soon as the first case of polio had been confirmed, the fire alarm and were organized mass vaccination. Nobody has refused to vaccinate their children, the vaccine was total acceptance of the offer and had to open additional clinics for vaccinations in order to meet the great demand. The virus has been exported from this epidemic in other neighboring countries (the Russian Federation (14 cases), Turkmenistan (3 cases), Kazakhstan (1 case). Due to the high vaccination coverage in these countries, the virus could not spread as he has in Tajikistan. precaution in these and other neighboring countries were made vaccinations di massa, per aumentare il livello di immunità e per coprire ev. zone con bassa copertura vaccinale.

Il seguente grafico mostra l'andamento dell'epidemia a Tajikistan. In rosso i casi di paralisi flaccida in cui il virus selvaggio del tipo 1 è stato confermato dal laboratirio. In marrone i casi paralisi flaccida causata dal  vaccino (OPV), anche questi del tipo1. In  verde i casi di paralisi flaccida in cui il risultato di laboratorio è stato negativo al poliovirus. SIA è l'abbreviazione per supplementary immunization activities , cioè le campagne di vaccinazione di massa. L'effetto si può vedere benissimo.

 Fonte: WHO Epidemiological Brief 8 of October 6, 2010

These facts are clear: It 's very important to remain vigilant and continue to vaccinate children.


The poliovirus travels!

  • by land by sea by air

and anybody can be a carrier!

... until there is a single child who has polio, children all over the world are at risk of polio. (WHO)

follow other posts that will examine in detail the various rumors about polio vaccine.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Make Your Own Wretlemania

tuition acting. Preparation for hearings. Specimens. Diction.

LESSONS private individual acting and diction in Rome.

Preparation for examinations Academy of Dramatic Art E drama schools,

for specimens and hearings.

Accademia S. D’Amico e tutte le scuole di teatro a Roma.

Presso la sede in Via Tiburtina o presso domicilio

Recitazione, dizione, teatro,spettacolo e canto

DOCENTE: M° Ivan Mori

direttore del


Dello Spettacolo di Roma

included in entry fee Academy of Dramatic Arts in Rome



Personalized learning paths

POSSIBLE Examples of training :


Relaxation and neutralize body and voice.

phases of technical development emotional

detailed study of the facemask.

Analysis and construction of the text.

Education speech in detail.

Techniques revenue sensory

Movement Scene Study of scenic elements and their interaction.

detailed study of the division of arts and their natural motion.


Correct pronunciation

Studio tecnico della costruzione del linguaggio e della determinazione della pronuncia.

Educazione vocale. Studio particolareggiato dell’ organo diaframma e tecniche diaframmatiche.

Fasi di tonalizzazione.

Completo uso professionale del diaframma.

Frequenza: da decidere insieme

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