. . . il caffe esce, sbuffa, si versa, la fiamma si spegne, il gas, tanto gas, il motorino del frigo riparte,
La sirena dell’ambulanza si sovrapponeva a quella dei vigili del fuoco e alle grida dei vicini.
Poi silenzio. Poi
- maschio, 28 anni, ustioni da esplosione, 200 cc di soluzione salina, pressione 80 su 140
- codice rosso, terapia intensive, sala due
- insufficienza respiratoria, dobbiamo intubare
E’ come stare sott’acqua ma senza essere bagnati o aver problemi di fiato, quasi avessi le branche. Bello librarsi sospeso in un tale mezzo denso e calmo. Mi muovo lentamente, non sento dolore, fatica, non sento nulla o quasi. Sono in uno stato idilliaco di una serenità vagheggiata piuttosto che reale. Poi arriva una fitta, un dolore assurto, il fiato mi manca, il collo mi tira, la gola mi brucia, le orecchie mi fischiano.
- uhp-uhp!
- Come si sente signor Fianchibianchi?
- Eh? Dove sono? Ahia mi fa male dappertutto!
- È the hospital had an accident at home this morning, but was lucky.
- Ah, lucky!? If you say so I feel apart
- Be calm now, does not move, it will be for a while!
The return to work was not so bad.
- how are you. . . how it goes. . . could andarti worse, you were lucky
- and I was lucky,
if you say so, if this is luck
- cmq, the great I recommend it if you need anything. . .
- thank you, do not worry I'm fine now
The hood was there as I had left, with yellow post-it and the words "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH." How many layers was
arrivato . . .vabbè ovviamente ricomincio
prendi il vetrino, immergilo in ferro solfato, aspetta un minuto, lava . . .
Sembrava tutto tornato come prima, il camice, i guanti, il caldo. Ma qualcosa di diverso c’era. Tutto sembrava uguale, immutato ma una sensazione di insofferenza aleggiava sinistra.
- Dottor Fianchibianchi
- si?
- Piacere sono Andrea Panca, dell’Agenzia Nazionale per le Energie Alternative
- Piacere, si accomodi
- Grazie, . . . le vorremmo chiedere qualche delucidazione su alcune delle sue più recenti scoperte in merito alle energie alternative.
- A si?! Mi dica.
- In una sua recente pubblicazione lei sostiene che si potrebbe, in principle, create artificial photosynthesis
- Yes, in a sense, you can see so
- In particular we were impressed with his idea of \u200b\u200bstoring energy like solar energy, photovoltaic generation, but in the form type of chemical compounds to be clear
sugar - is well! The idea is not mine, but let's say that I'm working for some time
- Well, our agency is very interested and would like to invite you to give a lecture at our

The palace was surrounded by large round silos for storage of hydrocarbons, there near the pier. You enter through the heavy gray sliding gate, the porter, the steps, then the elevator. It is not clear whether you climb or descend.
I turn my head a bit, I tie is a nuisance. . .
- good morning to all, we are pleased to host Dr. Fianchibianchi. . .
- thanks Engineer, for the introduction. Today I will explain my most recent results in the use. . .
hour of talk, applause, a few questions, applause, handshakes.
- please sit down doctor, like tea, juice
- no thanks, are affixed
- again congratulations for his first talk,
- thanks
- but let's go. As you know, we are very interested in his findings and we strongly believe in its potential. Our organization is responsible for years to recruit young scientists to create a task force operation which has as its goal the creation of alternative energy storage.
- I understand
- Our job is to support the search for such persons one hundred per cent, through and around three hundred and sixty degrees
- Everything flatters me and makes me curious, but what I have not yet figured out is what should I I do
- is, in fact. That depends on you. Only you can decide whether to accept. But do not worry there's time, we will hear us, do not worry, decide calmly. Excuse me, but now I gotta go, bye, it was a pleasure
- Wait, let me know. . . Mah!
- I have to go bye. . . Goodbye. Miss accompany the doctor, please. . .